



代码标签: webgl 草原 瓢虫 三维

下面为部分代码预览,完整代码请点击下载或在bfwstudio webide中打开

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" >


  <meta charset="UTF-8">
html {
  height: 100%;
body {
  background: #286870;
  background: -moz-linear-gradient(180deg, #286870 0%, #0b232b 62%, #588849 100%);
  background: -webkit-linear-gradient(180deg, #286870 0%, #0b232b 62%, #588849 100%);
  background: linear-gradient(180deg, #286870 0%, #0b232b 62%, #588849 100%);
  overflow: hidden;
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  display: flex;
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  position: relative;
canvas {
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  box-shadow: 2px 20px 13px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75);
  position: absolute;
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  transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
  width: 800px;
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<body >
  <!-- VertexShader code here -->
<script id="vertexShader" type="x-shader/x-vertex">#version 300 es
precision highp float;
in vec4 vPosition;
void main() {
	gl_Position = vPosition;
<!-- FragmentShader code here -->
<script id="fragmentShader" type="x-shader/x-fragment">#version 300 es
precision highp float;
out vec4 fragColor;
uniform vec4 mouse;
uniform vec2 resolution;
uniform float time;

#define R           resolution
#define T           time
#define M           mouse

#define PI  3.14159265359
#define PI2 6.28318530718

#define MAX_DIST    120.
#define MIN_DIST    .0005

float hash21(vec2 p) { return fract(sin(dot(p,vec2(23.86,48.32)))*4374.432); }
vec2  hash2( vec2 p) { return fract(sin(vec2(dot(p,vec2(127.1,311.7)),dot(p,vec2(269.5,183.3))))*43758.5453); }
vec3  hash3( vec2 p) {
    vec3 q = vec3( dot(p,vec2(127.1,311.7)), dot(p,vec2(269.5,183.3)), dot(p,vec2(419.2,371.9)) );
	return fract(sin(q)*43758.5453);

mat2 rot(float a) { return mat2(cos(a),sin(a),-sin(a),cos(a)); }
vec3 noised( in vec2 x ){
    vec2 f = fract(x);
    vec2 u = f*f*(3.0-2.0*f);
    vec2 p = vec2(floor(x));
    float a = hash21( p+vec2(0,0) );
	float b = hash21( p+vec2(1,0) );
	float c = hash21( p+vec2(0,1) );
	float d = hash21( p+vec2(1,1) );
	return vec3(a+(b-a)*u.x+(c-a)*u.y+(a-b-c+d)*u.x*u.y,

float fbm( vec2 p, float freq ) {	
	float h = -1.,w = 2.6,m = .35;
	for (float i = 0.; i < freq; i++) {
		h += w * noised((p * m)).x;
		w *= .5;
		m *= 2.;
	return h;

vec2 truchet(vec2 uv, float scale) {
    uv *= scale;   
    vec2 grid = fract(uv)-.5;
    vec2 id = floor(uv);
    float hs = hash21(id);
    if(hs>.5) grid.x*=-1.;
    vec2 d2 = vec2(length(grid-.5), length(grid+.5));
    vec2 gx = d2.x<d2.y? vec2(grid-.5) : vec2(grid+.5);
    float circle = length(gx)-.5;
    return vec2(clamp(circle,0.,1.),hs);

//@iq Voronoi Distances
vec4 voronoi( in vec2 x){
    vec2 n = floor(x);
    vec2 f = fract(x);
    float ox = 0.;
	float wave = 323.23123;
	vec2 mg, mr;

    float md = 8.;
    for( float j=-1.; j<=1.; j++ )
    for( float i=-1.; i<=1.; i++ )
        vec2 g = vec2(i,j);
		vec2 o = hash2( n + g );

		o = .35 + .35 *sin(o * wave + PI2);
        vec2 r = g + o - f;
        float d = dot(r,r);
        if( d<md ){
            md = d;
            mr = r;
            mg = g;

    md = 8.;
    for( float j=-2.; j<=2.; j++ )
    for( float i=-2.; i<=2.; i++ )
        vec2 g = mg + vec2(i,j);
		vec2 o = hash2( n + g );
        ox = o.x;
		o = .35 + .35 *sin(o * wave + PI2);
        vec2 r = g + o - f;
        if( dot(mr-r,mr-r)>.00001 )
        md = min( md, dot( .5*(mr+r), normalize(r-mr) ) );
    return vec4( md, mr, ox );

vec3 hitPoint,hit;
mat2 rotA,rotB,rotC;

float box(vec3 p,vec3 s) {
    p=abs(p)-s; return max(p.x,max(p.y,p.z));

float box(vec2 p, vec2 b) {
    vec2 d = abs(p)-b; return length(max(d,0.0)) + min(max(d.x,d.y),0.0);

// Field created watching @nusans shader livestream
// with some improvisations on some things

float blade(vec3 p, float sc) {
    p/=sc; p.y-=1.5;
    p.zx+= abs(p.xz)*.1;
    float wd = sin((p.y+1.5)*1.5)*.1;
    float d = box(p,vec3(wd,1.5,wd));
    return d*sc*.8;

vec2 field(vec3 p, float rp) {
    vec2 res=vec2(1e5,0);
    vec2 id=floor(p.xz/rp-.5);
    float hs = hash21(id);

    float fs = hash21(id+3.4);
    float sc = .5+hs*.8;
    float b = blade(p,sc);
    if(b<res.x) res =vec2(b,1.);
    if(fs>.9) {
        float fb=length(p-vec3(0,sc*2.,0))-(sc*.075);
        if(fb<res.x) res =vec2(fb,6.);
    return res;

vec2 grass(vec3 p) {
    vec2 res = vec2(1e5,0),d;
    p.xz +=sin(p.zx*.15+p.y*.1+T*3.)*.3*max(0.,p.y)*.5;
    d = field(p,1.75);
    if(d.x<res.x) res = d;
    d = field(p,1.15);
    if(d.x<res.x) res = d;
    d = field(p,.75);
    if(d.x<res.x) res = d;
    return res;

float specks(vec3 p,float rp) {
    p = (fract(p/rp-.5)-.5)*rp;   
    return length(p)-.05;

float mst=0.;
float mist(vec3 p) {  
    vec3 q = p;
    float d = specks(p,11.);
    d = min(specks(p,7.),d);
    d += max(.0,-(6.-q.y)*.025);
    return d; 

// The truchet path is something I made up, however I haven't
// found a good way of implimenting yet - tried some other 
// multi-tap systems so prevent the cutoff but not smart enough
// mathwise to know what I'm trying to do.
// well its not perfect but looks ok if you squint.

float gid,sid;
vec2 map(vec3 p, float sd) {
	  vec2 res = vec2(1e5,0.);
    vec3 pbk = p;
    float gnd = fbm(p.xz*.15,.1)*1.95;
    vec2 uv = p.xz*.05;
    float py = p.y+.5;
    vec2 tc = truchet(p.xz,.05);
    float cc = tc.x;
    vec2 dx = grass(p);
    if(dx.x<res.x) {
           dx.x += max(.1,.15-cc*.25);
       res = vec2(dx.x,dx.y);
    float mt3 = mist(p);

    if(mt3<res.x && sd>0.) {
       res = vec2(mt3,3.);
       mst +=clamp(.0025/(.00025+mt3*mt3) ,.0, max(.0, (gnd)*.015) );
       //mst += .0025/(.00025+mt3*mt3);
    vec2 id = floor(p.xz*.05);
    vec2 guv= fract(p.xz*.05)-.5;
    float hs .........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看
