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<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> </head> <body > <script type="text/javascript" src="//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/js/createjs.1.3.4.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/js/zim_014.js"></script> <script type="module"> // see https://zimjs.com // and https://zimjs.com/learn // and https://zimjs.com/docs new Frame(FIT, 1024, 768, darker, black, ready); function ready() { // We will make an Emitter shoot a streamer // A particle is said to decay when it stops moving // A particle is said to fizz when the life time is up and it disappears // We will capture a decayed event to then set an explosion // The explosion is another Emitter that we place at the streamer particle's position // We then clone these so that we can run two fireworks at the same time // Don't go crazy! Watch out for performance... // make an Emitter() to emit the streamer for the firework const shoot = new Emitter({ // Here we specify the object to emit (the Emitter clones the object) // We can pass in a single object or any ZIM VEE value from which each particle will be picked // ZIM VEE values are as follows: // 1. an Array of values to pick from - eg. ["red", "green", "blue"] // 2. a Function that returns a value - eg. function(){return Date.now();} // 3. a ZIM RAND object literal - eg. {min:10, max:20, integer:true, negative:true} max is required (not applicable for the obj parameter) // 4. any combination of the above - eg. ["red", function(){x>100?["green", "blue"]:"yellow"}] zik is recursive // 5. a single value such as a Number, String, zim.Rectangle(), etc. this just passes through unchanged (like we have here) // the emitter will use zik() to pick for each particle it emits obj: new Circle(2, null, "black", 1), // adjust properties randomly for each particle // the values for the properties can be any ZIM VEE value // can also use this to set a property of a cloned emitter - just put the value you want // for example: random:{x:300} would set the x of all the particles to 300 // see also horizontal and vertical parameters for random positioning... random: { color: [blue, green, pink, yellow, orange] }, // trace will make the particle repeat itself as it travels // width and height are important as this specifies the cache dimension for tracing // The particles start in the middle of the width and height // unless the horizontal or vertical parameter is true - which it is not in this case trace: true, traceFadeTime: .8, width: W, heig.........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看