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} } @keyframes c3-y { 0%, 20%, 40%, to { --c3-y:0; } 20.1%, 39.9% { --c3-y:1; } } c > c > c > c { animation: c4-x linear, c4-y linear; container-name: c4; } c > c > c > c:before { left: 18.1818181818%; top: 20%; animation: b 0.8s steps(6) infinite, e 0.05s forwards var(--e4, paused); } @container c4 style(--c4-x: 1) and style(--c4-y: 1) { c > c > c > c:before { --e4: running; } } @keyframes c4-x { 0%, 18.1818181818%, 27.2727272727%, to { --c4-x:0; } 18.2818181818%, 27.1727272727% { --c4-x:1; } } @keyframes c4-y { 0%, 20%, 40%, to { --c4-y:0; } 20.1%, 39.9% { --c4-y:1; } } c > c > c > c > c { animation: c5-x linear, c5-y linear; container-name: c5; } c > c > c > c > c:before { left: 36.3636363636%; top: 60%; animation: b 0.8s steps(6) infinite, e 0.05s forwards var(--e5, paused); } @container c5 style(--c5-x: 1) and style(--c5-y: 1) { c > c > c > c > c:before { --e5: running; } } @keyframes c5-x { 0%, 36.3636363636%, 45.4545454545%, to { --c5-x:0; } 36.4636363636%, 45.3545454545% { --c5-x:1; } } @keyframes c5-y { 0%, 60%, 80%, to { --c5-y:0; } 60.1%, 79.9% { --c5-y:1; } } c > c > c > c > c > c { animation: c6-x linear, c6-y linear; container-name: c6; } c > c > c > c > c > c:before { left: 36.3636363636%; top: 20%; animation: b 0.8s steps(6) infinite, e 0.05s forwards var(--e6, paused); } @container c6 style(--c6-x: 1) and style(--c6-y: 1) { c > c > c > c > c > c:before { --e6: running; } } @keyframes c6-x { 0%, 36.3636363636%, 45.4545454545%, to { --c6-x:0; } 36.4636363636%, 45.3545454545% { --c6-x:1; } } @keyframes c6-y { 0%, 20%, 40%, to { --c6-y:0; } 20.1%, 39.9% { --c6-y:1; } } c > c > c > c > c > c > c { animation: c7-x linear, c7-y linear; container-name: c7; } c > c > c > c > c > c > c:before { left: 18.1818181818%; top: 20%; animation: b 0.8s steps(6) infinite, e 0.05s forwards var(--e7, paused); } @container c7 style(--c7-x: 1) and style(--c7-y: 1) { c > c > c > c > c > c > c:before { --e7: running; } } @keyframes c7-x { 0%, 18.1818181818%, 27.2727272727%, to { --c7-x:0; } 18.2818181818%, 27.1727272727% { --c7-x:1; } } @keyframes c7-y { 0%, 20%, 40%, to { --c7-y:0; } 20.1%, 39.9% { --c7-y:1; } } c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c { animation: c8-x linear, c8-y linear; container-name: c8; } c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c:before { left: 72.7272727273%; top: 40%; animation: b 0.8s steps(6) infinite, e 0.05s forwards var(--e8, paused); } @container c8 style(--c8-x: 1) and style(--c8-y: 1) { c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c:before { --e8: running; } } @keyframes c8-x { 0%, 72.7272727273%, 81.8181818182%, to { --c8-x:0; } 72.8272727273%, 81.7181818182% { --c8-x:1; } } @keyframes c8-y { 0%, 40%, 60%, to { --c8-y:0; } 40.1%, 59.9% { --c8-y:1; } } c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c { animation: c9-x linear, c9-y linear; container-name: c9; } c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c:before { left: 0%; top: 80%; animation: b 0.8s steps(6) infinite, e 0.05s forwards var(--e9, paused); } @container c9 style(--c9-x: 1) and style(--c9-y: 1) { c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c:before { --e9: running; } } @keyframes c9-x { 0%, 0%, 9.0909090909%, to { --c9-x:0; } 0.1%, 8.9909090909% { --c9-x:1; } } @keyframes c9-y { 0%, 80%, 100%, to { --c9-y:0; } 80.1%, 99.9% { --c9-y:1; } } c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c { animation: c10-x linear, c10-y linear; container-name: c10; } c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c:before { left: 36.3636363636%; top: 40%; animation: b 0.8s steps(6) infinite, e 0.05s forwards var(--e10, paused); } @container c10 style(--c10-x: 1) and style(--c10-y: 1) { c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c:before { --e10: running; } } @keyframes c10-x { 0%, 36.3636363636%, 45.4545454545%, to { --c10-x:0; } 36.4636363636%, 45.3545454545% { --c10-x:1; } } @keyframes c10-y { 0%, 40%, 60%, to { --c10-y:0; } 40.1%, 59.9% { --c10-y:1; } } c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c { animation: c11-x linear, c11-y linear; container-name: c11; } c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c:before { left: 90.9090909091%; top: 40%; animation: b 0.8s steps(6) infinite, e 0.05s forwards var(--e11, paused); } @container c11 style(--c11-x: 1) and style(--c11-y: 1) { c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c:before { --e11: running; } } @keyframes c11-x { 0%, 90.9090909091%, 100%, to { --c11-x:0; } 91.0090909091%, 99.9% { --c11-x:1; } } @keyframes c11-y { 0%, 40%, 60%, to { --c11-y:0; } 40.1%, 59.9% { --c11-y:1; } } c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c { animation: c12-x linear, c12-y linear; container-name: c12; } c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c:before { left: 36.3636363636%; top: 40%; animation: b 0.8s steps(6) infinite, e 0.05s forwards var(--e12, paused); } @container c12 style(--c12-x: 1) and style(--c12-y: 1) { c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c:before { --e12: running; } } @keyframes c12-x { 0%, 36.3636363636%, 45.4545454545%, to { --c12-x:0; } 36.4636363636%, 45.3545454545% { --c12-x:1; } } @keyframes c12-y { 0%, 40%, 60%, to { --c12-y:0; } 40.1%, 59.9% { --c12-y:1; } } c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c { animation: c13-x linear, c13-y linear; container-name: c13; } c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c:before { left: 36.3636363636%; top: 60%; animation: b 0.8s steps(6) infinite, e 0.05s forwards var(--e13, paused); } @container c13 style(--c13-x: 1) and style(--c13-y: 1) { c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c:before { --e13: running; } } @keyframes c13-x { 0%, 36.3636363636%, 45.4545454545%, to { --c13-x:0; } 36.4636363636%, 45.3545454545% { --c13-x:1; } } @keyframes c13-y { 0%, 60%, 80%, to { --c13-y:0; } 60.1%, 79.9% { --c13-y:1; } } c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c { animation: c14-x linear, c14-y linear; container-name: c14; } c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c >.........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看