



代码标签: canvas 防御类 保护 堆芯 游戏

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    <link href=",900" rel="stylesheet">


    <div id="status" class="ui"></div>
    <div id="panels">
        <div id="message" class="ui">
            <h2 id="title">保护核心</h2>

            <button id="startButton" class="start-button">开始游戏</button>

    <canvas id="world">
			<p class="no-canvas">
				You need a <a href="">modern browser</a> to view this.
    <canvas id="background"></canvas>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
     * Copyright (C) 2018 Luis Bergmann,
    var CoreAudio = new function() {
      // notes and octaves
      var notes = [0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10];
      var octaves = [0, 12, 24, 36];
      // sound chain
      // it can get cpu intensive with the reverb
      var reverb = T("reverb", {room:0.7, damp:0.2, mix:0.3}).play();
      //organism sound chain
      var orgOsc = T("pulse");
      var orgEnv = T("perc", {a:1, r:30});
      var orgOscEnv1 = T("OscGen", {osc:orgOsc, env:orgEnv, mul:0.1});
      var orgOsc2 = T("sin");
      var orgEnv2 = T("perc", {a:10, r:500});
      var orgOscEnv2 = T("OscGen", {osc:orgOsc2, env:orgEnv2, mul:0.2});
      //shield sound chain
      var shieldNoiseOsc = T("fnoise", {freq:50, mul:0.1});
      var shieldOsc = T("pulse", {freq:50, mul:0.1});
      var shieldEnv = T("perc", {a:10, r:100}, shieldNoiseOsc, shieldOsc).play();
      // play synth note every time a organism is created
      this.playSynth = function(objPos) {
        //choose and play synth note
        var midicps = T("midicps");
        var note = notes[Math.random() * 5 | 0];
        var octave = octaves[Math.random() * 3 | 0];
        if (Math.random() < 0.7) {
          // for saving cpu not every time there's a organism a oscillator plays
          var playOsc = T("sin", { + note + octave), mul:0.2});
          var playEnv = T("perc", {r:3000}, playOsc).bang();
          var eq = T("eq", {params:{hpf:[200, 1], lpf:[2000, 1]}}, playEnv);
          var tremParam = T("param", {value:1}).to(Math.random()*5 + 5, 3000);
          var tremOsc = T("sin", {freq:tremParam, mul:.6});
          var trem = T("*", eq, tremOsc);
          var panParam = T("param", {value:objPos}).expTo(0.5, 3000);
          var pan = T("pan", {pos:panParam}, trem).play();
          var interval = T("timeout", {timeout:3000}).on('ended', function () {
      this.organismDead = function () {
        var midicps = T("midicps");
        var note = notes[Math.random() * 5 | 0];
        var octave = octaves[Math.random() * 3 | 0];
        orgOscEnv1.noteOn((180 + note + octave), 80);
        orgOscEnv2.noteOn((60 + note + octave), 80);
        //low sound
        var lowOsc = T("sin", {freq:Math.random()*50+50, mul:0.6});
        var losOscEq = T("eq", {params:{hpf:[150, 1]}}, lowOsc);
        var lowPscEnv= T("perc", {a:70, r:100}, losOscEq).bang().play();
      this.playShield = function () {
      this.playGameOver = function () {
        // var downer = T("param", {value:10000}).to(50, 2000);
        var osc = T('fnoise', {freq:400, mul:0.1});
        var env = T('perc', {a:10, r:2000}, osc).bang().play();
      this.energyUp = function () {
        var energyFreq = T("param", {value:80}).to(Math.random()*500+500, "1sec");
        var osc1 = T('sin', {freq:energyFreq, mul:0.6});
        var osc1Eq = T("eq", {params:{hpf:[150, 1]}}, osc1);
        var env = T("perc", {a:50, r:500}, osc1Eq).bang().play();
      this.energyDown = function () {
        //sine osc with tremolo
        var downer2 = T("param", {value:(Math.random()*100 + 100)}).to(10, 1000);
        var osc2 = T('sin', {freq:downer2, mul:0.1});
        var osc2Eq = T("eq", {params:{hpf:[150, 1]}}, osc2);
        var downer3 = T("param", {value:(Math.random()*50 + 50)}).to(30, 1000);
        var osc3 = T('pulse', {freq:downer3, mul:0.1});
        var osc3Eq = T("eq", {params:{hpf:[150, 1]}}, osc3);
        var env2 = T("perc", {r:800}, osc2Eq, osc3Eq).bang();
        var trem2param = T("param", {value:Math.random()*5+1}).to(1, 1000);
        var trem2 = T("sin", {freq:trem2param, mul:.7})
        var oscTrem2 = T("*", env2, trem2).play();
     * Core
     * MIT licensed
     * Copyright (C) 2018 Hakim El Hattab,
    var Core = new function(){
    	// Flags if we are running mobile mode
    	var isMobile = !!navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match( /ipod|ipad|iphone|android/gi );
    	var DEFAULT_WIDTH = 1000,
    		DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 650,
    		BORDER_WIDTH = 6,
    		FRAMERATE = 60;
    	// Types of organisms
    	var ORGANISM_ENEMY = 'enemy',
    		ORGANISM_ENERGY = 'energy';
    	// The world dimensions
    	var world = {
    		width: isMobile ? window.innerWidth : DEFAULT_WIDTH,
    		height: isMobile ? window.innerHeight : DEFAULT_HEIGHT
    	var canvas,
    	var canvasBackground,
    	// UI DOM elements
    	var status;
    	var panels;
    	var message;
    	var title;
    	var startButton;
    	// Game elements
    	var organisms = [];
    	var particles = [];
    	var player;
    	// Mouse properties
    	var mouseX = (window.innerWidth + world.width) * 0.5;
    	var mouseY = (window.innerHeight + world.height) * 0.5;
    	var mouseIsDown = false;
    	var spaceIsDown = false;
    	// Game properties and scoring
    	var playing = false;
    	var score = 0;
    	var time = 0;
    	var duration = 0;
    	var difficulty = 1;
    	var lastspawn = 0;
    	// Game statistics
    	var fc = 0; // Frame count
    	var fs = 0; // Frame score
    	var cs = 0; // Collision score
    	// The world's velocity
    	var velocity = { x: -1.3, y: 1 };
    	// Performance (FPS) tracking
    	var fps = 0;
    	var fpsMin = 1000;
    	var fpsMax = 0;
    	var timeLastSecond = new Date().getTime();
    	var frames = 0;
    	this.init = function(){
    		canvas = document.getElementById('world');
    		canvasBackground = document.getElementById('background');
    		panels = document.getElementById('panels');
    		status = document.getElementById('status');
    		message = document.getElementById('message');
    		title = document.getElementById('title');
    		startButton = document.getElementById('startButton');
    		if (canvas && canvas.getContext) {
    			context = canvas.getContext('2d');
    			contextBackground = canvasBackground.getContext('2d');
    			// Register event listeners
    			document.addEventListener('mousemove', documentMouseMoveHandler, false);
    			document.addEventListener('mousedown', documentMouseDownHandler, false);
    			document.addEventListener('mouseup', documentMouseUpHandler, false);
    			canvas.addEventListener('touchstart', documentTouchStartHandler, false);
    			document.addEventListener('touchmove', documentTouchMoveHandler, false);
    			document.addEventListener('touchend', documentTouchEndHandler, false);
    			window.addEventListener('resize', windowResizeHandler, false);
    			startButton.addEventListener('click', startButtonClickHandler, false);
    			document.addEventListener('keydown', documentKeyDownHandler, false);
    			document.addEventListener('keyup', documentKeyUpHandler, false);
    			// Define our player
    			player = new Player();
    			// Force an initial resize to make sure the UI is sized correctly
    			// If we are running on mobile, certain elements need to be configured differently
    			if( isMobile ) { = world.width + 'px'; = 'none';
    	function renderBackground() {
    		var gradient = contextBackground.createRadialGradient( world.width * 0.5, world.height * 0.5, 0, world.width * 0.5, world.height * 0.5, 500 );
    		gradient.addColorStop(0,'rgba(0, 70, 70, 1)');
    		gradient.addColorStop(1,'rgba(0, 8, 14, 1)');
    		contextBackground.fillStyle = gradient;
    		contextBackground.fillRect( 0, 0, world.width, world.height );
    	 * Handles click on the start button in the UI.
    	function startButtonClickHandler(event){
    		if( playing == false ) {
    			playing = true;
    			// Reset game properties
    			organisms = [];
    			score = 0;
    			difficulty = 1;
    			// Reset game tracking properties
    			fc = 0;
    			fs = 0;
    			ms = 0;
    			cs = 0;
    			// Reset the player data = 30;
    			// Hide the game UI = 'none'; = 'block';
    			time = new Date().getTime();
    	 * Stops the currently ongoing game and shows the
    	 * resulting data in the UI.
    	function gameOver() {
    		playing = false;
    		// Determine the duration of the game
    		duration = new Date().getTime() - time;
    		// Show the UI = 'block';
    		// Ensure that the score is an integer
    		score = Math.round(score);
    		// Write the users score to the UI
    		title.innerHTML = 'Game Over! (' + score + ' points)';
    		// Update the status bar with the final score and time
    		scoreText = 'Score: <span>' + Math.round( score ) + '</span>';
    		scoreText += ' Time: <span>' + Math.round( ( ( new Date().getTime() - time ) / 1000 ) * 100 ) / 100 + 's</span>';
    		status.innerHTML = scoreText;
    	function documentKeyDownHandler(event) {
    		switch( event.keyCode ) {
    			case 32:
    				if( !spaceIsDown && > 15 ) { -= 4;
    				spaceIsDown = true;
    	function documentKeyUpHandler(event) {
    		switch( event.keyCode ) {
    			case 32:
    				spaceIsDown = false;
    	 * Event handler for document.onmousemove.
    	function documentMouseMoveHandler(event){
    		mouseX = event.clientX - (window.innerWidth - world.width) * 0.5 - BORDER_WIDTH;
    		mouseY = event.clientY - (window.innerHeight - world.height) * 0.5 - BORDER_WIDTH;
    	 * Event handler for document.onmousedown.
    	function documentMouseDownHandler(event){
    		mouseIsDown = true;
    	 * Event handler for document.onmouseup.
    	function documentMouseUpHandler(event) {
    		mouseIsDown = false;
    	 * Event handler for document.ontouchstart.
