



代码标签: kokomi three gsap webgl 三维 图片 图文 展示 交互

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<body >
  <div id="sketch"></div>
    <div class="fixed z-5 top-0 left-0 loader-screen w-screen h-screen transition-all duration-300 bg-black">
        <div class="absolute hv-center">
            <div class="loading text-white text-3xl tracking-widest">
                <span style="--i: 0">L</span>
                <span style="--i: 1">O</span>
                <span style="--i: 2">A</span>
                <span style="--i: 3">D</span>
                <span style="--i: 4">I</span>
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                <span style="--i: 6">G</span>
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            alt="" />
    <div id="scene-1">
        <div class="absolute top-20 h-center">
            <div class="text-5xl text-white hello-text whitespace-no-wrap" data-splitting>Hello, we are Kessoku Band.
        <div class="absolute top-100 h-center">
            <div class="click-hint cursor-pointer enlarge-click-area opacity-0">
                <div class="pulse" style="--pulse-width: 6rem;--pulse-border-width: 2px;">
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                    <div class="slide-in-line-child name-text text-5xl text-white"></div>
                <div class="slide-in-line">
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                <div class="fade-in-lines">
                    <div class="fade-in-lines-child intro-text text-lg text-white w-64"></div>
                <div class="see-more-link-container">
                    <a class="see-more-link" target="_blank" href="#">
                        <button data-text="See More"
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                            <span class="btn-text">See More</span>

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      <script >
const vertexShader = `
uniform float iTime;
uniform vec3 iResolution;
uniform vec4 iMouse;

varying vec2 vUv;

void main(){
    vec3 p=position;

const fragmentShader = `
uniform vec3 uShadowColor;

void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor,in vec2 fragCoord){
    vec2 uv=fragCoord/iResolution.xy;
    float d=length(uv);
    float c=smoothstep(sqrt(.5)*.6,0.,d)*.9;

const vertexShader2 = `
uniform float iTime;
uniform vec3 iResolution;
uniform vec4 iMouse;

varying vec2 vUv;

void main(){
    vec3 p=position;

const fragmentShader2 = `
#define iTime time
#define iResolution resolution
#define iChannel0 inputBuffer

uniform float uProgress;

void mainImage(const in vec4 inputColor,const in vec2 uv,out vec4 outputColor)
    vec4 diffuseBase=texture(iChannel0,uv);
    vec2 p=uv;
    vec4 col=diffuseBase;
    float mask=smoothstep(-.1,.6,p.x);
    float leftFade=mix(1.,mask,uProgress);
    // outputColor=vec4(vec3(mask),1.);

const vertexShader3 = `
uniform float iTime;
uniform vec3 iResolution;
uniform vec4 iMouse;

varying vec2 vUv;

void main(){
    vec3 p=position;

const fragmentShader3 = `
uniform vec3 uColor1;
uniform vec3 uColor2;

void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor,in vec2 fragCoord){
    vec2 uv=fragCoord/iResolution.xy;
    vec3 col1=uColor1;
    vec3 col2=uColor2;
    vec3 col=mix(col1,col2,uv.x);
    float alpha=smoothstep(.5,1.,uv.y)*.5;

class LeftFadeEffect extends POSTPROCESSING.Effect {
    blendFunction = POSTPROCESSING.BlendFunction.NORMAL,
    progress = 1 } =
  {}) {
    super("LeftFadeEffect", fragmentShader2, {
      uniforms: new Map([["uProgress", new THREE.Uniform(progress)]]),
      blendFunction });


class Sketch extends kokomi.Base {
  async create() {
    const config = {
      bgColor: "#050505",
      groundColor: "#050505",
      radius: 280,
      rounded: 900,
      groundY: -81,
      debug: false };

    const carouselData = [
      shadowColor: "#FFFFFF",
      name: "Kessoku Band",
      job: "Team",
      intro: `Kessoku Band is the main unit band of Bocchi the Rock! series. The name is a pun on "Kessoku" (unity) and "Kessoku Band" (cable tie). The band has been drawn as the center of this work.`,
      link: "",
      btnHue: "60",
      bgColor1: "#000000",
      bgColor2: "#000000" },

      shadowColor: "#F59BB1",
      name: "Gotou Hitori",
      job: "Guitar",
      intro: `An extremely timid and introverted first-year student in high school. She is often referred as Bocchi-chan. She is in charge of the responsibility of playing the lead guitar for Kessoku Band.`,
      link: "",
      btnHue: "320",
      bgColor1: "#F64571",
      bgColor2: "#F59BB1" },

      shadowColor: "#F1D576",
      name: "Ijichi Nijika",
      job: "Drum",
      intro: `An energetic and cheerful second-year high school student. She is the drummer of Kessoku Band. The organizer of her band who takes care of Hitori was already joined Kessoku Band.`,
      link: "",
      btnHue: "30",
      bgColor1: "#EDC12F",
      bgColor2: "#F1D576" },

      shadowColor: "#3861A6",
      name: "Yamada Ryou",
      job: "Bass",
      intro: `A cool and solitary second-year high school student. She is the bassist of Kessoku Band and Nijika's best friend. Her hobbies are out of the ordinary, and she rejoices when called a weirdo.`,
      link: "",
      btnHue: "210",
      bgColor1: "#3861A6",
      bgColor2: "#5A80C2" },

      shadowColor: "#DF4955",
      name: "Kita Ikuyo",
      job: "Vocal",
      intro: `A bright and popular first year of high school. She is in charge of the guitar and vocals of Kessoku Band. She is a cheerful character who likes to interact with people without hesitation.`,
      link: .........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看
