代码标签: zim three 三维 VR 场景 空间 菜单 操作
下面为部分代码预览,完整代码请点击下载或在bfwstudio webide中打开
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> </head> <body> <script type="module" > import zim from "https://zimjs.org/cdn/016/zim_three"; new Frame(FIT, 1000, 400, darker, darker, ready, ["gf_Protest Strike", "stucco.jpg", "brick_b.jpg"], "https://zimjs.com/studio/assets/"); function ready() { // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // ZIM // TEXTUREACTIVE // for more options - see https://zimjs.com/docs.html?item=TextureActive // Here we use gallery as that is what is used in the Studio examples // but you can call it whatever you want like menu, game, etc. // and then make sure the change the name passed to the TextureActives further down const gallery = new TextureActive({ width: W, height: H, color: light, // may need to change this to match feature color corner: 0 }). addTo(); // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // ZIM FEATURE - LIST // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ const topics = ["DRAG", "DRAG\nON\nPATH", "PEN", "COLOR\nPICKER", "STEPPER", "DIAL", "SLIDER", "TRANSFORM", "SCRAMBLER", "PHYSICS", "EMITTER", "RADIAL", "ANIMATE", "PROGRESS\nBAR", "INDICATOR", "D PAD", "TABS\n&\nPAD", "BLOB\n&\nSQUIGGLE", "WINDOW\n&\nWRAPPER", "SYNTH", "PARALLAX", "SPRITES", "FORMS", "EDITABLE\nTEXT", "KEYBOARD", "CONNECTORS", "CAROUSEL", "HIT TESTS", "TILE", "PACK", "BEADS", "FLIPPER", "BOOK", "MULTIUSER"]; const file = ["drag", "path", "pen", "colorpicker", "stepper", "dial", "slider", "transform", "scrambler", "physics", "emitter", "radial", "animate", "progress", "indicator", "dpad", "tabs", "blob", "window", "synth", "parallax", "sprites", "forms", "text", "keyboard", "connectors", "carousel", "hittests", "tile", "pack", "beads", "flipper", "book", "multiuser"]; const items = []; const colors = series(red, pink.darken(.1), blue, green.darken(.1), orange, brown.darken(.2), silver); STYLE = { font: "Protest Strike", lineWidth: 180, size: 30, align: CENTER, valign: CENTER }; loop(topics, (topic, i) => { let item; if (file[i]) { item = new Page(200, 200, colors()).tap(() => { // zgo("https://zimjs.com/studio/" + file[i] + ".html", "_blank"); }); new Label({ text: topic, color: white }).center(item); } else { item = new Page(200, 200, yellow.darken(.2)).alp(.6).tap(() => { coming.show(); }); new Label({ text: topic, color: white }).center(item); } item.backing.corner = 100; items.push(item); }); STYLE = {}; const list = new List({ height: 200, width: 1000, list: items, spacing: 10, viewNum: 5.5, borderColor: yellow, backdropColor: yellow, vertical: false, scrollBarActive: false }). pos(0, 60, CENTER, BOTTOM, gallery); // END ZIM FEATURE // STUDIO INTERFACE STYLE = { label: "LIST", corner: 0, width: 170, autoPaddingH: 50, shadowColor: -1, scale: .7 }; if (M) {// mobile new Button({ color: purple, backgroundColor: light, borderColor: purple, borderWidth: 3 }). pos(-2, 45, RIGHT, TOP, gallery). noMouse(); } else { new Button(). pos(0, 45, RIGHT, TOP, gallery). tap(() => { // zgo("", "_editor"); }); } STYLE = {}; // logo that links to 2D view - or press the T key T.........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看