代码标签: processing canvas飞龙 天空 飞翔 动画
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<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <style> * { margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; overflow: hidden; } body { background: #fff; width: 100%; height: 100vh; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } body canvas { box-shadow: 0.2em 0.2em 2em #0008; border: none; outline: none; border-radius: 1em; } </style> </head> <body > <canvas id="canvas"></canvas> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script id="rendered-js" > var sketchProc = function(processingInstance) { with (processingInstance) { size(600, 600); frameRate(60); var scene; var Dragon = function() { this.x = 200; this.y = 200; this.w = 150; this.h = 100; this.vx = 0; this.vy = 0; this.segments = []; this.timer = 0; this.speed = 4; this.lift = 3; this.showLegs = true; this.wing = { x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 0, x3: 0, y3: 0, x4: 0, y4: 0, spines: { a: { x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 0 }, b: { x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 0 }, c: { x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 0 }, d: { x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 0 } } }; this.nodes = [ 10, 14, 12, 18, 23, 28, 37, 42, 50, 50, 46, 42, 35, 28, 22, 18, 15, 14, 11, 9, 8, 7, 5, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1 ]; this.m = 0; this.m2 = 0; this.diff = 0; this.colorThemes = { red: { spikes: color(71, 14, 7), black: color(56, 55, 46), body: color(128, 14, 14), wingArm: color(107, 8, 8), wingArmSpike: color(76, 77, 76), wingUpper: color(122, 32, 16), wingLower: color(148, 46, 33), wingSpines: color(71, 70, 71, 150), legsBehind: color(110, 13, 13) }, green: { spikes: color(18, 46, 4), black: color(120, 110, 20), body: color(33, 82, 16), wingArm: color(39, 77, 10), wingArmSpike: color(76, 77, 76), wingUpper: color(44, 82, 15), wingLower: color(49, 110, 25), wingSpines: color(71, 70, 71, 150), legsBehind: color(30, 77, 14) }, black: { spikes: color(55, 56, 55), black: color(99, 96, 67), body: color(31, 29, 31), wingArm: color(60, 71, 51), wingArmSpike: color(76, 77, 76), wingUpper: color(22, 23, 21), wingLower: color(38, 46, 35), wingSpines: color(64, 64, 64, 150), legsBehind: color(3, 3, 3) } }; this.colors =; this.setup = function() { for(var i = 0; i <= 27; i++) { this.segments.push({ x: this.x + this.w * i / 27, y: this.y }); } }; this.setup(); this.update = function() { this.diff = this.segments[0].y - this.segments[1].y; this.timer+=0.018; this.m = sin(this.timer * this.speed) * this.lift; this.m2 = cos(this.timer * this.speed) * this.lift; //update each of the segments for(var i = 0; i < this.segments.length; i++) { var segment = this.segments[i]; if(i === 0) { segment.y += this.m; segment.x = this.x; } else { segment.y = lerp(segment.y, this.segments[i-1].y, 0.20); segment.x = lerp(segment.x, this.segments[i-1].x, 0.20); } } //move the wing this.wing.x1 = this.segments[7].x; this.wing.y1 = this.segments[7].y + 10; this.wing.x2 = this.segments[7].x + 20; this.wing.y2 = this.segments[7].y + 10 + this.m * 15; this.wing.x3 = this.segments[7].x - 20; this.wing.y3 = this.segments[7].y + 10 + this.m * 30; this.wing.x4 = this.segments[7].x - 27; this.wing.y4 = this.segments[7].y + 10 + this.m * 35; //1st (top) spine this.wing.spines.a.x1 = this.wing.x1; this.wing.spines.a.y1 = this.segments[7].y + 40 + this.m * 47 - this.m2 * 6; this.wing.spines.a.x2 = this.segments[7].x + 90; this.wing.spines.a.y2 = this.segments[7].y + 40 + this.m * 55 - this.m2 * 6; //2nd spine this.wing.spines.b.x1 = this.wing.x1 + 20; this.wing.spines.b.y1 = this.segments[7].y + 40 + this.m * 42; this.wing.spines.b.x2 = this.segments[7].x + 95; this.wing.spines.b.y2 = this.segments[7].y + 40 + this.m * 45; //3rd spine this.wing.spines.c.x1 = this.wing.x1 + 25; this.wing.spines.c.y1 = this.segments[7].y + 40 + this.m * 35; this.wing.spines.c.x2 = this.segments[7].x + 100; this.wing.spines.c.y2 = this.segments[7].y + 40 + this.m * 32; //4th spine this.wing.spines.d.x1 = this.wing.x1 + 35; this.wing.spines.d.y1 = this.segments[7].y + 40 + this.m * 17; this.wing.spines.d.x2 = this.segments[7].x + 80; this.wing.spines.d.y2 = this.segments[7].y + 30 + this.m * 15; this.x-= this.speed; }; this.drawFrontLeg = function(back) { var segment = this.segments[8]; var node = this.nodes[8]; pushMatrix(); translate(this.segments[8].x, this.segments[8].y); translate(-225, -340); if(back) { translate(-10, 0); fill(this.colors.legsBehind); } else { fill(this.colors.body); } translate(224 + 11, 355); rotate(radians(this.diff)); translate(-224 - 11, -355); noStroke(); beginShape(); vertex(224, 355); bezierVertex(226, 355, 230, 357, 233, 363); bezierVertex(238, 368, 239, 374, 235, 380); bezierVertex(229, 388, 222, 393, 220, 398); bezierVertex(221, 402, 223, 404, 228, 408); bezierVertex(223, 409, 218, 410, 213, 404); bezierVertex(212, 398, 216, 389, 221, 376); bezierVertex(209, 364, 204, 355 + this.diff * 0.5, 202, 355 + this.diff * 0.5); endShape(CLOSE); popMatrix(); }; this.drawBackLeg = function(back) { var segment = this.segments[11]; var node = this.nodes[11]; pushMatrix(); translate(this.segments[11].x, this.segments[11].y); translate(-278, -342); if(back) { translate(-10, 0); fill(this.colors.legsBehind); } else { fill(this.colors.body); } translate(286 + 17, 354); rotate(radians(this.diff)); translate(-286 -17, -354); noStroke(); beginShape(); vertex(286, 352); bezierVertex(289, 356, 291, 365, 290, 376); bezierVertex(296, 380, 300, 382, 307, 386); bezierVertex(308, 394, 308, 409, 308, 416); bezierVertex(309, 418, 312, 419, 316, 416); bezierVertex(315, 421, 310, 425, 302, 423); bezierVertex(300, 412, 300, 404, 299, 400); bezierVertex(294, 395, 286, 394, 276, 391); bezierVertex(268, 383, 261, 371, 252, 357); endShape(CLOSE); popMatrix(); }; this.drawRightWing = function() { //wing covering noStroke(); if(this.wing.y2 < this.wing.y1) { fill(this.colors.wingUpper); } else { fill(this.colors.wingLower); } noStroke(); beginShape(); vertex(this.wing.x1, this.wing.y1); bezierVertex( this.wing.x2 - 10, this.wing.y2, this.wing.x2 - 10, this.wing.y2, this.wing.x3, this.wing.y3); bezierVertex( this.wing.x3 - 5, this.wing.y3 - this.m2 * 3, this.wing.spines.a.x1 - 5, this.wing.spines.a.y1 + this.diff * 0.5 - this.m2 * 3, this.wing.spines.a.x1, this.wing.spines.a.y1 - this.m2 * 3); bezierVertex( this.wing.spines.a.x1 + 10, this.wing.spines.a.y1 - this.diff * 0.5, this.wing.spines.a.x2 - 10, this.wing.spines.a.y2 + this.diff * 0.5, this.wing.spines.a.x2, this.wing.spines.a.y2); vertex(this.wing.spines.a.x2, this.wing.spines.a.y2); bezierVertex( this.wing.spines.a.x2 - 10, this.wing.spines.a.y2, this.wing.spines.b.x2 - 15, this.wing.spines.b.y2 - this.diff * 0.5, this.wing.spines.b.x2, this.wing.spines.b.y2); bezierVertex( this.wing.spines.b.x2 - 10, this.wing.spines.b.y2, this.wing.spines.c.x2 - 15, this.wing.spines.c.y2, this.wing.spines.c.x2, this.wing.spines.c.y2); bezierVertex( this.wing.spines.c.x2 - 10, this.wing.spines.c.y2, this.wing.spines.d.x2 - 15, this.wing.spines.d.y2, this.wing.spines.d.x2, this.wing.spines.d.y2); bezierVertex( this.wing.spines.d.x2 - 10, this.wing.spines.d.y2, this.wing.x1 + 40 - 15, this.segments[9].y + this.nodes[9] * 0.2, this.wing.x1 + 40, this.segments[9].y + this.nodes[9] * 0.2); endShape(CLOSE); //wing arm noFill(); stroke(this.colors.wingArm); strokeWeight(5); line(this.wing.x1, this.wing.y1, this.wing.x2, this.wing.y2); line(this.wing.x2, this.wing.y2, this.wing.x3, this.wing.y3); //top of wing arm with small spike strokeWeight(4); bezier( this.wing.x3, this.wing.y3, this.wing.x3 - 3, this.wing.y3 + ((this.wing.y4 - this.wing.y3) * 0.3), this.wing.x4 - 2, this.wing.y4 - ((this.wing.y4 - this.wing.y3) * 0.5), this.wing.x4, this.wing.y4); //spike on main arm noStroke(); fill(this.colors.wingArmSpike); triangle( this.wing.x4 - 2, this.wing.y4, this.wing.x4 + 2, this.wing.y4, this.wing.x4, this.wing.y4 + (this.wing.y4 - this.wing.y3)); noFill(); stroke(this.colors.wingSpines); strokeWeight(1); //1st (top) spine bezier( this.wing.x3, this.wing.y3, this.wing.x3 - 5, this.wing.y3, this.wing.spines.a.x1 - 5, this.wing.spines.a.y1 + this.diff * 0.5 - this.m2 * 3, this.wing.spines.a.x1, this.wing.spines.a.y1 - this.m2 * 3); bezier( this.wing.spines.a.x1, this.wing.spines.a.y1 - this.m2 * 3, this.wing.spines.a.x1 + 10, this.wing.spines.a.y1 - this.diff, this.wing.spines.a.x2 - 10, this.wing.spines.a.y2 + this.diff * 0.5, this.wing.spines.a.x2, this.wing.spines.a.y2); //2nd spine line( this.wing.x3, this.wing.y3, this.wing.spines.b.x1, this.wing.spines.b.y1); line( this.wing.spines.b.x1, this.wing.spines.b.y1, this.wing.spines.b.x2, this.wing.spines.b.y2); //3rd spine line( this.wing.x3, this.wing.y3, this.wing.spines.c.x1, this.wing.spines.c.y1); line( this.wing.spines.c.x1, this.wing.spines.c.y1, this.wing.spines.c.x2, this.wing.spines.c.y2); //4th spine line( this.wing.x2, this.wing.y2, this.wing.spines.d.x2, this.wing.spines.d.y2); }; this.drawLeftWing = function() { //wing covering noStroke(); if(this.wing.y2 >= this.wing.y1) { fill(this.colors.wingUpper); //line where wing joins to the body stroke(40, 50); line(this.wing.x1, this.wing.y1, this.wing.x1 + 40, this.segments[9].y + this.nodes[9] * 0.2); } else { fill(this.colors.wingLower); } noStroke(); .........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看