下面为部分代码预览,完整代码请点击下载或在bfwstudio webide中打开
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <link href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Oswald:400,300' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> <link href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Chewy' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> <style> html, body { height: 100%; } body { position: relative; margin: 0; } select { border: none; outline: none; } button { outline: none; border: none; cursor: pointer; } body, button { font-family: "Oswald", sans-serif; font-weight: 300; } /* LANDSCAPE */ .sky, .land { position: relative; } .sky { background-color: #D9F1FB; height: 14em; } .land { background-color: #EAE2D7; min-height: 30em; } .sun { position: relative; left: 24em; background: gold; height: 0; width: 0; padding: 2em; border-radius: 50%; border: 0.8em solid goldenrod; } /* CLOUDS */ .clouds .cloud { position: absolute; } .clouds .cloud .base { position: absolute; top: 2em; left: -1.5em; height: 1.6em; width: 8em; background-color: ghostwhite; border-radius: 1em; box-shadow: inset -2.2em 0 0 beige; } .clouds .cloud .big_bubble { border: 2.5em solid beige; } .clouds .cloud .small_bubble { position: absolute; top: 1em; left: -0.1em; border: 1.5em solid ghostwhite; } .clouds .cloud .small_bubble, .clouds .cloud .big_bubble { height: 0; width: 0; border-radius: 50%; transform: rotate(45deg); border-bottom-color: transparent; border-right-color: transparent; } .clouds .cloud:nth-child(1) { top: 1.5em; left: 13em; transform: scale(1.2); } .clouds .cloud:nth-child(2) { top: 1em; left: 33em; transform: scale(1.1, 0.9); } .clouds .cloud:nth-child(3) { top: 0.6em; left: 48em; } .clouds .cloud:nth-child(4) { top: 1em; left: 62em; transform: scale(1.1); } .clouds .cloud:nth-child(5) { top: 2em; left: 78em; transform: scale(1.1, 0.9); } .clouds .cloud:nth-child(6) { top: 1em; left: 88em; transform: scale(0.8); } .clouds .cloud:nth-child(7) { top: 1em; left: 1em; transform: scale(0.8); } .clouds .cloud:nth-child(9) { top: 1em; left: 1em; transform: scale(0.7); } /* MOUNTAINS */ .mountains { overflow: hidden; position: relative; height: 10em; } .mountains .mountain { position: absolute; bottom: -4em; height: 10em; width: 10em; transform: rotate(45deg); border-top-left-radius: 14%; border-top-right-radius: 80% 20%; border-bottom-left-radius: 20% 80%; background: linear-gradient(45deg, #737373 50%, transparent 50%) no-repeat, linear-gradient(-45deg, transparent 50%, #737373 50%) 0 90px no-repeat, linear-gradient(135deg, grey 57.5%, transparent 57.5%) no-repeat; } .mountains .mountain:nth-child(1), .mountains .mountain:nth-child(5), .mountains .mountain:nth-child(7), .mountains .mountain:nth-child(10), .mountains .mountain:nth-child(11) { transform: rotate(45deg) scale(1.2); } .mountains .mountain:nth-child(3), .mountains .mountain:nth-child(7), .mountains .mountain:nth-child(9) { background: linear-gradient(45deg, #8a8b18 50%, transparent 50%) no-repeat, linear-gradient(-45deg, transparent 50%, #8a8b18 50%) 0 90px no-repeat, linear-gradient(135deg, #a0a11c 57.5%, transparent 57.5%) no-repeat; } .mountains .mountain:nth-child(2) { left: 16em; } .mountains .mountain:nth-child(3) { left: 8em; } .mountains .mountain:nth-child(4) { left: 45em; } .mountains .mountain:nth-child(5) { left: 35em; } .mountains .mountain:nth-child(6) { left: 60em; } .mountains .mountain:nth-child(7) { left: 55em; } .mountains .mountain:nth-child(8) { left: 73em; } .mountains .mountain:nth-child(9) { left: 77em; } .mountains .mountain:nth-child(10) { left: 87em; } .mountains .mountain:nth-child(11) { left: 93em; } /* TREES */ .tree { background: #35740a; box-shadow: inset 1em 0 0 #408B0C; border-radius: 1em; height: 5em; width: 2em; transition: transform 1s; } .tree:nth-child(4n) { background: #da7b33; box-shadow: inset 1em 0 0 #de8949; } .tree .branch { border: 0.2em solid #563D3D; width: 0.8em; height: 0.8em; transform: rotate(45deg); border-top: 0; border-left: 0; position: relative; } .tree .branch:before, .tree .branch:after { content: ""; height: 0.175em; width: 0.175em; background-color: #563D3D; border-radius: 50%; position: absolute; } .tree .branch:after { right: -0.178125em; top: -0.11875em; } .tree .branch:before { left: -0.11875em; bottom: -0.178125em; } .tree .branch:nth-child(1) { position: absolute; top: 35%; left: 25%; } .tree .branch:nth-child(2) { position: absolute; top: 60%; left: 25%; } .tree .shadow { height: 0.5em; width: 1.5em; background: rgba(198, 198, 198, 0.5); border-radius: 50%; position: absolute; bottom: -2.2em; left: 10%; z-index: -1; transition: width 1s; } .tree .shadow.blown { width: 2.5em; } .tree .trunk { background-color: #563D3D; height: 5.5em; width: 0.25em; border-radius: 0.5em; position: absolute; bottom: -2em; left: 42%; } .tree.blown { transition: transform 1s; transform: scale(0.7) skewX(-5deg) !important; } .tree.blown .shadow { width: 2.5em; } .trees { position: relative; z-index: 0; } .trees .tree { position: absolute; top: -3em; transform: scale(0.7); } .trees .tree:nth-child(1) { left: 18em; top: -3.2em; } .trees .tree:nth-child(2) { left: 33em; top: -3.5em; } .trees .tree:nth-child(3) { left: 24em; } .trees .tree:nth-child(4) { left: 45em; } .trees .tree:nth-child(5) { left: 35em; } .trees .tree:nth-child(6) { left: 66em; } .trees .tree:nth-child(7) { left: 55em; top: -3.6em; } .trees .tree:nth-child(8) { left: 73em; } .trees .tree:nth-child(9) { left: 75em; top: -3.1em; } .trees .tree:nth-child(10) { left: 83em; top: -2.8em; } .trees .tree:nth-child(11) { left: 89em; } /* INTERFACE */ button { background: yellow; font-size: 14px; border-radius: 1px; padding: 2px 8px 3px 8px; } button:active { background-color: yellowgreen; } .board .tree { position: absolute; transform: scale(0.7); } .blink { animation: blink 1s steps(2, start) infinite; } @keyframes blink { to { background-color: yellowgreen; } } .inkdot { animation-name: inkdot; animation-timing-function: linear; animation-iteration-count: infinite; } @keyframes inkdot { 0% { transform: scale(0); } 100% { transform: scale(1); } } .info { position: absolute; bottom: 0; } .start, .change_map, .difficulty { position: absolute; left: -4em; z-index: 10; } .start { top: 0; } .change_map { top: 2.2em; } .difficulty { top: 4.4em; font-size: 14px; background-color: silver; } .level { display: inline-block; padding: 0.125em; } .score { margin-right: 0.5em; } .overlay { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: black; opacity: 0.6; filter: alpha(opacity=60); z-index: 100; } .overlay-box { position: fixed; top: 10%; left: 50%; margin-left: -13em; z-index: 101; } .instructions-box { background: #c7baa8; border: 9px solid; width: 25em; height: 20em; border-radius: 1px; border-color: #f1c40f; border-bottom-color: #c29d0b; border-right-color: #dab10d; color: #66595c; } .js-close-overlay { cursor: pointer; position: absolute; left: 92%; top: 0%; color: #66595c; } .instructions { border: 1px solid #EAE2D7; padding: 1.8em 1em 1em 1em; height: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: sans-serif; line-height: 22px; } .instructions h2 { font-family: Oswald, sans-serif; } /* BOARD */ .board { display: inline-block; /* instead of overflow */ padding: 3em 3em 1em 5em; } .board .cell { position: relative; float: left; /* for testing */ } /* TREE / NODE */ .board .cell .node, .board .cell .non { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; border-radius: 50%; z-index: 1; user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; cursor: pointer; font-size: 12px; height: 2.2em; width: 2.2em; line-height: 2.2em; text-align: center; background-color: skyblue; } .board .cell .node.extension, .board .cell .non.extension { background-color: palevioletred; } .board .cell .node.dead_end, .board .cell .non.dead_end { background-color: #424c56; display: none; } .board .cell .node.leaf, .board .cell .non.leaf { background-color: forestgreen; display: none; } .board .cell .node.root, .board .cell .non.root { background-color: yellowgreen; } .board .cell .node.blacknwhite, .board .cell .non.blacknwhite { background: #444; color: #f9f9f9; } .board .cell .edge { position: absolute; opacity: 0.4; } .board .cell .edge.selected { opacity: 1; } .board .cell.east .edge.east, .board .cell.east .edge.west, .board .cell.west .edge.east, .board .cell.west .edge.west { background: linear-gradient(0deg, transparent 22%, grey 22%, grey 33%, transparent 33%, transparent 67%, grey 67%, grey 78%, transparent 78%), repeating-linear-gradient(90deg, transparent, transparent 0.25em, #7B5026 0.25em, #7B5026 0.5em); top: 0.35em; right: 0; height: 0.9em; width: 5.6em; } .board .cell.east .edge.east.shorter, .board .cell.east .edge.west.shorter, .board .cell.west .edge.east.shorter, .board .cell.west .edge.west.shorter { right: 4.6em; width: 1em; } .board .cell.south .edge.south, .board .cell.south .edge.north, .board .cell.north .edge.south, .board .cell.north .edge.north { background: linear-gradient(90deg, transparent 22%, grey 22%, grey 33%, transparent 33%, transparent 67%, grey 67%, grey 78%, transparent 78%), repeating-linear-gradient(0deg, transparent, transparent 0.25em, #7B5026 0.25em, #7B5026 0.5em); left: 0.35em; bottom: 0; width: 0.9em; height: 5.6em; } .board .cell.joint .node { height: 1.5em; width: 1.5em; top: 0.7em; left: 0.7em; background: radial-gradient(transparent 33%, grey 36%, grey 39%, transparent 43%, transparent 57.5%, grey 61.5%, grey 63.5%, transparent 68%); background-size: 200% 200%; border-radius: 0; cursor: auto; display: block; } .board .cell.east_to_north .node, .board .cell.north_to_east .node { background-position: 0 100%; top: 0; left: 0.7em; } .board .cell.west_to_north .node, .board .cell.north_to_west .node { background-position: 100% 100%; top: 0; left: 0; } .board .cell.west_to_south .node, .board .cell.south_to_west .node { background-position: 100% 0; top: 0.7em; left: 0; } .board .cell.south_to_north .node, .board .cell.north_to_south .node { display: none; } .board .cell.south_to_north .south.edge, .board .cell.north_to_south .south.edge { height: 100%; } .board .cell.east_to_west .node, .board .cell.west_to_east .node { display: none; } .board .cell.east_to_west .east.edge, .board .cell.west_to_east .east.edge { width: 100%; } /* PLANKS */ .plank { height: 0.25em; width: 0.875em; background-color: #7B5026; position: absolute; } .plank:nth-child(1) { transform: rotate(45deg); left: 0.6875em; top: 0.9375em; } .plank:nth-child(2) { transform: rotate(22.5deg); left: 0.4375em; top: 1.3125em; } .plank:nth-child(3) { transform: rotate(67.5deg); left: 1.0625em; top: 0.6875em; } .west_to_south .plank:nth-child(1), .south_to_west .plank:nth-child(1) { top: 1em; left: 0.0625em; transform: rotate(-45deg); } .west_to_south .plank:nth-child(2), .south_to_west .plank:nth-child(2) { top: 1.3125em; left: 0.3125em; transform: rotate(-22.5deg); } .west_to_south .plank:nth-child(3), .south_to_west .plank:nth-child(3) { top: 0.75em; left: -0.25em; transform: rotate(-67.5deg); } .west_to_north .plank:nth-child(1), .north_to_west .plank:nth-child(1) { transform: rotate(45deg); top: 0.375em; left: 0.1875em; } .west_to_north .plank:nth-child(2), .north_to_west .plank:nth-child(2) { transform: rotate(22.5deg); top: -0.0625em; left: 0.375em; } .west_to_north .plank:nth-child(3), .north_to_west .plank:nth-child(3) { transform: rotate(67.5deg); top: 0.625em; left: -0.1875em; } .east_to_north .plank:nth-child(1), .north_to_east .plank:nth-child(1) { transform: rotate(-45deg); left: 0.625em; top: 0.4375em; } .east_to_north .plank:nth-child(2), .north_to_east .plank:nth-child(2) { transform: rotate(-22.5deg); left: 0.4375em; top: 0; } .east_to_north .plank:nth-child(3), .north_to_east .plank:nth-child(3) { transform: rotate(-67.5deg); left: 1.0625em; top: 0.6875em; } /* HOUSE */ .house.white .roof { background: #f9a745; } .house.white .side { background: #d28a48; } .house.white .front { background: #f7f3dd; } .house.white .front:before { border-bottom: 1.625em solid #f7f3dd; } .house.red .roof { background: #aba195; } .house.red .side { background: #b3322a; } .house.red .front { background: #d45149; } .house.red .front:before { border-bottom: 1.625em solid #d45149; } .house { position: relative; width: 4.8em; } .house .front { width: 2.25em; height: 2.25em; background-color: #ddaf3e; position: relative; float: left; } .house .front:before { content: ""; position: absolute; height: 0; width: 0; top: -2.75em; border: 1.125em solid transparent; border-bottom: 1.625em solid #ddaf3e; } .house .side { height: 2.25em; width: 2.5em; background-color: #99751b; float: left; padding: 0.625em; box-sizing: border-box; text-align: center; color: antiquewhite; text-shadow: 0 0 whitesmoke; line-height: 1.125em; } .house .roof { height: 1.625em; width: 2.5em; transform: skewX(35deg); background-color: #bc8f21; position: absolute; top: -1.625em; right: 0.625em; } .house .tunnel { height: 1.375em; width: 1.5em; background-color: #2e2e2e; position: absolute; left: 0.375em; bottom: 0; } .house .tunnel:before { content: ""; position: absolute; top: -0.6875em; left: 0; width: 0; height: 0; transform: rotate(45deg); border: 0.75em solid transparent; border-top-color: #2e2e2e; border-left-color: #2e2e2e; border-radius: 50%; } .house.west { top: -1em; left: -0.125em; transform: scaleX(-1); } .house.west .side { transform: scaleX(-1); } .house.east { top: -1em; } .house.north { top: -0.625em; left: -0.375em; } .house.south { left: 2.25em; top: -1em; } /* DEATH */ .death *, .death :after, .death :before { box-sizing: border-box; } .death .pull-left { float: left; } .death .pull-right { float: right; } .death .clearfix:after, .death .clearfix:before { content: ""; display: table; } .death .clearfix:after { clear: both; display: block; } .death .head .skull:before, .death .head .skull:after, .death .eyes .eye:before, .death .body:before, .death .body:after, .death .legs:before { content: ""; position: absolute; } .death { width: 30px; height: 44px; position: absolute; top: -1em; left: -0.5em; animation: move 5s infinite; } .west .death { top: -1em; left: 0em; } .north .death { top: -1em; left: -0.5em; } .death .head { z-index: 1; width: 25px; height: 25px; background: #444; border-radius: 50%; position: relative; } .death .head .skull { left: 2px; bottom: 2px; width: 16px; height: 16px; color: #f9f9f9; border-radius: 50%; background: #f9f9f9; position: absolute; animation: skull 5s infinite; } .death .head .skull:before { top: 9px; width: 0; left: 50%; height: 0; z-index: 1; margin-left: -2px; border: 2px solid transparent; border-bottom: 2px solid #444; } .death .head .skull:after { top: 14px; left: 50%; width: 1px; height: 4px; margin-left: -1px; background: #f9f9f9; box-shadow: 2px 0, -2px 0, 4px 0, -4px 0, -3px -2px, -1px -2px, 1px -2px, 3px -2px; } .death .eyes { width: inherit; height: inherit; overflow: hidden; border-radius: 50%; position: relative; } .death .eyes .eye { top: 5px; width: 5px; height: 5px; position: absolute; border-radius: 50%; background: #f8cd22; border: 1px solid #444; border-right: 2px solid #444; } .death .eyes .eye:before { top: -1px; left: -1px; width: 5px; height: 3px; background: #f9f9f9; border-radius: 5px 5px 0 0; animation: eyes 5s infinite; } .death .eyes .eye.eye-left { left: 1px; } .death .eyes .eye.eye-right { right: 1px; } .death .body { top: -3px; width: 24px; height: 17px; background: #444; position: relative; border-radius: 10px 10px 2px 2px; } .death .body:before, .death .body:after { top: 3px; width: 4px; height: 12px; background: #444; } .death .body:before { left: -1px; border-radius: 100% 0 0 2px; transform: rotate(10deg); animation: hand-left 5s infinite; } .death .body:after { right: -1px; border-radius: 0 100% 2px 0; transform: rotate(-10deg); animation: hand-right 5s infinite; } .death .legs { top: -3px; left: 50%; width: 21px; height: 10px; overflow: hidden; margin-left: -13px; position: relative; border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); } .death .legs:before { top: 0; left: -7px; width: 60px; height: 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(-495deg, #444 4px, transparent 0), linear-gradient(-45deg, transparent 4px, #444 0); background-size: 4px 8px; background-repeat: repeat-x; animation: legs 5s infinite; } @keyframes move { 0% { transform: translateX(0); } 50% { transform: translateX(15px); } 100% { transform: translateX(0); } } @keyframes skull { 0% { transform: translate(0, 0); } 25% { transform: translate(2px, 1px); } 75% { transform: translate(3px, -1px); } 100% { transform: translate(0, 0); } } @keyframes eyes { 0% { top: -5px; border-radius: 50%; } 50% { top: -1px; border-radius: 5px 5px 0 0; } 100% { top: -5px; border-radius: 50%; } } @keyframes legs { 0% { left: -7px; } 50% { left: -25px; } 100% { left: -7px; } } @keyframes hand-left { 0% { left: 1px; } 50% { left: -2px; } 100% { left: 1px; } } @keyframes hand-right { 0% { right: 1px; } 50% { right: -2px; } 100% { right: 1px; } } /* CLOUD ANIMATIONS */ .sky .clouds .cloud { animation-name: drift; animation-timing-function: linear; animation-iteration-count: infinite; } .sky .clouds .cloud:nth-child(1) { animation-duration: 90s; animation-delay: -8s; z-index: 1; } .sky .clouds .cloud:nth-child(2) { animation-duration: 94s; animation-delay: -45s; z-index: 1; } .sky .clouds .cloud:nth-child(3) { animation-duration: 90s; animation-delay: -80s; } .sky .clouds .cloud:nth-child(4) { animation-duration: 92s; animation-delay: -21s; z-index: 1; } .sky .clouds .cloud:nth-child(5) { animation-duration: 95s; animation-delay: -30s; } .sky .clouds .cloud:nth-child(6) { animation-duration: 90s; animation-delay: -65s; } .sky .clouds .cloud:nth-child(7) { animation-duration: 98s; animation-delay: -4s; } .sky .clouds .cloud:nth-child(8) { animation-duration: 95s; animation-delay: -78s; z-index: 1; } .sky .clouds .cloud:nth-child(9) { animation-duration: 95s; animation-delay: -60s; } @keyframes drift { 0% { left: -8em; } 100% { left: 103em; } } /* TRAIN */ .train, .pilot, .stack, .engine, .wheels { box-sizing: border-box; } .train { z-index: 2; width: 2.5em; height: 2.5em; margin-top: 0.125em; } .train .destination { font-size: 0.75em; text-align: center; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.2em; } .train .pilot { width: 60%; height: 60%; float: left; background: linear-gradient(45deg, #e3f3ff, #bddcee) 0 0.3em; border: 0.1875em solid darkseagreen; border-bottom-width: 0.5em; border-right-width: 0.4em; position: relative; } .train .pilot:before { content: ""; position: absolute; height: 0.125em; width: 1.75em; background: #f3cb00; top: -0.3125em; left: -0.3125em; } .train .stack, .train .engine { height: 30%; width: 40%; float: right; } .train .stack { position: relative; } .train .stack:before { content: ""; position: absolute; height: 0.625em; width: 0.625em; top: 0.1875em; left: 0.1875em; border: 0.125em solid transparent; border-top-color: darkgrey; border-top-width: 0.1875em; border-left-width: 0.1875em; border-right-width: 0.1875em; border-bottom-width: 0; box-sizing: border-box; background: linear-gradient(to right, darkseagreen 50%, transparent 50%); background-size: 200%; } .train .engine { background: darkseagreen; border-top-right-radius: 70% 50%; border-bottom-right-radius: 10%; } .train .wheels { position: relative; /* this looks weird as em */ top: -4px; left: 1px; height: 40%; } .train .wheels .wheel { position: relative; border: 0.125em solid slategrey; height: 0.5625em; width: 0.5625em; border-radius: 50%; float: left; } .train .wheels .wheel .spoke { background-color: rgba(95, 70, 34, 0.49); position: absolute; top: 0; left: 4px; width: 1px; height: 100%; } .train .wheels .wheel .spoke:nth-child(1) { transform: rotate(0deg); } .train .wheels .wheel .spoke:nth-child(2) { transform: rotate(45deg); } .train .wheels .wheel .spoke:nth-child(3) { transform: rotate(90deg); } .train .wheels .wheel .spoke:nth-child(4) { transform: rotate(-45deg); } /* TRAINS ANIMATIONS */ .train { position: absolute; animation-timing-function: linear; animation-fill-mode: forwards; animation-duration: 4s; transform-origin: 10px 30px; } .train.to_east { top: -16px; left: 6px; } .train.to_south { top: -16px; left: 0px; transform: rotate(90deg); } .train.to_south .destination { transform: rotate(270deg); } .train.to_west { top: -22px; left: 0px; left: 116px; transform: rotate(180deg); } .train.to_west .destination { transform: rotate(180deg); } .train.to_north { left: 6px; top: -22px; top: 94px; transform: rotate(270deg); } .train.to_north .destination { transform: rotate(90deg); } @keyframes to_east { 100% { left: 99px; } } @keyframes to_south { 100% { top: 77px; } } @keyframes to_west { 100% { left: 23px; } } @keyframes to_north { 100% { top: 1px; } } @keyframes east_to_south { 0% { left: 99px; transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { left: 116px; transform: rotate(90deg); } } @keyframes south_to_west { 0% { top: 77px; transform: rotate(90deg); } 100% { top: 94px; transform: rotate(180deg); } } @keyframes west_to_north { 0% { left: 23px; transform: rotate(180deg); } 100% { left: 6px; transform: rotate(270deg); } } @keyframes north_to_east { 0% { top: 1px; transform: rotate(270deg); } 100% { top: -16px; transform: rotate(360deg); } } @keyframes east_to_east { 0% { left: 99px; } 100% { left: 122px; } } @keyframes south_to_south { 0% { top: 77px; } 100% { top: 100px; } } @keyframes west_to_west { 0% { left: 23px; } 100% { left: 0px; } } @keyframes north_to_north { 0% { top: 1px; } 100% { top: -22px; } } @keyframes east_to_north { 0% { top: -16px; left: 99px; transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { top: -22px; left: 122px; transform: rotate(-90deg); } } @keyframes south_to_east { 0% { left: 0px; top: 77px; transform: rotate(90deg); } 100% { left: 6px; top: 100px; transform: rotate(0deg); } } @keyframes west_to_south { 0% { top: -22px; left: 23px; transform: rotate(180deg); } 100% { top: -16px; left: 0px; transform: rotate(90deg); } } @keyframes north_to_west { 0% { left: 6px; top: 1px; transform: rotate(270deg); } 100% { left: 0px; top: -22px; transform: rotate(180deg); } } .wheel { animation: spin_wheels 0.3s linear infinite; } @keyframes spin_wheels { 0% { transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { transform: rotate(-45deg); } } /* TUTORIAL */ .pulse { animation: pulse 1.5s alternate ease-in infinite; } @keyframes pulse { 0% { transform: scale(1); } 100% { transform: scale(1.5); } } @keyframes flash { 0% { opacity: 1; } 100% { opacity: 0.5; } } .radiate { animation: flash 1s alternate infinite, pulse 2s alternate infinite; } .faded { opacity: 0.3 !important; } .tutorial_message { width: 8em; padding: 1em; position: absolute; top: -6.25em; left: -0.5em; background: #EAE2D7; text-shadow: 1px 1px #d7d7de; border-radius: 0.25em; } /* SCORE */ .chewy { font-family: "Chewy", cursive; position: absolute; left: 2em; z-index: 4; color: #f3cd33; } .chewy.red { color: #bf4233; } .puff_1 { animation: puff_1 6s forwards; } .puff_2 { animation: puff_2 6s forwards; } .puff_3 { animation: puff_3 6s forwards; } @keyframes puff_1 { 0% { transform: translate(0, 0) scale(0); opacity: 0; } 30% { opacity: 1; } 100% { opacity: 0; transform: translate(-20px, -80px) scale(2.35); } } @keyframes puff_2 { 0% { transform: translate(0, 0) scale(0); opacity: 0; } 30% { opacity: 1; } 100% { opacity: 0; transform: translate(-60px, -60px) scale(2.35); } } @keyframes puff_3 { 0% { transform: translate(0, 0) scale(0); opacity: 0; } 30% { opacity: 1; } 100% { opacity: 0; transform: translate(40px, -80px) scale(2.35); } } .ending-overlay { margin-left: -10.875em; top: 40%; padding: 4em; padding-top: 0em; } .ending-overlay .headline { text-shadow: 2px 2px #7b8188; font-size: 2em; text-align: center; } .ending-overlay .headline span { padding: 0.1em; } .ending-overlay .message { color: #F5F7FA; margin-top: 0; min-width: 13.75em; text-align: center; } .ending-overlay .accuracy { color: #48CFAD; font-size: 0.8em; text-align: right; } .ending-overlay .close { color: #F5F7FA; } .ending-overlay .js-close-overlay { top: -12%; left: 78%; } .centered { margin: auto; display: block; } .wrapper { overflow: hidden; } </style> </head> <body > <div class='wrapper'> <div class='sky'> <div class='sun'></div> <div class='clouds'> <div class='cloud'> <div class='big_bubble'></div> <div class='base'></div> <div class='small_bubble'></div> </div> <div class='cloud'> <div class='big_bubble'></div> <div class='base'></div> <div class='small_bubble'></div> </div> <div class='cloud'> <div class='big_bubble'></div> <div class='base'></div> <div class='small_bubble'></div> </div> <div class='cloud'> <div class='big_bubble'></div> <div class='base'></div> <div class='small_bubble'></div> </div> <div class='cloud'> <div class='big_bubble'></div> <div class='base'></div> <div class='small_bubble'></div> </div> <div class='cloud'> <div class='big_bubble'></div> <div class='base'></div> <div class='small_bubble'></div> </div> <div class='cloud'> <div class='big_bubble'></div> <div class='base'></div> <div class='small_bubble'></div> </div> <div class='cloud'> <div class='big_bubble'></div> <div class='base'></div> <div class='small_bubble'></div> </div> <div class='cloud'> <div class='big_bubble'></div> <div class='base'></div> <div class='small_bubble'></div> </div> </div> <div class='mountains'> <div class='mountain'></div> <div class='mountain'></div> <div class='mountain'></div> <div class='mountain'></div> <div class='mountain'></div> <div class='mountain'></div> <div class='mountain'></div> <div class='mountain'></div> <div class='mountain'></div> <div class='mountain'></div> <div class='mountain'></div> </div> <div class='info'> <button class='js-play'>PLAY</button> <button class='js-instructions'>INSTRUCTIONS</button> <button class='js-tutorial'>TUTORIAL</button> </div> </div> <div class='land js-land'> <div class='game_info'> <span>Score:</span> <span class='score js-score'>0000</span> <span class='fraction'> <span class='right js-correct'>0</span> <span>/</span> <span class='total js-total'>0</span> </span> </div> <div class='trees'> <div class='tree'> <div class='branch'></div> <div class='branch'></div> <div class='trunk'></div> <div class='shadow'></div> </div> <div class='tree'> <div class='branch'></div> <div class='branch'></div> <div class='trunk'></div> <div class='shadow'></div> </div> <div class='tree'> <div class='branch'></div> <div class='branch'></div> <div class='trunk'></div> <div class='shadow'></div> </div> <div class='tree'> <div class='branch'></div> <div class='branch'></div> <div class='trunk'></div> <div class='shadow'></div> </div> <div class='tree'> <div class='branch'></div> <div class='branch'></div> <div class='trunk'></div> <div class='shadow'></div> </div> <div class='tree'> <div class='branch'></div> <div class='branch'></div> <div class='trunk'></div> <div class='shadow'></div> </div> <div class='tree'> <div class='branch'></div> <div class='branch'></div> <div class='trunk'></div> <div class='shadow'></div> </div> <div class='tree'> <div class='branch'></div> <div class='branch'></div> <div class='trunk'></div> <div class='shadow'></div> </div> <div class='tree'> <div class='branch'></div> <div class='branch'></div> <div class='trunk'></div> <div class='shadow'></div> </div> <div class='tree'> <div class='branch'></div> <div class='branch'></div> <div class='trunk'></div> <div class='shadow'></div> </div> <div class='tree'> <div class='branch'></div> <div class='branch'></div> <div class='trunk'></div> <div class='shadow'></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/js/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script> <script > // yeah yeah yeah this is written in jQuery, rip. I am re-writing this in react. const EAST = 'east'; const SOUTH = 'south'; const NORTH = 'north'; const WEST = 'west'; function getRandomColor() { var letters = '0123456789ABCDEF'; var color = '#'; for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) { color += letters[Math.floor(Math.random() * 16)]; } return color; } function validDirection(direction) { return [EAST, WEST, SOUTH, NORTH].includes(direction); } function flipDirection(direction) { switch (direction) { case NORTH: return SOUTH; break; case SOUTH: return NORTH; break; case EAST: return WEST; break; case WEST: return EAST; break; default: return null; } } // cell is a wrapper for a jquery element, I want to add functionality to certain elements // the only function that matters in this class is around, it is a modified prev/next // all other functions build off around or are delegated to board // the board class is the only class that creates new cells // element - a jquery element // board - what board does this cell belong to? function Cell(element, board) { if(!element || !board) { return null; } this.element = function() { return element; }; this.board = function() { return board; }; this.isTaken = function() { return this.hasClass('js-taken'); }; this.markTaken = function() { this.addClass('js-taken'); return this; }; this.around = function (direction) { var width = board.width(); var index = element.index() + 1; // remember index is dynamic switch (direction) { case NORTH: return board.cell(index-width); break; case SOUTH: return board.cell(index+width); break; case EAST: return index % width == 0 ? null : board.cell(index+1); break; case WEST: return (index % width == 1) || (width == 1) ? null : board.cell(index-1); break; case undefined: return [this.around(NORTH), this.around(EAST), this.around(SOUTH), this.around(WEST)]; break; default: return null; } }; this.open = function (direction) { switch (direction) { case NORTH: case SOUTH: case EAST: case WEST: var cell = this.around(direction); break; default: return [].concat(this.open(NORTH), this.open(EAST), this.open(SOUTH), this.open(WEST)); } return (cell == null) || !cell.isTaken() ? direction : []; }; this.random_directions = function (num) { var open = this.open(); // default if (num == null) { num = 1; } if ((num > 4) || (num > open.length) || (num <= 0)) { return []; // fail case } else if (num == open.length) { return open; // array } else if (num == 1) { return [open[Math.floor(Math.random() * open.length)]] } else { while (open.length != num) { var i = Math.floor(Math.random() * open.length); open.splice(i, 1); } return open; } }; this.dead_end = function () { return this.open().length == 0; }; return $.extend(this, element); } // board is a container class for an array of jquery elements, it is also a jquery element // selector - a javascript class for the board // where - where do you want it? function Board(selector, where) { const em = 7.25; var width = height = 1; var colorful = false; var cell = '<div class="cell" style="width: '+em+'em; height: '+em+'em;"></div>'; if(!selector) { selector = '.js-board'; } if(!where) { where = '.js-land'; } $(selector).remove(); $(where).append('<div class="'+selector.slice(1)+' board" style="width:'+em+'em;">'+cell+'</div>'); var board = $(selector); this.height = function () { return height; }; this.width = function () { return width; }; // visual, the css width this.setWidth = function (value) { board.css('width', (value * em) + 'em'); }; this.colorful = function(value) { if(value == undefined) { return colorful; } else { colorful = value; } }; this.remove = function () { board.remove(); }; this.addTree = function (index, x, y, z) { var tree = '<div class="tree"><div class="branch"></div><div class="branch"></div><div class="trunk"></div><div class="shadow"></div></div>'; tree = $(tree).css('left', x).css('top', y).css('z-index', z); tree = this.cell(index).append(tree); }; this.cell = function(index) { if((index > (height * width)) || (index <= 0)) { return null; } else { return new Cell($('.cell', board).eq(index - 1), this); } }; this.expand = function(direction) { if(colorful) { cell = "<div class='cell' style='width: "+em+"em; height: "+em+"em; background:"+getRandomColor()+"'></div>"; } switch (direction) { case NORTH: case SOUTH: var row = cell.repeat(width); height++; break; case WEST: $('.cell:nth-child(' + width + 'n+1)').before(cell); break; case EAST: $('.cell:nth-child(' + width + 'n)').after(cell); break; } switch (direction) { case NORTH: board.prepend(row); break; case SOUTH: board.append(row); break; case WEST: case EAST: width++; this.setWidth(width); break; } }; } // cell - what cell does the node belong to? function Node(cell) { this.cell = function() { return cell; }; this.tree = function() { return tree; }; this.id = function(value) { // can be removed if new Node is pinned down // otherwise there is no way to preserve the value of id if(value == undefined) { return $(this).attr('data-node-id') || ''; } else { $(this).attr('data-node-id', value); } }; this.render = function() { // prevent reinitialization, maybe there should be static methods if(!cell.isTaken()) { cell.markTaken().append("<div class='node'></div><div class='east edge'></div><div class='south edge'></div>"); } return $.extend(this, cell.element().find('.node')); }; /*** the following methods deal with branching ***/ // take_one: deals with details of 'branching', expands board if necessary, checks if node is available, sets node ID, and draws edges // direction - the direction to branch towards // returns - the taken node, null if it couldn't be done this.take_one = function (direction) { var node = null; var look = cell.around(direction); // cell is null, so that part of the board doesn't exist yet if (look == null) { cell.board().expand(direction); look = cell.around(direction); } if (look.isTaken()) { return null; } else { node = new Node(look).render(); } // draw the edge between the calling node and the just taken node // these cell level cardinal classes are for the edges, and so you can determine parent/child relationships // remember south and east edges are in the calling node, north and west edges are in the adjacent nodes if ([SOUTH, EAST].indexOf(direction) > -1) { cell.addClass(direction); } else { look.addClass(direction); } return node; }; // take: calls take_one for each direction given, defaults to ONE random direction if none given // directions - a list of directions to take // returns - the list of taken nodes, empty array if it couldn't be done this.take = function (directions) { var taken = []; var node = null; if (directions == null) { directions = cell.random_directions(); } else if (directions.constructor.name == 'String') { // casting to array directions = directions.split(); } for (var i = 0; i < directions.length; i++) { node = this.take_one(directions[i]); // don't return nulls if (node != null) { taken.push(node); } } return taken; }; // branch: branches a node into given directions, unlike take or take_one, this function attempts to fix issues and // deals with the relationship between nodes // directions - number of directions to branch or an array of directions // probablity - the probability of extending before branching this.branch = .........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看