代码标签: canvas processing 往上 冲 小 游戏 代码
下面为部分代码预览,完整代码请点击下载或在bfwstudio webide中打开
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <style> * { margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; overflow: hidden; } body { background: #222; width: 100%; height: 100vh; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } body canvas { box-shadow: 0.2em 0.2em 2em #0008; border: none; outline: none; } </style> </head> <body > <canvas id="canvas"></canvas> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script > var sketchProc = function(processingInstance) { with (processingInstance) { size(600, 600); frameRate(60); smooth(); textFont(createFont('Trebuchet MS')); var app; //manages the key/mouse states var pressed = false, clicked = false, hover = false, keys = []; mouseClicked = function() { clicked = true; }; mousePressed = function () { pressed = true; }; keyPressed = function() { keys[keyCode] = true; }; keyReleased = function () { keys[keyCode] = false; }; //Button object var Button = (function() { var Button = function(args) { this.x = args.x; this.y = args.y; this.diameter = args.diameter || 120; this.content = args.content; this.textSize = args.textSize || this.diameter * 0.13; this.hover = false; this.action = args.action; this.backColor = args.backColor || color(242, 242, 242); this.textColor = args.textColor || color(242, 239, 242); }; Button.prototype = { over: function() { //check if the mouse is over the button return (dist(mouseX, mouseY, this.x, this.y) < this.diameter / 2); }, draw: function() { //set hover based on mouse over the button this.hover = this.over(); if(this.hover) { hover = true; } pushMatrix(); translate(this.x, this.y); fill(this.backColor, (this.hover ? 200 : 255)); noStroke(); ellipse(0, 0, this.diameter, this.diameter); fill(app.colors.stroke); switch(this.content) { case "play": triangle(this.diameter*0.25, 0, -this.diameter*0.15, -this.diameter*0.25, -this.diameter*0.15, this.diameter*0.25); break; case "sound": pushStyle(); noStroke(); fill(app.colors.stroke); triangle(0, -this.diameter * 0.3, 0, this.diameter * 0.3, -this.diameter * 0.3, 0); rect(-this.diameter * 0.3, -this.diameter * 0.1, this.diameter * 0.3, this.diameter * 0.2); if(app.sound) { noFill(); stroke(app.colors.stroke); strokeWeight(this.diameter/20); arc(this.diameter * 0.1, 0, this.diameter * 0.2, this.diameter * 0.2, radians(-91), radians(90)); arc(this.diameter * 0.1, 0, this.diameter * 0.4, this.diameter * 0.4, radians(-81), radians(80)); } else { noFill(); stroke(app.colors.stroke); strokeWeight(this.diameter/20); line(this.diameter * 0.1, -this.diameter * 0.1, this.diameter * 0.25, this.diameter * 0.1); line(this.diameter * 0.1, this.diameter * 0.1, this.diameter * 0.25, -this.diameter * 0.1); } popStyle(); break; case "leaders": pushStyle(); noFill(); stroke(app.colors.stroke); strokeWeight(this.diameter * 0.14); strokeCap(SQUARE); line(0, this.diameter * 0.25, 0, -this.diameter * 0.3); line(-this.diameter * 0.2, this.diameter * 0.25, -this.diameter * 0.2, -this.diameter * 0.1); line(this.diameter * 0.2, this.diameter * 0.25, this.diameter * 0.2, -this.diameter * 0.2); popStyle(); break; case "shop": pushStyle(); noStroke(); fill(app.colors.stroke); rect(-this.diameter * 0.25, -this.diameter * 0.25, this.diameter * 0.5, this.diameter * 0.5); fill(255, 100); rect(-this.diameter * 0.15, -this.diameter * 0.15, this.diameter * 0.1, this.diameter * 0.15); rect(this.diameter * 0.05, -this.diameter * 0.15, this.diameter * 0.1, this.diameter * 0.15); popStyle(); break; case "home": pushStyle(); beginShape(); vertex(this.diameter*0.25, 0); //1 vertex(this.diameter*0.25, this.diameter*0.25); //2 vertex(this.diameter*0.07, this.diameter*0.25); //3 vertex(this.diameter*0.07, this.diameter*0.12); //4 vertex(-this.diameter*0.07, this.diameter*0.12); //5 vertex(-this.diameter*0.07, this.diameter*0.25); //6 vertex(-this.diameter*0.25, this.diameter*0.25); //7 vertex(-this.diameter*0.25, 0); //8 vertex(0, -this.diameter*0.2); //9 vertex(this.diameter*0.25, 0); //10 endShape(); noFill(); stroke(app.colors.stroke); strokeWeight(this.diameter*0.05); line(-this.diameter*0.27, -this.diameter*0.05, 0, -this.diameter*0.27); line(this.diameter*0.27, -this.diameter*0.05, 0, -this.diameter*0.27); line(this.diameter*0.15, -this.diameter*0.19, this.diameter*0.15, -this.diameter*0.25); popStyle(); break; case "replay": pushStyle(); noFill(); stroke(app.colors.stroke); strokeWeight(5); pushMatrix(); rotate(radians(frameCount * 3)); arc(0, 0, this.diameter * 0.6, this.diameter * 0.6, 0, radians(275)); noStroke(); fill(app.colors.stroke); translate(this.diameter * 0.30, -this.diameter * 0.18); rotate(radians(-70)); triangle(0, -this.diameter * 0.1, -this.diameter * 0.14, -this.diameter * 0.3, this.diameter * 0.14, -this.diameter * 0.3); popMatrix(); popStyle(); break; case "how": pushStyle(); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); textFont(createFont('Trebuchet MS Bold'), this.diameter * 0.7); text("?", 0, 0); popStyle(); break; default: pushStyle(); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); text(this.content, 0, 0); popStyle(); } popMatrix(); //if button is clicked then run the function argument if(clicked && this.hover) { this.action(); } } }; return Button; })(); //Player object var Player = (function() { var Player = function() { this.x = 275; this.y = 400; this.px = 275; = 400; this.w = 40; this.h = 40; this.color = color(227, 211, 134); this.state = 0; //0 = normal, 1 = lava this.mouth = { value: 0, max: 3 }; this.eyes = { value: 0, max: 3 }; this.vx = 0; this.vy = 0; this.dir = random() < 0.5 ? 1 : -1; this.gravity = 0.1; this.ymin = 400; this.angle = 0; }; Player.prototype = { draw: function() { switch(this.state) { case 1: //hit lava state fill(50); break; default: fill(this.color); } pushStyle(); noStroke(); strokeWeight(1); stroke(250, 200); noStroke(); //tenticles ellipse(this.x + this.w * 0.25, this.y + this.h * 0.9, this.w * 0.25, this.h * 0.5); ellipse(this.x + this.w * 0.5, this.y + this.h * 0.9, this.w * 0.25, this.h * 0.5); ellipse(this.x + this.w * 0.75, this.y + this.h * 0.9, this.w * 0.25, this.h * 0.5); //body strokeWeight(1); stroke(250, 200); rect(this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h, 8, 8, 5, 5); //eyes switch(this.eyes.value) { case 0: noStroke(); fill(255); ellipse(this.x + this.w * 0.3, this.y + this.h * 0.35, this.w * 0.35, this.w * 0.35); ellipse(this.x + this.w * 0.7, this.y + this.h * 0.35, this.w * 0.35, this.w * 0.35); fill(40); ellipse(this.x + this.w * 0.31, this.y + this.h * 0.34, this.w * 0.17, this.w * 0.19); ellipse(this.x + this.w * 0.69, this.y + this.h * 0.34, this.w * 0.17, this.w * 0.19); break; case 1: noFill(); stroke(50, 200); strokeWeight(3); arc(this.x + this.w * 0.3, this.y + this.h * 0.41, this.w * 0.25, this.w * 0.30, radians(180), radians(360)); arc(this.x + this.w * 0.7, this.y + this.h * 0.41, this.w * 0.25, this.w * 0.30, radians(180), radians(360)); break; case 2: noFill(); stroke(50, 200); strokeWeight(4); line(this.x + this.w * 0.33, this.y + this.h * 0.25, this.x + this.w * 0.33, this.y + this.h * 0.45); line(this.x + this.w * 0.67, this.y + this.h * 0.25, this.x + this.w * 0.67, this.y + this.h * 0.45); break; case 3: //dead eyes noFill(); stroke(50, 200); strokeWeight(2); line(this.x + this.w * 0.30, this.y + this.h * 0.27, this.x + this.w * 0.40, this.y + this.h * 0.43); line(this.x + this.w * 0.40, this.y + this.h * 0.27, this.x + this.w * 0.30, this.y + this.h * 0.43); line(this.x + this.w * 0.57, this.y + this.h * 0.27, this.x + this.w * 0.67, this.y + this.h * 0.43); line(this.x + this.w * 0.67, this.y + this.h * 0.27, this.x + this.w * 0.57, this.y + this.h * 0.43); break; } //mouth switch(this.mouth.value) { case 0: strokeWeight(3); stroke(50, 200); line(this.x + this.w * 0.35, this.y + this.h * 0.75, this.x + this.w * 0.65, this.y + this.h * 0.75); break; case 1: noStroke(); fill(50, 200); ellipse(this.x + this.w / 2, this.y + this.h * 0.75, this.w * 0.20, this.w * 0.20); break; case 2: noStroke(); fill(50, 200); arc(this.x + this.w / 2, this.y + this.h * 0.70, this.w * 0.30, this.w * 0.25, 0, radians(180)); break; } popStyle(); }, update: function() { //not implemented within the player prototype }, run: function() { this.update(); this.draw(); } }; return Player; })(); //Transition object var Transition = function() { this.h = 0; this.vy = 15; = false; this.scene = "home"; this.reset = function() { this.h = 0; this.vy = 15; }; this.draw = function() { pushStyle(); stroke(app.colors.stroke, 250); strokeWeight(30); fill(app.colors.blockColor[0]); rect(-20, -20, width + 40, this.h); rect(-20, height-this.h, width + 40, this.h + 20); strokeWeight(1); popStyle(); }; this.update = function() { this.h+= this.vy; //if halfway down the screen then change the scene if(this.h >= height/2) { app.scene = this.scene; if(this.scene === "play") { app.reset(); } this.vy*= -1; } //else if it's completely off the screen reset it and set to inactive else if(this.h < 0) { this.reset(); = false; } }; = function() { if( { this.draw(); this.update(); } }; }; //App object (runs the game) var App = (function() { var App = function() { this.scene = "load"; this.start = false; this.player = new Player(); this.transition = new Transition(); this.highscores = [ { name: "Could be you", score: 0 }, { name: "Could be you", score: 0 }, { name: "Could be you", score: 0 }, { name: "Could be you", score: 0 }, { name: "Could be you", score: 0 }, { name: "Could be you", score: 0 }, { name: "Could be you", score: 0 }, { name: "Could be you", score: 0 }, { name: "Could be you", score: 0 }, { name: "Could be you", score: 0 } ]; this.theme = 0; this.themes = [ { backColor: color(35, 205, 255), blockColor: [ color(40, 120, 130), color(30, 110, 120) ], stroke: color(20, 100, 110), playerColor: color(230, 141, 240), images: [] }, { backColor: color(235, 95, 125), blockColor: [ color(150, 50, 70), color(115, 50, 65), ], stroke: color(105, 40, 55), playerColor: color(144, 222, 113), images: [] }, { backColor: color(180, 210, 130), blockColor: [ color(70, 120, 75), color(60, 90, 60), ], stroke: color(50, 80, 50), playerColor: color(235, 225, 80), images: [] } ]; this.colors = this.themes[this.theme]; this.images = undefined; this.imageIndex = 0; this.loaded = false; this.sound = false; this.sounds = { lava: this.addSound("//"), bird: this.addSound("//"), spike: this.addSound("//"), wall: this.addSound("//"), lazer: this.addSound("//"), star: this.addSound("//"), birdCollect: this.addSound("//") }; // this.sounds = { // lava: getSound("rpg/water-bubble"), // bird: getSound("rpg/giant-yah"), // spike: getSound("rpg/giant-hyah"), // wall: getSound("rpg/hit-thud"), // lazer: getSound("retro/laser2"), // star: getSound("rpg/metal-chime"), // }; this.shake = 0; this.shakedown = 0.1; = { x: 0, y: 0 }; this.inventory = { stars: 0 }; this.score = { value: 0, best: 0 }; this.stats = { games: 0 }; this.fonts = { title: createFont('Trebuchet MS Bold'), content: createFont('Trebuchet MS') }; this.anim = { over: { value: -600, base: -600, angle: 0 } }; this.parallax = { back: { y1: 0, y2: 899, speed: 0.25 } }; this.lava = { x1: -50, y1: height - 40, cx1: 200, cy1: height - 40, cx2: 400, cy2: height - 40, x2: width + 50, y2: height - 40, h: 200, arr: [] }; this.blocks = []; this.centerBlocks = []; this.spikes = []; this.lazers = []; this.enemies = []; this.deadEnemies = []; this.smokes = []; this.bubbles = []; this.fishes = []; this.particles = []; this.starImages = []; this.stars = []; this.assetImages = []; this.assets = []; this.dead = false; this.grid = { y1: 0, y2: -599 }; this.buttons = { menu: { play: new Button({ x: width / 2, y: 300, diameter: 150, content: "play", action: function() { app.transition.scene = "play"; = true; } }), leaders: new Button({ x: width / 2 - 70, y: 435, content: "leaders", action: function() { app.transition.scene = "leaderboard"; = true; } }), sound: new Button({ x: width / 2 + 70, y: 435, content: "sound", action: function() { app.sound = !app.sound; } }) }, over: { home: new Button({ x: width / 2 - 60, y: 460, diameter: 100, content: "home", action: function() { if(app.dead) { app.transition.scene = "home"; = true; } } }), leaders: new Button({ x: width / 2 + 60, y: 460, diameter: 100, content: "leaders", action: function() { if(app.dead) { app.transition.scene = "leaderboard"; = true; } } }), replay: new Button({ x: width / 2, y: 320, diameter: 130, content: "replay", action: function() { if(app.dead) { app.transition.scene = "play"; = true; } } }) }, leaderboard: { home: new Button({ x: width / 2, y: 535, diameter: 100, textSize: 20, content: "home", action: function() { app.transition.scene = "home"; = true; } }) } }; this.init(); }; App.prototype = { addSound: function(src) { var sound = document.createElement("audio"); sound.src = src; sound.setAttribute("preload", "auto"); sound.setAttribute("controls", "none"); = "none"; document.body.appendChild(sound); return sound; }, setBlocks: function() { //initializes the blocks at the start of each game this.blocks.length = 0; this.centerBlocks.length = 0; var y = height + 300; for(var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { var h = random(100, 250); var blockColor = this.colors.blockColor[random(this.colors.blockColor.length) | 0]; this.blocks.push({ x: -310, y: y - h, w: 300 + random(20, 250), h: h, color: blockColor, image: this.colors.images[random(this.colors.images.length) | 0] }); var w = random(20, 250); this.blocks.push({ x: width - w + 10, y: y - h, w: w + 300, h: h, color: blockColor, image: this.colors.images[random(this.colors.images.length) | 0] }); //add random plants on the left if(random() < 0.3) { var b1 = this.blocks[this.blocks.length-2]; var asset1 = this.assetImages[random(this.assetImages.length) | 0]; this.assets.push({ x: b1.x + b1.w - asset1.width / 2, y: random(b1.y + asset1.height, b1.y + b1.h - asset1.height), image: asset1 }); } //add random plants on the right if(random() < 0.3) { var b2 = this.blocks[this.blocks.length-1]; var asset2 = this.assetImages[random(this.assetImages.length) | 0]; this.assets.push({ x: b2.x - asset2.width / 2, y: random(b2.y + asset2.height, b2.y + b2.h - asset2.height), image: asset2 }); } y-= h; } }, outlineText: function(args) { //creates text with an outline color textSize(args.textSize); fill(args.stroke); for(var i = 0; i < 360; i+= 30) { text(args.text, args.x + sin(radians(i)) * (args.strokeWeight || 2), args.y + cos(radians(i)) * (args.strokeWeight || 2)); } fill(args.fill); text(args.text, args.x, args.y); }, generateBlock: function(blockColor, strokeColor) { //gets an image of the blocks used in the game background(0, 0, 0, 0); pushMatrix(); translate(25, 50); pushStyle(); fill(blockColor); stroke(strokeColor); strokeWeight(3); rect(0, 0, 550, 250, 10); noStroke(); fill(0, 10); for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var w = random(50, 300); var h = random(50, 200); rect(random(0, 550 - w), random(0, 250 - h), w, h, 10); } popStyle(); popMatrix(); return get(23, 48, 554, 254); }, star: function(x, y, inner, outer, sides) { //gets an image of the stars used in the game var rot = 360 / sides; pushMatrix(); translate(x, y); rotate(radians(270)); beginShape(); for(var angle = 0; angle < 360; angle+= rot / 2) { vertex(cos(radians(angle)) * (angle % rot === 0 ? outer : inner), sin(radians(angle)) * (angle % rot === 0 ? outer : inner)); } endShape(CLOSE); popMatrix(); }, init: function() { //add initial bubbles for(var i = 0; i < 15; i++) { this.bubbles.push({ x: random(width), y: random(height), vx: random(0.3, 1) * (random() < 0.5 ? 1 : -1), vy: random(-0.7, -0.3), diameter: random(10, 20), opacity: random(50, 100), dir: random() < 0.5 ? 1 : -1, offset: random(360) | 0 }); } //add initial fishes for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { this.fishes.push({ x: random(width), y: random(height - 50), diameter: random(20, 30), vx: random(0.5, 2), vy: 0, dir: random() < 0.5 ? 1 : -1, speed: random(0.5, 2) }); } //generate block images this.themes[0].images.push(this.generateBlock(this.themes[0].blockColor[0], this.themes[0].stroke)); this.themes[0].images.push(this.generateBlock(this.themes[0].blockColor[0], this.themes[0].stroke)); this.themes[0].images.push(this.generateBlock(this.themes[0].blockColor[1], this.themes[0].stroke)); this.themes[0].images.push(this.generateBlock(this.themes[0].blockColor[1], this.themes[0].stroke)); this.themes[1].images.push(this.generateBlock(this.themes[1].blockColor[0], this.themes[1].stroke)); this.themes[1].images.push(this.generateBlock(this.themes[1].blockColor[0], this.themes[1].stroke)); this.themes[1].images.push(this.generateBlock(this.themes[1].blockColor[1], this.themes[1].stroke)); this.themes[1].images.push(this.generateBlock(this.themes[1].blockColor[1], this.themes[1].stroke)); this.themes[2].images.push(this.generateBlock(this.themes[2].blockColor[0], this.themes[2].stroke)); this.themes[2].images.push(this.generateBlock(this.themes[2].blockColor[0], this.themes[2].stroke)); this.themes[2].images.push(this.generateBlock(this.themes[2].blockColor[1], this.themes[2].stroke)); this.themes[2].images.push(this.generateBlock(this.themes[2].blockColor[1], this.themes[2].stroke)); //add images this.images = { headi.........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看