



代码标签: css 小岛 风车 动画 下雪

下面为部分代码预览,完整代码请点击下载或在bfwstudio webide中打开

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


    <meta charset="UTF-8">

        /*If you want to post these css code on other website, please type my name and codepen link behind the code. Thanks :) */
        /*如要轉出codepen外的網站,請附上作者名稱,以及這裡的網址,感謝配合 :) */
        body {
          background: #ade3e3;
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          overflow: hidden;
        .sky {
          position: absolute;
          background: #96dada;
          width: 100%;
          height: 200px;
          z-index: -2;
        .deep_sky {
          position: absolute;
          background: #78c7c7;
          width: 100%;
          height: 100px;
        .deep_sky:before {
          content: "";
          position: absolute;
          background: #5fb4b4;
          width: 100%;
          height: 30px;
        .ground {
          position: absolute;
          background: #a2e6cf;
          width: 100%;
          height: 180px;
          bottom: 0;
        .ice {
          position: absolute;
          background: #c7ede0;
          width: 100%;
          height: 40px;
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          background: #84bba8;
          width: 100%;
          height: 10px;
        .ice_shadow:before {
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          background: #a2d1c1;
          width: 10px;
          height: 10px;
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          box-shadow:10px 0px 0px #a3e2cd,95px -10px 0px #84bba8,100px -10px 0px #84bba8,105px -10px 0px #84bba8,110px -10px 0px #84bba8,115px -10px 0px #84bba8,120px -10px 0px #84bba8,125px -10px 0px #84bba8,130px -10px 0px #84bba8,135px -10px 0px #a2d1c1,140px -10px 0px #a2d1c1,400px 0px 0px #a2d1c1,410px 0px 0px #a3e2cd;
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        .g1 {
          position: absolute;
          background: #72ccad;
          width: 100%;
          height: 20px;
          bottom: 0;
        .g2 {
          position: absolute;
          background: #72ccad;
          width: 50px;
          height: 140px;
          right: -30px;
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            -110px 110px 0px #72ccad;
        .g3 {
          position: absolute;
          background: #c6feeb;
          width: 180px;
          height: 20px;
          top: 40px;
          box-shadow: -80px 10px 0px #c6feeb, -130px 20px 0px #c6feeb,
            -150px 30px 0px #c6feeb, -160px 40px 0px #c6feeb, -170px 50px 0px #c6feeb;
        .mountain_a {
          position: absolute;
          background: #eeeeee;
          width: 780px;
          height: 660px;
          border-radius: 50%;
          bottom: -240px;
          left: 5%;
        .mountain_b {
          position: absolute;
          background: #e5e5e5;
          width: 620px;
          height: 460px;
          border-radius: 50%;
          left: 25%;
          bottom: -80px;
        .house {
          position: absolute;
          bottom: 220px;
        .house.right {
          right: 10%;
        .house.left {
          left: 12%;
        .wall {
          position: absolute;
          background: #e2f4f4;
          width: 80px;
          height: 40px;
        .wall:before {
          content: "";
          position: absolute;
          background: transparent;
          width: 0;
          height: 0;
          bottom: 40px;
          border-bottom: 80px solid #e2f4f4;
          border-left: 40px solid transparent;
          border-right: 40px solid transparent;
        .roof {
          position: absolute;
          background: #ffffff;
          width: 100px;
          height: 10px;
          border-radius: 40px;
        .roof.right {
          left: 14px;
          bottom: 30px;
          transform: rotate(58deg);
        .roof.left {
          left: -34px;
          bottom: 30px;
          transform: rotate(-58deg);
        .door {
          position: absolute;
          background: #9acccb;
          width: 20px;
          height: 30px;
          bottom: -40px;
          left: 16px;
        .fence {
          position: absolute;
          background: #ffffff;
          width: 3px;
          height: 30px;
          bottom: -45px;
          left: -20px;
          border-radius: 3px;
          box-shadow: -10px 0px 0px #ffffff, -20px 0px 0px #ffffff,
            -30px 0px 0px #ffffff, -40px 0px 0px #ffffff, -50px 0px 0px #ffffff,
            -60px 0px 0px #ffffff, -70px 0px 0px #ffffff;
        .fence:before {
          content: "";
          position: absolute;
          background: #ffffff;
          width: 72px;
          height: 3px;
          bottom: 22px;
          right: 0;
          box-shadow: 0px 14px 0px #ffffff;
        .tree_back {
          position: absolute;
          background: #348e8d;
          width: 10px;
          height: 15px;
          bottom: 180px;
          right: 30%;
        .tree_back:before {
          content: "";
          position: absolute;
          background: #e2f4f4;
          width: 30px;
          height: 60px;
          border-radius: 50%;
          bottom: 15px;
          right: -10px;
        .tree {
          position: absolute;
          background: #348e8d;
          width: 10px;
          height: 40px;
          bottom: 180px;
          right: 28%;
        .tree:before {
          content: "";
          position: absolute;
          background: #ffffff;
          width: 40px;
          height: 80px;
          border-radius: 50%;
          bottom: 25px;
          left: -15px;
        .postbox_a {
          position: absolute;
          background: #73fffd;
          width: 20px;
          height: 25px;
          bottom: 190px;
          left: 35%;
          animation-name: upppp;
          animation-duration: 1s;
          animation-iteration-count: infinite;
          animation-timing-function: ease-in-out;
          animation-direction: alternate;
        .postbox_a:after {
          content: "";
          position: absolute;
          background: #76ecea;
          width: 5px;
          height: 20px;
          bottom: -20px;
          left: 8px;
        .hole {
          position: absolute;
          background: #ffffff;
          width: 6px;
          height: 2px;
          top: 5px;
          left: 2px;
          box-shadow: 10px 0px 0px rgba(100%, 100%, 100%);
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          position: absolute;
          background: #2cb7b5;
          width: 20px;
          height: 25px;
          bottom: 190px;
          left: 37%;
          animation-name: upppp;
          animation-duration: 1s;
          animation-delay: 1s;
          animation-iteration-count: infinite;
          animation-timing-function: ease-in-out;
          animation-direction: alternate;
        .postbox_b:after {
          content: "";
          position: absolute;
          background: #348e8d;
          width: 5px;
          height: 20px;
          bottom: -20px;
          left: 8px;
        @keyframes upppp {
          100% {
            transform: translatey(-10px);
        .cloud {
          position: relative;
          background: #ffffff;
          width: 100px;
          height: 40px;
          top: 50px;
          border-radius: 50px;
          z-index: -1;
        .cloud:after {
          content: "";
          position: absolute;
          background: #ffffff;
          width: 50px;
          height: 50px;
          border-radius: 50%;
          top: -20px;
          left: 10px;
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          content: "";
          position: absolute;
          background: #ffffff;
          width: 40px;
          height: 40px;
          border-radius: 50%;
          top: -15px;
          right: 20px;
        .c1 {
          top: 60px;
          opacity: 0.5;
          animation-name: moving;
          animation-duration: 35s;
          animation-iteration-count: infinite;
          animation-timing-function: ease-in-out;
        .c2 {
          top: 80px;
          opacity: 0.8;
          animation-name: moving;
          animation-duration: 25s;
          animation-iteration-count: infinite;
          animation-timing-function: ease-in-out;
        .c3 {
          top: 100px;
          animation-name: moving;
          animation-duration: 18s;
          animation-iteration-count: infinite;
          animation-timing-function: ease-in-out;
        @keyframes moving {
          0% {
            margin-left: -200px;
          100% {
            margin-left: 105%;
        .windmill {
          position: absolute;
          left: 50%;
          bottom: 180px;
        .tower {
          position: absolute;
          background: transparent;
          width: 60px;
          height: 0;
          border-top: 0px solid transparent;
          border-bottom: 90px solid #e2f4f4;
          border-right: 20px solid transparent;
          border-left: 20px solid transparent;
          bottom: 0;
        .t1 {
          position: absolute;
          background: #2cb7b5;
          width: 90px;
          height: 10px;
          bottom: 40px;
          left: 5px;
        .t1:before {
          content: "";
          position: absolute;
          background: #2cb7b5;
          width: 20px;
          height: 20px;
          bottom: -40px;
          right: 35px;
          box-shadow: 0px -54px 0px #2cb7b5;
        .t2 {
          position: absolute;
          background: transparent;
          width: 0;
          height: 0;
          border-bottom: 40px solid #2cb7b5;
          border-right: 30px solid transparent;
          border-left: 30px solid transparent;
          bottom: 90px;
          left: 20px;
        .t2:after {
          content: "";
          position: absolute;
          background: #2cb7b5;
          width: 70px;
          height: 10px;
          border-radius: 10px;
          bottom: -50px;
