



代码标签: div css 万圣节 夜晚 森林 独行 动画

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<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


    <meta charset="UTF-8">

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

    <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Nosifer&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">

        :root {
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          height: 90vmin;
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          animation: colors linear 12000ms infinite;
        @keyframes colors {
          0%, 50%, 52%, 54%, 100% {
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          51%, 53% {
            --bg1: #222d93;
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        @keyframes start {
          to {
            opacity: 0.5;
        .is-start-visible {
          opacity: 0;
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          display: none;
        .fog {
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          height: 100%;
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        .slider {
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          height: 100%;
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          position: absolute;
          bottom: 0;
        .owl {
          position: absolute;
          width: 6vmin;
          height: 9vmin;
          transform-origin: bottom;
        .owl .head {
          position: absolute;
          width: 4.5vmin;
          height: 4.5vmin;
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          background-color: #14146f;
          animation: head 4000ms linear infinite alternate;
        .owl .head::before, .owl .head::after {
          content: "";
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          width: 0.75vmin;
          height: 0.75vmin;
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          animation: owl linear 10000ms infinite;
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          0%, 50%, 54%, 58%, 82%, 100% {
            background-color: #999999;
          52%, 56%, 60%, 80% {
            background-color: #14146f;
        @keyframes head {
          0%, 47% {
            transform: rotateZ(0);
          53%, 100% {
            transform: rotateZ(45deg);
        .moon {
          position: absolute;
          top: 8.25vmin;
          left: 24vmin;
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          background-image: radial-gradient(circle at 100% 25%, transparent 50%, #ffffff 50%);
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          width: 4.5vmin;
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          left: 9.9vmin;
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          left: 33.3vmin;
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          left: 45vmin;
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          left: 74.25vmin;
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          left: 91.5vmin;
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          width: 150%;
          animation: layer 32000ms linear infinite;
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          display: flex;
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          content: "";
          position: absolute;
          height: 100%;
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          top: 15vmin;
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          content: "";
          position: absolute;
          top: 35%;
          right: 20%;
          width: 17%;
          height: 10%;
          border-radius: 50%;
          background-color: #1b26a4;
        .layer-tree .tree-01,
        .layer-tree .tree-02 {
          height: 27vmin;
          width: 18vmin;
          bottom: 33vmin;
          left: 75vmin;
          border-radius: 50% 50% 48% 52%/60% 60% 40% 40%;
        .layer-tree .tree-02 {
          left: 135vmin;
          height: 24vmin;
          width: 18vmin;
        .layer-tree .tree-03 {
          height: 33vmin;
          width: 21vmin;
          bottom: 33vmin;
          left: 3vmin;
          border-radius: 50% 50% 48% 52%/60% 60% 40% 40%;
        .layer-tree .tree-03::after {
          content: "";
          position: absolute;
          left: 40%;
          top: 50%;
          transform-origin: bottom left;
          width: 9vmin;
          height: 9vmin;
          background-color: #131c81;
          clip-path: polygon(26% 59%, 42% 79%, 79% 79%, 100% 60%, 100% 100%, 44% 100%, 2% 100%, 0 77%);
        .slider-02 {
          width: 300%;
          display: flex;
          flex-direction: row-reverse;
          flex-wrap: nowrap;
        .layer-02 {
          width: 150%;
          animation: layer 12000ms linear infinite;
        .layer-02 .house {
          position: absolute;
          width: 30vmin;
          height: 15vmin;
          bottom: 21vmin;
          left: 129vmin;
          background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #f81744 2.55vmin, transparent 2.55vmin 3.3vmin, #f81744 3.3vmin), linear-gradient(to right, #101a7e 70%, #14146f 70%);
          background-size: 6vmin 3.75vmin, 100% 100%;
          background-position: 40% 30%, 0 0;
          background-repeat: no-repeat;
          animation: windows 5000ms linear infinite alternate;
        .layer-02 .house::after, .layer-02 .house::before {
          content: "";
          position: absolute;
          top: -6vmin;
          height: 6vmin;
        .layer-02 .house::after {
          width: 70%;
          transform-origin: bottom left;
          transform: skewX(-36deg);
          background-color: #101a7e;
        .layer-02 .house::before {
          right: 0;
          width: 50%;
          transform-origin: bottom right;
          transform: skewX(36deg);
          background-color: #14146f;
        .layer-02 .house .fireplace {
          position: absolute;
          bottom: 100%;
          width: 3vmin;
          height: 9vmin;
          left: 6vmin;
          background-color: #101a7e;
        .layer-02 .house .fireplace::before {
          content: "";
          position: absolute;
          width: 3vmin;
          height: 6vmin;
          border-radius: 50%;
          background-color: #101a7e;
          animation: fireplace 1000ms linear infinite;
          filter: blur(0.225vmin);
        @keyframes windows {
          0%, 45%, 55%, 65%, 100% {
            background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #f81744 2.55vmin, transparent 2.55vmin 3.3vmin, #f81744 3.3vmin), linear-gradient(to right, #101a7e 70%, #14146f 70%);
          50%, 60% {
            background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #73031a 2.55vmin, transparent 2.55vmin 3.3vmin, #8b041f 3.3vmin), linear-gradient(to right, #101a7e 70%, #14146f 70%);
        @keyframes fireplace {
          to {
            transform: translateY(-9vmin) scaleY(2);
            opacity: 0.1;
        .layer-02 .tree {
          height: 100%;
          width: 6.75vmin;
          background-image: linear-gradient(90.5deg, transparent 20%, #101a7e 20%), linear-gradient(-90.5deg, transparent 20%, #101a7e 20%);
          background-size: 50%;
          background-repeat: no-repeat;
          background-position: 0 0, 100% 0;
        .layer-02 .tree::before, .layer-02 .tree::after {
          content: "";
          position: absolute;
          background-color: #101a7e;
        .layer-02 .tree::before {
          left: 1.5vmin;
          transform-origin: bottom left;
          transform: rotateZ(-30deg);
        .layer-02 .tree::after {
          right: 1.5vmin;
          transform-origin: bottom right;
          transform: rotateZ(30deg);
        .layer-02 .tree-01 {
          left: 9vmin;
        .layer-02 .tree-01::before {
          bottom: 27vmin;
          width: 3vmin;
          height: 12vmin;
          clip-path: polygon(3% 3%, 0 44%, 39% 66%, 100% 100%, 100% 62%, 79% 31%, 68% 52%);
        .layer-02 .tree-01::after {
          bottom: 39vmin;
          width: 3vmin;
          height: 15vmin;
          clip-path: polygon(45% 48%, 0 70%, 0 100%, 72% 80%, 100% 62%, 100% 54%, 75% 0);
        .layer-02 .tree-02 {
          left: 33.3vmin;
          width: 7.5vmin;
        .layer-02 .tree-02::before {
          bottom: 36vmin;
          width: 3vmin;
          height: 6vmin;
          clip-path: polygon(0 16%, 0 39%, 100% 100%, 100% 82%, 100% 62%, 99% 42%, 18% 16%);
        .layer-02 .tree-03 {
          left: 66vmin;
          width: 6.375vmin;
        .layer-02 .tree-03::after {
          bottom: 39vmin;
          width: 3vmin;
          height: 15vmin;
          clip-path: polygon(0 100%, 30% 100%, 60% 95%, 69% 91%, 80% 77%, 92% 61%, 95% 45%, 94% 28%, 85% 24%, 70% 34%, 54% 56%, 28% 65%, 14% 75%, 0% 79%);
        .layer-02 .tree-04 {
          left: 90vmin;
          width: 7.05vmin;
        .layer-02 .tree-04::before {
          bottom: 39vmin;
          width: 3vmin;
          height: 9vmin;
          clip-path: polygon(0 100%, 30% 100%, 66% 77%, 92% 61%, 95% 45%, 94% 28%, 70% 59%, 45% 17%, 0 39%);
        .layer-02 .tree-04::after {
          bottom: 30vmin;
          width: 3vmin;
          height: 18vmin;
          clip-path: polygon(8% 65%, 100% 100%, 100% 85%, 100% 6%, 75% 17%, 28% 6%, 60% 45%, 26% 37%, 33% 59%);
        .layer-02 .tree-05 {
          left: 117vmin;
          width: 7.05vmin;
        .layer-02 .tree-05::before {
          bottom: 27vmin;
          width: 3vmin;
          height: 24vmin;
          clip-path: polygon(0% 75%, 35% 95%, 77% 99%, 96% 86%, 72% 76%, 27% 62%);
        .layer-02 .tree-06 {
          left: 164.25vmin;
        .layer-02 .tree-06::before {
          bottom: 27vmin;
          width: 3vmin;
          height: 12vmin;
          clip-path: polygon(0% 75%, 35% 95%, 77% 99%, 96% 86%, 72% 76%, 27% 62%);
        .layer-02 .tree-cta {
          left: 44.25vmin;
          height: 65%;
          background-image: linear-gradient(93deg, transparent 25%, #14146f 25%), linear-gradient(-93deg, transparent 25%, #14146f 25%);
        .layer-02 .tree-cta::before {
          bottom: 42vmin;
          width: 12vmin;
          height: 12vmin;
          transform: rotateZ(0);
          background-color: #14146f;
          clip-path: polygon(0 100%, 49% 100%, 88% 100%, 93% 73%, 98% 29%, 98% 0, 87% 14%, 85% 35%, 71% 21%, 71% 35%, 76% 49%, 68% 70%, 0 68%);
        .layer-02 .tree-cta::after {
          right: 4.5vmin;
          bottom: 42vmin;
          width: 12vmin;
          height: 6vmin;
          background-color: #14146f;
          clip-path: polygon(0 100%, 49% 100%, 100% 100%, 100% 69%, 100% 0, 68% 23%, 54% 53%, 22% 67%, 0 73%);
        .layer-02 .owl {
          bottom: 46.5vmin;
          left: 39vmin;
          transform: scale(0.75);
        .slider-03 {
          width: 300%;
          display: flex;
          flex-wrap: nowrap;
        .layer-03 {
          width: 150%;
          animation: layer 8000ms linear infinite;
        .layer-03 .ground {
          width: 100%;
          height: 90%;
          clip-path: polygon(0% 65%, 25% 71%, 42% 62%, 65% 66%, 82% 67%, 100% 65%, 100% 100%, 0 100%);
          background-color: #14146f;
        .layer-03 .stone {
          position: absolute;
          width: 9vmin;
          height: 9vmin;
          left: 0vmin;
          bottom: 27vmin;
          transform-origin: bottom right;
          transform: rotateZ(-10deg);
          clip-path: polygon(10% 25%, 35% 25%, 35% 0%, 65% 0%, 65% 25%, 90% 25%, 90% 50%, 65% 50%, 65% 100%, 35% 100%, 35% 50%, 10% 50%);
          background-color: #14146f;
