



代码标签: react 贪吃蛇 游戏

下面为部分代码预览,完整代码请点击下载或在bfwstudio webide中打开

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" >


  <meta charset="UTF-8">

.SnakeContainer {
    border: 1px solid black;
.SnakeHead, .SnakeBody {
    background-color: black;
    position: absolute;
    border-radius: 4px;
.Fruit {
    border: 2px solid black;
    box-sizing: border-box;
    position: absolute;
    border-radius: 2px;



  <div id="root"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
      <script type="text/babel" >
      'use strict';

var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) {for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {var source = arguments[i];for (var key in source) {if (, key)) {target[key] = source[key];}}}return target;};

var _createClass = function () {function defineProperties(target, props) {for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {var descriptor = props[i];descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;descriptor.configurable = true;if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);}}return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);return Constructor;};}();

function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");}}

function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) {if (!self) {throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");}return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self;}

function _inherits(subClass, superClass) {if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) {throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass);}subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } });if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass;}

/* global document */
// var React = require('react');
// var PropTypes = require('prop-types');

function getInitialState() {
  return {
    x: null,
    y: null,
    swiping: false,
    start: 0 };


function getMovingPosition(e) {
  // If not a touch, determine point from mouse coordinates
  return 'changedTouches' in e ? { x: e.changedTouches[0].clientX, y: e.changedTouches[0].clientY } : { x: e.clientX, y: e.clientY };
function getPosition(e) {
  // If not a touch, determine point from mouse coordinates
  return 'touches' in e ? { x: e.touches[0].clientX, y: e.touches[0].clientY } : { x: e.clientX, y: e.clientY };

function calculatePos(e, state) {
  var _getMovingPosition = getMovingPosition(e),
  x = _getMovingPosition.x,
  y = _getMovingPosition.y;

  var deltaX = state.x - x;
  var deltaY = state.y - y;

  var absX = Math.abs(deltaX);
  var absY = Math.abs(deltaY);

  var time = - state.start;
  var velocity = Math.sqrt(absX * absX + absY * absY) / time;

  return { deltaX: deltaX, deltaY: deltaY, absX: absX, absY: absY, velocity: velocity };

var Swipeable = function (_React$Component) {
  _inherits(Swipeable, _React$Component);

  function Swipeable(props, context) {
    _classCallCheck(this, Swipeable);

    var _this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (Swipeable.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Swipeable)).call(this, props, context));

    _this.eventStart = _this.eventStart.bind(_this);
    _this.eventMove = _this.eventMove.bind(_this);
    _this.eventEnd = _this.eventEnd.bind(_this);
    _this.mouseDown = _this.mouseDown.bind(_this);
    _this.mouseMove = _this.mouseMove.bind(_this);
    _this.mouseUp = _this.mouseUp.bind(_this);
    _this.cleanupMouseListeners = _this.cleanupMouseListeners.bind(_this);
    _this.setupMouseListeners = _this.setupMouseListeners.bind(_this);
    return _this;

  _createClass(Swipeable, [{
    key: 'componentWillMount',
    value: function componentWillMount() {
      // setup internal swipeable state
      this.swipeable = getInitialState();
    } },
    key: 'componentDidUpdate',
    value: function componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
      // swipeable toggled either on/off, so stop tracking swipes and clean up
      if (prevProps.disabled !== this.props.disabled) {
        // reset internal swipeable state
        this.swipeable = getInitialState();
    } },
    key: 'componentWillUnmount',
    value: function componentWillUnmount() {
    } },
    key: 'setupMouseListeners',
    value: function setupMouseListeners() {
      document.addEventListener('mousemove', this.mouseMove);
      document.addEventListener('mouseup', this.mouseUp);
    } },
    key: 'cleanupMouseListeners',
    value: function cleanupMouseListeners() {
      // safe to call, if no match is found has no effect
      document.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.mouseMove);
      document.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.mouseUp);
    } },
    key: 'mouseDown',
    value: function mouseDown(e) {
      if (!this.props.trackMouse || e.type !== 'mousedown') {
      // allow 'orig' props.onMouseDown to fire also
      // eslint-disable-next-line react/prop-types
      if (typeof this.props.onMouseDown === 'function') this.props.onMouseDown(e);

      // setup document listeners to track mouse movement outside <Swipeable>'s area

    } },
    key: 'mouseMove',
    value: function mouseMove(e) {
    } },
    key: 'mouseUp',
    value: function mouseUp(e) {
    } },
    key: 'eventStart',
    value: function eventStart(e) {
      // if more than a single touch don't track, for now...
      if (e.touches && e.touches.length > 1) return;

      var _getPosition = getPosition(e),
      x = _getPosition.x,
      y = _getPosition.y;

      if (this.props.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();

      this.swipeable = { start:, x: x, y: y, swiping: false };
    } },
    key: 'eventMove',
    value: function eventMove(e) {
      var _props = this.props,
      stopPropagation = _props.stopPropagation,
      delta =,
      onSwiping = _props.onSwiping,
      onSwipingLeft = _props.onSwipingLeft,
      onSwipedLeft = _props.onSwipedLeft,
      onSwipingRight = _props.onSwipingRight,
      onSwipedRight = _props.onSwipedRight,
      onSwipingUp = _props.onSwipingUp,
      onSwipedUp = _props.onSwipedUp,
      onSwipingDown = _props.onSwipingDown,
      onSwipedDown = _props.onSwipedDown,
      preventDefaultTouchmoveEvent = _props.preventDefaultTouchmoveEvent;

      if (!this.swipeable.x || !this.swipeable.y || e.touches && e.touches.length > 1) {

      var pos = calculatePos(e, this.swipeable);

      // if swipe is under delta and we have not already started to track a swipe: return
      if (pos.absX < delta && pos.absY < delta && !this.swipeable.swiping) return;

      if (stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();

      if (onSwiping) {
        onSwiping(e, pos.deltaX, pos.deltaY, pos.absX, pos.absY, pos.velocity);

      var cancelablePageSwipe = false;
      if (pos.absX > pos.absY) {
        if (pos.deltaX > 0) {
          if (onSwipingLeft || onSwipedLeft) {
            onSwipingLeft && onSwipingLeft(e, pos.absX);
            cancelablePageSwipe = true;
        } else if (onSwipingRight || onSwipedRight) {
          onSwipingRight && onSwipingRight(e, pos.absX);
          cancelablePageSwipe = true;
      } else if (pos.deltaY > 0) {
        if (onSwipingUp || onSwipedUp) {
          onSwipingUp && onSwipingUp(e, pos.absY);
          cancelablePageSwipe = true;
      } else if (onSwipingDown || onSwipedDown) {
        onSwipingDown && onSwipingDown(e, pos.absY);
        cancelablePageSwipe = true;

      this.swipeable.swiping = true;

      if (cancelablePageSwipe && preventDefaultTouchmoveEvent) e.preventDefault();
    } },
    key: 'eventEnd',
    value: function eventEnd(e) {
      var _props2 = this.props,
      stopPropagation = _props2.stopPropagation,
      flickThreshold = _props2.flickThreshold,
      onSwiped = _props2.onSwiped,
      onSwipedLeft = _props2.onSwipedLeft,
      onSwipedRight = _props2.onSwipedRight,
      onSwipedUp = _props2.onSwipedUp,
      onSwipedDown = _props2.onSwipedDown,
      onTap = _props2.onTap;

      if (this.swipeable.swiping) {
        var pos = calculatePos(e, this.swipeable);

        if (stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();

        var isFlick = pos.velocity > flickThreshold;

        onSwiped && onSwiped(e, pos.deltaX, pos.deltaY, isFlick, pos.velocity);

        if (pos.absX > pos.absY) {
          if (pos.deltaX > 0) {
            onSwipedLeft && onSwipedLeft(e, pos.deltaX, .........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看
