下面为部分代码预览,完整代码请点击下载或在bfwstudio webide中打开
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <style> html { text-align: center;padding:100px;} </style> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript" src="//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/js/p5.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/js/p5.dom.min.js"></script> <script> var player; var computer; var ball; var playerServe; var goalWaitPeriod = false; var sparks = []; var lightningForge; var isPlayerForcePush = false; var isCompForcePush = false; var xoff = 0; function setup() { var c = window.innerHeight <= 542 ? window.innerHeight - 20 : 522; var d = window.innerWidth <= 957 ? window.innerWidth - 20 : 937; createCanvas(d, c); player = new Player(); computer = new Computer(); ball = new Ball(width / 2, height / 2); scoreboard = new Scoreboard(); playerServe = true; lightningForge = new LightningForge(); textSize(32); textFont("Futura") } function draw() { if (goalWaitPeriod) { translate(random(-13, 13), random(-13, 13)) } background(25); stroke(255); line(width / 2, 0, width / 2, height); player.update(); if (keyIsDown(UP_ARROW)) { player.move(0, -7) } else { if (keyIsDown(DOWN_ARROW)) { player.move(0, 7) } } player.show(); if (isPlayerForcePush) { player.paddle.forceUpdate("player") } computer.update(); if (isCompForcePush) { computer.paddle.forceUpdate("computer") } computer.show(); text(scoreboard.playerScore + " / 7", width / 2 - 140, 60); text(scoreboard.computerScore + " / 7", width / 2 + 60, 60); for (var c = sparks.length - 1; c >= 0; c--) { sparks[c].update(); sparks[c].show(); if (sparks[c].done()) { sparks.splice(c, 1) } } if (scoreboard.gameOver()) { fill(25, 123); noStroke(); rect(0, 0, width, height); fill(255); var d = scoreboard.playerScore > scoreboard.computerScore ? "You win! " : "You lose! "; text(d + scoreboard.playerScore + " to " + scoreboard.computerScore + ".", width / 2 - 130, height / 2 - 40); text("Press spacebar to play again.", width / 2 - 220, height / 2) } else { if (!goalWaitPeriod) { if (lightningForge.forgeIsFormed()) { ball.update(); ball.show() } else { lightningForge.update(); lightningForge.show() } } } } function keyPressed() { if (scoreboard.gameOver && keyCode === 32) { scoreboard.resetScore() } } function Paddle(g, h, f, e) { this.x = g; this.y = h; this.width = f; this.height = e; this.xspeed = 0; this.yspeed = 0; this.forcePushTime = 0; this.show = function() { if (isPlayerForcePush) { fill(255) } else { fill(240) } rect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height, 5) }; this.forceUpdate = function(a) { if (this.forcePushTime < 6) { this.x -= 1; this.width += 2; this.y -= 1; this.height += 2; this.forcePushTime += 1 } else { if (this.forcePushTime < 12) { this.x += 1; this.width -= 2; this.y += 1; this.height -= 2; this.forcePushTime += 1 } else { if (a === "player") { isPlayerForcePush = false } else { isCompForcePush = false } this.forcePushTime = 0 } } } } function Scoreboard() { this.playerScore = 0; this.computerScore = 0; this.gameOver = function() { return this.playerScore === 7 || this.computerScore === 7 }; this.resetScore = function() { this.playerScore = 0; this.computerScore = 0 }; this.playerScored = function() { this.playerScore += 1 }; this.computerScored = function() { this.computerScore += 1 } } function Player() { this.paddle = new Paddle(30, (height / 2) - 25, 20, 70); this.update = function() { this.paddle.xspeed = 0; this.paddle.yspeed = 0 }; this.move = function(c, d) { this.paddle.x += c; this.paddle.y += d; this.paddle.xspeed = c; this.paddle.yspeed = d; if (this.paddle.y < 0) { this.paddle.y = 0; this.paddle.yspeed = 0 } else { if (this.paddle.y + this.paddle.height > height) { this.paddle.y = height - this.paddle.height; this.paddle.yspeed = 0 } } }; this.show = function() { this.paddle.show() } } function Computer() { this.paddle = new Paddle(width - 50, (height / 2) - 25, 20, 70); this.move = function(c, d) { this.paddle.x += c; this.paddle.y += d; this.paddle.xspeed = c; this.paddle.yspeed = d; if (this.paddle.y < 0) { this.paddle.y = 0; this.paddle.yspeed = 0 } else { if (this.paddle.y + this.paddle.height > height) { this.paddle.y = height - this.paddle.height; this.paddle.yspeed = 0 } } }; this.update = function() { var d = ball.y; var c = -((this.paddle.y + (this.paddle.height / 2)) - d); if (c < 0 && c < -4) { c = -8 } else { .........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看