72个丰富的canvas webgl shader动画集合代码



代码描述:72个丰富的canvas webgl shader动画集合代码

代码标签: 72 webgl shader 动画 集合 canvas

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<script type="x-shader/x-vertex">#version 300 es
  precision highp float;
  precision mediump float;

  in vec2 position;
  out vec2 texcoord;

  void main(void) {
    texcoord = position;
    gl_Position = vec4(position, 0, 1);
<script type="x-shader/x-fragment" data-title="Garry">#version 300 es
   * made by Matthias Hurrle (@atzedent)
  precision highp float;
  precision mediump float;

  out vec4 fragColor;
  in vec2 texcoord;

  uniform vec2 resolution;
  uniform float time;

  #define T time
  #define S smoothstep

  void main(void) {
    vec2 uv = texcoord * (resolution / max(resolution.x, resolution.y)),
    p = uv*20.;

    vec3 col = vec3(0);

    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
      float k=float(i+1), t=T*k;
      uv += vec2(
      col[i] += sin(k+length(p)/length(uv)-T);
      uv *= .95;

    col = sqrt(col);
    col = pow(col, vec3(.4545));
    col = mix(col, vec3(S(1.,.0, length(fwidth(col)))), -.125);

    fragColor = vec4(col, 1);
<script type="x-shader/x-fragment" data-title="Lenny">#version 300 es
   * made by Matthias Hurrle (@atzedent)
  precision highp float;
  precision mediump float;

  out vec4 fragColor;
  in vec2 texcoord;

  uniform vec2 resolution;
  uniform float time;

  #define T time
  #define S smoothstep

  void main(void) {
    vec2 uv = texcoord * (resolution / max(resolution.x, resolution.y));
    vec3 col = vec3(0);

    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
      float k=float(i+1), t=T*k;
      uv += vec2(
      col[i] += sin(k+length(uv*20.)-T);
      uv *= .918;

    col = sqrt(col);
    col = pow(col, vec3(.4545));
    col = mix(col, vec3(S(1.,.0, length(fwidth(col)))), -.125);

    fragColor = vec4(col, 1);
<script type="x-shader/x-fragment" data-title="Sammy">#version 300 es
   * made by Matthias Hurrle (@atzedent)
  precision highp float;
  precision mediump float;

  out vec4 fragColor;
  in vec2 texcoord;

  uniform vec2 resolution;
  uniform float time;

  #define T time
  #define S smoothstep

  void main(void) {
    vec2 uv = texcoord * (resolution / max(resolution.x, resolution.y)),
    vec3 col = vec3(0);

    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
      float k=float(i+1), t=T*k;
      uv = vec2(.76*cos(atan(uv.y,uv.x)*3.),1);
      col[i] += sin(length(p)/length(uv)-T);

    col = sqrt(col);
    col = pow(col, vec3(.4545));
    col = mix(col, vec3(S(1.,.0, length(fwidth(col)))), -.125);

    fragColor = vec4(col, 1);
<script type="x-shader/x-fragment" data-title="Lizzy">#version 300 es
   * made by Matthias Hurrle (@atzedent)
  precision highp float;
  precision mediump float;

  out vec4 fragColor;
  in vec2 texcoord;

  uniform vec2 resolution;
  uniform float time;

  #define T (time)
  #define S smoothstep

  void main(void) {
    vec2 uv = texcoord * (resolution / max(resolution.x, resolution.y)),
    vec3 col = vec3(0);

    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
      float k=float(i+1), t=T*k;
      uv += vec2(
      col[i] += sin((3.-k)+length(p)/exp(length(uv))-T);
      uv *= .918;

    col = sqrt(col);
    col = pow(col, vec3(.4545));
    col = mix(col, vec3(S(1.,.0, length(fwidth(col)))), -.125);

    fragColor = vec4(col, 1);
<script type="x-shader/x-fragment" data-title="Rarely">#version 300 es
   * made by Matthias Hurrle (@atzedent)
  precision highp float;
  precision mediump float;

  out vec4 fragColor;
  in vec2 texcoord;

  uniform vec2 resolution;
  uniform float time;

  #define T (time)
  #define S smoothstep

  float rnd(vec2 p) {
    return fract(
      sin(dot(p, p.yx + vec2(234, 543))) * 345678.);

  void main(void) {
    vec2 uv = texcoord * (resolution / max(resolution.x, resolution.y)),
    p = uv;
    vec3 col = vec3(0);
    uv *= 5.;

    for (float n=3., i=.0; i<n; i++) {
      uv.y -= T;
      uv.x += sin(T+p.y*1.3)*.3;
      vec2 gv = fract(uv)-.5, id = floor(uv);
      float k = (i+1.)/n;
      col += .025/length(gv)+step(length(gv)-.4,.0);
      col *= k*vec3(rnd(id),rnd(id+12.),rnd(id+78.));
      uv *= .9;

    col -= 1.-col;
    fragColor = vec4(col, 1);
<script type="x-shader/x-fragment" data-title="Opened">#version 300 es
   * made by Matthias Hurrle (@atzedent)
  precision highp float;
  precision mediump float;

  out vec4 fragColor;
  in vec2 texcoord;

  uniform vec2 resolution;
  uniform float time;

  #define T (time)
  #define S smoothstep

  float rnd(vec2 p) {
    return fract(sin(dot(p,p.yx+vec2(234,543)))*345678.);

  void main(void) {
    vec2 uv = texcoord * (resolution / max(resolution.x, resolution.y)),
    p = uv;

    vec3 col = vec3(0);
    uv *= 15.;

    for (float n=6., i=.0; i<n; i++) {
      vec2 st = uv*1.5-.5, gv = fract(st)-.5, id = floor(st);
      gv.x += cos(T+p.y*1.5)*.45;

      float t=floor(10.*fract(T*.5));
      col += .25/length(gv)/exp(length(uv));
      col *= vec3(rnd(id+t),rnd(id+12.+t),rnd(id+78.+t));
      uv *= .8;

    fragColor = vec4(col, 1);
<script type="x-shader/x-fragment" data-title="Curved">#version 300 es
   * made by Matthias Hurrle (@atzedent)
  precision highp float;
  precision mediump float;

  out vec4 fragColor;
  in vec2 texcoord;

  uniform vec2 resolution;
  uniform float time;
  #define T mod(40.+time, 180.)
  #define S smoothstep
  #define TICK (fract(T * .025))

  mat2 rot(float a) {
    float c = cos(a),
      s = sin(a);
    return mat2(c, -s, s, c);

  float rnd(vec2 p) {
    return fract(sin(dot(p, p.yx + vec2(234.78, 543.12))) * 345678.);

  float box(vec3 p, vec3 s, float r) {
    p = abs(p) - s;

    return length(max(p, .0)) +
      min(.0, max(max(p.x, p.y), p.z)) - r;

  vec3 map(vec3 p) {
    const float n = 3.;
    g = (fract(p.xz / n) - .5) * n,
    id = floor(p.xz / n);
    p.xz = g;

    float h = clamp(rnd(id) * 2.5, .2, 2.5),
    w = clamp(1. - rnd(id), .5, 1.),
    bld = box((p - vec3(0, h, 0)) + .0125, vec3(w, h, w), .0125);

    return vec3(bld * .25, id);

  float getao(vec3 p, vec3 n, float dist) {
    return clamp(map(p + n * dist).x / dist, .0, 1.);

  vec3 norm(vec3 p) {
    float h = 1e-2;
    vec2 k = vec2(-1, 1);

    return normalize(
      k.xyy * map(p + k.xy.........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看
