代码标签: processing canvas 形状 入侵 射击 闯关 类 游戏
下面为部分代码预览,完整代码请点击下载或在bfwstudio webide中打开
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <style> * { margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; overflow: hidden; } body { background: #111; width: 100%; height: 100vh; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } body canvas { box-shadow: 0.2em 0.2em 2em #0008; border: none; outline: none; } </style> </head> <body> <canvas id="canvas"></canvas> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script> var sketchProc = function(processingInstance) { with (processingInstance) { size(600, 600); frameRate(60); smooth(); /* ADD YOUR OWN LEVELS HERE (Boss level must be the last one) Must be 10 columns x 9 rows X = Blank space Y = Barrier (blocks) 1, 2, 3, 4 = Enemies P = Portal (random portal enemies emerge from portals) B = Boss (random boss enemies emerge from the boss) */ var levels = [ {}, //start screen (Home | Levels | How | Scores | etc.) { grid: [ "XXXXXXXXXX", "XXXXXXXXXX", "X11111111X", "X11111111X", "X11111111X", "XXXXXXXXXX", "XXXXXXXXXX", "XXXXXXXXXX", "XYYXYYXYYX" ], enemyPoints: 10, story: ("Your mission is to destroy the enemy") }, //Level 1 { grid: [ "XXXXXXXXXX", "X2121P12XX", "XX1212121X", "X2121212XX", "XX1212121X", "XXXXXXXXXX", "YXXXXXXXXY", "XXXXXXXXXX", "YXXXYYXXXY" ], enemyPoints: 15, story: ("Well done!!\nYour next mission is to destroy more enemies") }, //Level 2 { grid: [ "XXXXXXXXXX", "XXXPXXPXXX", "XX222222XX", "XXX1111XXX", "XX333333XX", "X33211233X", "XXXXXXXXXX", "XYYXXXXYYX", "YXXXYYXXXY" ], enemyPoints: 20, story: ("Awesome work!!\nYour next mission is to destroy even more enemies") }, //Level 3 { grid: [ "XXXXXXXXXX", "XPXXPXXPXX", "XX222222XX", "XXX1111XXX", "XX333333XX", "X33211233X", "XXXXXXXXXX", "XYYXXXXYYX", "YXXXYYXXXY" ], enemyPoints: 30, story: ("Wicked!!\nNow you get to destroy even more enemies") }, //Level 4 { grid: [ "XXXXXXXXXX", "X4P4444P4X", "X31231231X", "X44444444X", "X21212121X", "YXXXXXXXXY", "XXXYXXYXXX", "YYYXYYXYYY", "XXXXXXXXXX" ], enemyPoints: 100, story: ("Almost there!!\nYour next mission is to destroy something") }, //Level 5 { grid: [ "XXXXXXXXXX", "XXXXBPXXXX", "XX13XX31XX", "XXXX33XXXX", "XXX1221XXX", "YXXXXXXXXY", "XXXYXXYXXX", "YXYXXXXYXY", "XXXXXXXXXX" ], enemyPoints: 150, story: ("Youza!!\nGet ready to meet the BOSS (lite)"), bossLives: 5 }, //Level 6 - Boss (lite) { grid: [ "XXXXXXXXXX", "XXXXBPXXXX", "XX13XX31XX", "XXX4334XXX", "XXX2121XXX", "YXXXXXXXXY", "XXXYXXYXXX", "YXYXYYXYXY", "XXXXXXXXXX" ], enemyPoints: 150, story: ("Sick!!\nTime to destroy the BOSS (medium)"), bossLives: 15 }, //Level 7 - Boss (medium) { grid: [ "XXXXXXXXXX", "YYXXPBPXYY", "XXX3333XXX", "YYXX44XXYY", "XYY4444YYX", "YXYY44YYXY", "XYYX33XYYX", "XYYYYYYYYX", "XXXXXXXXXX" ], enemyPoints: 250, story: ("You da bomb!\nFinal showdown with the real BOSS"), bossLives: 25 } //Level 8 - Boss (finale) ]; /* ADD YOUR OWN COLOR THEMES HERE (Each theme must include a name and exactly 5 colors) Try to use light to dark, or dark to light so you get a better contrast in the game */ var colorThemes = [ { name: "vibes", colors: [ color(0, 48, 73), color(232, 226, 136), color(214, 40, 40), color(247, 127, 0), color(252, 191, 73) ] }, { name: "chalkboard", //by RandomProgrammer24 colors: [ color(64), color(232, 213, 93), color(162, 219, 216), color(209, 182, 192), color(209, 230, 207), ] }, { name:"fire", //by Sreenjoy Modak colors:[ color(255), color(255,98,0), color(255,187,0), color(240, 140, 0), color(255, 181, 71) ] }, { name: "desert", //by Benji Doerr colors: [ color(0, 0, 0), color(235, 215, 0), color(137, 148, 92), color(186, 89, 4), color(255, 0, 0) ] }, { name: "birthday party", //by Benji Doerr colors: [ color(112, 17, 109), color(202, 5, 77), color(240, 82, 216), color(127, 204, 255), color(244, 252, 0) ] }, { name: "contemporary", colors: [ color(26, 26, 28), color(78, 78, 80), color(111, 34, 50), color(149, 7, 65), color(195, 8, 63) ] }, { name: "futuristic", colors: [ color(44, 53, 50), color(16, 100, 102), color(216, 176, 140), color(255, 203, 155), color(210, 233, 227) ] }, { name: "audacious", colors: [ color(39, 39, 39), color(116, 116, 116), color(255, 101, 47), color(255, 228, 1), color(19, 167, 107) ] }, { name: "citrus", colors: [ color(31, 38, 5), color(31, 100, 33), color(83, 144, 15), color(164, 166, 30), color(214, 206, 20) ] }, { name: "playing arts", colors: [ color(0, 127, 112), color(69, 69, 64), color(139, 42, 49), color(177, 125, 89), color(255, 255, 255) ] }, { name: "civic", colors: [ color(64, 61, 62), color(61, 158, 204), color(238, 71, 49), color(248, 249, 251), color(54, 174, 91) ] }, { name: "unnamed", colors: [ color(46, 53, 50), color(220, 220, 221), color(148, 149, 139), color(175, 28, 28), color(183, 182, 193) ] }, { name: "sunset", colors: [ color(114, 17, 33), color(202, 5, 77), color(241, 81, 86), color(255, 192, 127), color(255, 207, 153) ] }, { name: "black & white", colors: [ color(0, 0, 0), color(51, 51, 51), color(102, 102, 102), color(153, 153, 153), color(255, 255, 255) ] } ]; { angleMode = "degrees"; textFont(createFont("Courier New")); noStroke(); //Grid Coordinates var w = width / 10; var h = height / 10; var highQuality = true; var player; var game; //Used for the Menu Screens var p1, e1, e2, e3, e4, boss, bossEnemy, portal, portalEnemy; } //Global Variables { //Key|Button stuff var clicked = false, hover = false; var keys = []; keyPressed = function () { keys[keyCode] = true; }; keyReleased = function () { keys[keyCode] = false; }; mouseClicked = function () { clicked = true; }; } //Keys/Mouse { var Button = function(config) { this.x = config.x || 0; this.y = config.y || 0; this.width = config.width || 100; this.height = config.height || 100; this.content = config.content || "Home"; = || "home"; this.level = config.level || 0; this.textSize = config.textSize || this.width/5; //Normal this.borderColor = config.borderColor || color(130, 135, 135, 100); this.backColor = config.backColor || color(10, 10, 10, 200); this.contentColor = config.contentColor || color(222, 222, 222); //Hover this.borderColorHover = config.borderColorHover || color(130, 135, 135, 50); this.backColorHover = config.bakColorHover || color(29, 29, 29, 200); this.contentColorHover = config.contentColorHover || color(222, 222, 222, 200); }; //Draw the button Button.prototype.draw = function() { pushStyle(); strokeWeight(2); if(this.isMouseInside()) { hover = true; if(clicked) { =; game.reset(); } fill(this.backColorHover); stroke(this.borderColor); rect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height, 8); fill(this.contentColorHover); textSize(this.textSize); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); text(this.content, this.x + this.width/2, this.y + this.height/2); } else { fill(this.backColor); stroke(this.borderColor); rect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height, 8); //fill(this.contentColor); fill(game.textColor); textSize(this.textSize); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); text(this.content, this.x + this.width/2, this.y + this.height/2); } popStyle(); }; //Checks if the mouse it over the button Button.prototype.isMouseInside = function() { return mouseX > this.x && mouseX < this.x + this.width && mouseY > this.y && mouseY < this.y + this.height; }; //Handles the hover animation Button.prototype.hover = function(){ if(this.isMouseInside()) { fill(this.backColorHover); rect(this.x-5, this.y-5, this.width + 10, this.height + 10, 8); } }; } //Buttons { var Explosion = function(config){ this.pos = config.pos || new PVector(width/2, height/2); this.w = config.w || 10; this.h = config.h || 10; this.rotation = random(360); this.rotationDelta = config.rotationDelta || random(-5, 5); this.acceleration = new PVector(random(-2, 2), random(-2, 2)); this.timeToLive = 255; = || random(255); = || random(255); = || random(255); }; = function() { this.update(); this.display(); }; Explosion.prototype.update = function() { this.pos.add(this.acceleration); this.rotation += this.rotationDelta; }; Explosion.prototype.display = function() { pushMatrix(); translate(this.pos.x, this.pos.y); rotate(radians(this.rotation)); noStroke(); fill(color(,,, this.timeToLive)); rect(-this.w / 2, -this.h / 2, this.w, this.h); popMatrix(); }; } //Explosion { var Particle = function(config){ this.pos = config.pos || new PVector(width/2, height/2); this.w = config.w || 10; this.h = config.h || 10; this.acceleration = config.acceleration || new PVector(random(-2, 2), random(1, 3)); this.timeToLive = 255; this.backColor = config.backColor || color(0); = red(this.backColor) || random(255); = green(this.backColor) || random(255); = blue(this.backColor) || random(255); }; Particle.prototype.update = function() { this.pos.add(this.acceleration); }; Particle.prototype.display = function() { pushMatrix(); translate(this.pos.x, this.pos.y); noStroke(); fill(color(,,, this.timeToLive)); ellipse(0, 0, this.w, this.h); popMatrix(); }; = function() { this.update(); this.display(); }; } //Particles { var Missile = function (config) { this.pos = config.pos || new PVector(0, 0); this.acceleration = config.acceleration || new PVector(0, 3); this.w = config.w || 8; this.h = config.h || 12; this.backColor = config.backColor || color(100, 100, 100); }; Missile.prototype.update = function () { this.pos.add(this.acceleration); }; Missile.prototype.display = function () { fill(this.backColor); pushStyle(); rectMode(CENTER); rect(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, this.w, this.h); popStyle(); }; Missile.prototype.collision = function (player) { //Check if killed player if (this.pos.x + this.w > player.pos.x && this.pos.x < player.pos.x + player.w && this.pos.y + this.h > player.pos.y && this.pos.y < player.pos.y + player.h) { return true; } return false; }; } //Missiles { //Block Object var Block = function(config) { this.pos = config.pos || new PVector(0, 0); this.w = config.w || 10; this.h = config.h || 10; this.backColor = game.colorTheme.colors[floor(random(1, game.colorTheme.colors.length))]; }; Block.prototype.display = function() { fill(this.backColor); stroke(255, 255, 255, 50); strokeWeight(1); rect(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, this.w, this.h); }; } //Blocks { var Barrier = function(config) { this.pos = config.pos || new PVector(0, 0); this.hBlocks = config.hBlocks || 3; this.vBlocks = config.vBlocks || 2; this.blocks = []; this.blockWidth = config.blockWidth || w/this.hBlocks; this.blockHeight = config.blockHeight || h/this.vBlocks*0.75; }; Barrier.prototype.init = function() { this.blocks = []; for(var v = 0; v < this.vBlocks; v++) { for(var h = 0; h < this.hBlocks; h++) { this.blocks.push(new Block({ pos: new PVector(this.pos.x + h * this.blockWidth, this.pos.y + v * this.blockHeight), w: this.blockWidth, h: this.blockHeight })); } } }; Barrier.prototype.display = function() { for(var i = 0; i < this.blocks.length; i++) { var block = this.blocks[i]; block.display(); } }; } //Barrier { //Player Object var Player = function (x, y, w, h) { this.startpos = new PVector(x, y); this.pos = new PVector(x, y); this.w = w; this.h = h; this.xs = 0; this.ys = 0; this.acceleration = 0.5; this.maxSpeed = 5; this.momentum = 0.5; this.showParticles = highQuality; this.particles = []; this.maxParticles = 10; //reduced from 20 to 10 for better performance this.fired = false; this.bulletsInit = 20; this.bullets = 15 || this.bulletsInit; this.bullet = { pos: new PVector(0, 0), w: 12, h: 15, dir: 0, speed: 10 }; }; Player.prototype.runParticles = function() { for(var i = 0; i < this.particles.length; i++) { var particle = this.particles[i];; particle.timeToLive-= 5; if(particle.pos.y > height) { particle.pos = new PVector(this.pos.x + this.w * 0.5, this.pos.y + this.h * 0.8); particle.timeToLive = 255; } } }; Player.prototype.update = function () { if(this.showParticles) { //only show particles if high quality this.runParticles(); } if (keys[RIGHT]) { this.xs = constrain(this.xs + this.acceleration, -this.maxSpeed, this.maxSpeed); } else if (keys[LEFT]) { this.xs = constrain(this.xs - this.acceleration, -this.maxSpeed, this.maxSpeed); } else { this.xs *= this.momentum; } this.pos.x = constrain(this.pos.x + this.xs, 0, 600 - this.w); }; Player.prototype.display = function () { noStroke(); if (this.fired) { this.bullet.pos.y -= this.bullet.speed * this.bullet.dir; fill(game.colorTheme.colors[game.colorTheme.colors.length-1]); ellipse(this.bullet.pos.x, this.bullet.pos.y, this.bullet.w, this.bullet.h); } pushStyle(); //fins fill(game.colorTheme.colors[1]); triangle( this.pos.x + this.w / 2, this.pos.y + 5, this.pos.x + this.w + 10, this.pos.y + this.h, this.pos.x - 10, this.pos.y + this.h); stroke(game.colorTheme.colors[1]); strokeWeight(2); line(this.pos.x - 5, this.pos.y + this.h - 5, this.pos.x - 5, this.pos.y + this.h - 10); line(this.pos.x + this.w + 5, this.pos.y + this.h - 5, this.pos.x + this.w + 5, this.pos.y + this.h - 10); //turret strokeWeight(4); line(this.pos.x + this.w / 2, this.pos.y, this.pos.x + this.w / 2, this.pos.y - 2); //body fill(game.colorTheme.colors[2]); noStroke(); beginShape(); vertex(this.pos.x + this.w / 2, this.pos.y); bezierVertex(this.pos.x + this.w, this.pos.y + this.h / 2, this.pos.x + this.w, this.pos.y + this.h, this.pos.x + this.w, this.pos.y + this.h); vertex(this.pos.x, this.pos.y + this.h); bezierVertex(this.pos.x, this.pos.y + this.h, this.pos.x, this.pos.y + this.h / 2, this.pos.x + this.w / 2, this.pos.y); endShape(); //window fill(game.colorTheme.colors[1]); triangle(this.pos.x + this.w / 2, this.pos.y + 10, this.pos.x + this.w - 10, this.pos.y + this.h - 15, this.pos.x + 10, this.pos.y + this.h - 15); popStyle(); }; Player.prototype.shoot = function () { //Check if already fired - can only fire one bullet at a time if (this.fired === false) { //If have bullets then fire if (this.bullets > 0) { if (keyPressed && keyCode === 68) { //D - shoot up this.bullet.pos.x = this.pos.x + this.w / 2; this.bullet.pos.y = this.pos.y + this.h / 3; this.bullet.dir = 1; this.fired = true; keyCode = 0; } } } else {//Bullet was fired and in transit //Check if hit the spaceship if(this.fired) { for (var i = 0; i < game.spaceships.length; i++) { //Currently at most only 1 spaceship exists var spaceship = game.spaceships[i]; if (this.bullet.pos.x + this.bullet.w > spaceship.pos.x - spaceship.w / 2 && this.bullet.pos.x < spaceship.pos.x + spaceship.w - spaceship.w / 2 && this.bullet.pos.y + this.bullet.h > spaceship.pos.y - spaceship.h / 2 && this.bullet.pos.y < spaceship.pos.y + spaceship.h - spaceship.h / 2) { game.hitSpaceship = true; game.addExplosion({ pos: spaceship.pos, w: 40, h: 40, backColor: spaceship.backColor }); game.spaceships.splice(i, 1); //remove spaceship this.fired = false; break; } } } //Check if killed enemy if(this.fired) { for (var i = 0; i < game.enemies.length; i++) { var enemy = game.enemies[i]; if (this.bullet.pos.x + this.bullet.w > enemy.pos.x - enemy.w / 2 && this.bullet.pos.x < enemy.pos.x + enemy.w - enemy.w / 2 && this.bullet.pos.y + this.bullet.h > enemy.pos.y - enemy.h / 2 && this.bullet.pos.y < enemy.pos.y + enemy.h - enemy.h / 2) { game.hitEnemy = true; enemy.lives--; if(highQuality) { //display explosion every time you hit the enemy game.addExplosion(enemy); } else if(enemy.lives === 0) { //low quality game.addExplosion(enemy); //display explosion only when destroyed the enemy } if(enemy.lives === 0) { game.enemies.splice(i, 1); //remove enemy } this.fired = false; break; } } } //Check if killed Boss/Portal Enemy if(this.fired) { for (var i = 0; i < game.dynamoEnemies.length; i++) { var dynamoEnemy = game.dynamoEnemies[i]; if (this.bullet.pos.x + this.bullet.w > dynamoEnemy.pos.x - dynamoEnemy.w / 2 && this.bullet.pos.x < dynamoEnemy.pos.x + dynamoEnemy.w - dynamoEnemy.w / 2 && this.bullet.pos.y + this.bullet.h > dynamoEnemy.pos.y - dynamoEnemy.h / 2 && this.bullet.pos.y < dynamoEnemy.pos.y + dynamoEnemy.h - dynamoEnemy.h / 2) { game.hitEnemy = true; dynamoEnemy.lives--; if(highQuality) { //display explosion every time you hit the enemy game.addExplosion(dynamoEnemy); } else if(dynamoEnemy.lives === 0) { //low quality game.addExplosion(dynamoEnemy); //display explosion only when destroyed the enemy } if(dynamoEnemy.lives === 0) { game.dynamoEnemies.splice(i, 1); //remove Boss/Portal Enemy } this.fired = false; break; } } } //Check if hit barrier if(this.fired) { for (var i = 0; i < game.barriers.length; i++) { var barrier = game.barriers[i]; for(var j = 0; j < barrier.blocks.length; j++) { var block = barrier.blocks[j]; if (this.bullet.pos.x + this.bullet.w > block.pos.x && this.bullet.pos.x < block.pos.x + block.w && this.bullet.pos.y + this.bullet.h > block.pos.y && this.bullet.pos.y < block.pos.y + block.h) { game.addExplosion(block); //display explosion barrier.blocks.splice(j, 1); this.fired = false; break; } } } } if (this.fired && this.bullet.pos.y < 0) { this.fired = false; } } }; = function () { this.update(); this.shoot(); this.display(); }; } //Player { var Portal = function(config) { this.pos = config.pos || new PVector(); this.w = config.w || w; this.h = config.h || h; this.scaleDir = config.scaleDir || 1; this.scale = config.scale || 1; this.angle = config.angle || 0; this.rotate = config.rotate || 9; this.backColor = config.backColor || game.colorTheme.colors[4]; this.outerColor = config.outerColor || game.colorTheme.colors[3]; this.centerColor = config.centerColor || game.colorTheme.colors[2]; this.coreColor = config.coreColor || game.colorTheme.colors[1]; }; Portal.prototype.update = function() { this.angle += this.rotate; }; Portal.prototype.display = function() { pushMatrix(); translate(this.pos.x, this.pos.y); this.scale+= 0.01 * this.scaleDir; if(this.scale < 0.9 || this.scale > 1.1) { this.scaleDir*= -1; } scale(this.scale); pushMatrix(); fill(this.backColor); ellipse(0, 0, this.w, this.h); rotate(radians(this.angle)); fill(this.outerColor); ellipse(0, 0, this.w * 0.8, this.h * 0.7); popMatrix(); pushMatrix(); rotate(radians(-this.angle)); fill(this.centerColor); ellipse(0, 0, this.w * 0.5, this.h * 0.6); popMatrix(); rotate(radians(this.angle)); fill(this.coreColor); ellipse(0, 0, this.w * 0.3, this.h * 0.25); popMatrix(); }; = function() { this.update(); this.display(); }; } //Portal { var SpaceShip = function(config) { this.pos = config.pos || new PVector(0, 0); this.acceleration = config.acceleration || new PVector(0.75, 0); this.angle = config.angle || 0; this.rotate = config.rotate || 6; this.w = config.w || 50; this.h = config.h || 15; this.backColor = config.backColor || color(game.colorTheme.colors[1]); this.topColor = config.topColor || color(game.colorTheme.colors[2]); this.r = red(this.topColor); this.g = green(this.topColor); this.b = blue(this.topColor); }; SpaceShip.prototype.update = function() { this.pos.add(this.acceleration); }; SpaceShip.prototype.display = function() { pushMatrix(); translate(this.pos.x, this.pos.y); .........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看