


代码描述:p5+matter实现愤怒的小鸟小游戏代码,鼠标点击小鸟不放拖动往后拉瞄准目标松开左键,按 "空格键" 重来。按 "回车键" 清除场景,按住 'q', 'w', 'e', 'r', 或 't'(游戏对象)或 'm'(怪物),然后点击以添加对象到世界并创建你自己的结构。

代码标签: p5 matter 愤怒 小鸟 游戏 代码

下面为部分代码预览,完整代码请点击下载或在bfwstudio webide中打开

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="es">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

<body style="background: #000; margin:0; background-size: 1500px 800px; background-repeat: no-repeat;" onclick="showText()">
   <p id="infoText" style="display:none; font-family: system-ui; color: #a2a2a2; line-height: 1.5em; margin-left: 20px; margin-top: 750px; position:absolute;">
          👉 鼠标点击小鸟不放拖动往后拉瞄准目标松开左键。<br>
    👉 按 "空格键" 重来。<br>
    👉 按 "回车键" 清除场景。<br>
    👉 编辑模式:按住 'q', 'w', 'e', 'r', 或 't'(游戏对象)或 'm'(怪物),然后点击以添加对象到世界并创建你自己的结构。
<script type="text/javascript" src="//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/js/p5.1.8.0.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/js/matter.0.19.0.js"></script>

        function showText() {
            document.getElementById('infoText').style.display = 'block';
    <script >
        let Engine = Matter.Engine,
  World = Matter.World,
  Bodies = Matter.Bodies,
  Body = Matter.Body,
  Events = Matter.Events;

let maxStretch = 100;  // Maximum stretch distance for the slingshot
let strength = 0.00161;  // Strength of the slingshot force
let simulationSpeed = 0.8;  // Simulation speed (1 is normal)
let interactRadius = 50;  // Radius within which mouse interaction is allowed

let boxes = []; 
let pumpkinReleased = false;  // Flag to track if the pumpkin has been released
let pumpkinHasCollided = false;  // Flag to track if the pumpkin has collided with any body
let pumpkinBeingDragged = false;  // Flag to track if the pumpkin is being dragged
let gameStarted = false;  // Flag to track if the game has started

function preload() {
  titleScreen = loadImage('//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/images/game/skech/angry_pumpkins.jpg');
  imgSkull = loadImage('//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/images/game/skech/skull.png');
  pumpkinImg = loadImage('//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/images/game/skech/angry2.png');
  imgBoxSkull = loadImage('//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/images/game/skech/box2.png');
  imgStone1 = loadImage('//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/images/game/skech/stone2.png');
  imgBone1 = loadImage('//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/images/game/skech/bone1.png');
  imgPlank1 = loadImage('//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/images/game/skech/plank1.png');
  monsterImg = loadImage('//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/images/game/skech/monster.png');

function setup() {
  let canvas = createCanvas(1500, 800);

  engine = Engine.create();
  engine.timing.timeScale = simulationSpeed;

  ground = Bodies.rectangle(width / 2, height - 100, width, 20, {
    isStatic: true
  World.add(engine.world, ground);

  pumpkin = Bodies.circle(150, height - 200, 20, {
    isStatic: true
  World.add(engine.world, pumpkin);

  slingshot = new SlingShot(150, height - 200, pumpkin);
  Events.on(engine, 'collisionStart', collision);

  torch1 = new Torch(330, 620);
  torch2 = new Torch(1250, 455);

  explosionManager = new ExplosionManager();

  // Init objects

  boxes.push(new GameObject(600, 650, 30, 100, imgBone1, 1.05));
  boxes.push(new GameObject(600, 550, 30, 100, imgBone1, 1.05));
  boxes.push(new GameObject(650, 600, 50, 50, monsterImg, 1.1, true, true));
  boxes.push(new GameObject(700, 650, 30, 100, imgBone1, 1.05));
  boxes.push(new GameObject(700, 550, 30, 100, imgBone1, 1.05));
  boxes.push(new GameObject(650, 480, 150, 25, imgPlank1, 1.05));
  boxes.push(new GameObject(650, 450, 70, 70, imgBoxSkull, 1.05));
  boxes.push(new GameObject(650, 380, 50, 50, monsterImg, 1.1, true, true));

  boxes.push(new GameObject(1100, 650, 70, 70, imgBoxSkull, 1.05));
  boxes.push(new GameObject(1170, 650, 70, 70, imgBoxSkull, 1.05));
  boxes.push(new GameObject(1135, 580, 70, 70, imgBoxSkull, 1.05));
  boxes.push(new GameObject(1135, 510, 50, 50, monsterImg, 1.1, true, true));

  boxes.push(new GameObject(450, 650, 150, 25, imgPlank1, 1.05));
  boxes.push(new GameObject(450, 620, 70, 70, imgBoxSkull, 1.05));
  boxes.push(new GameObject(450, 550, 20, 70, imgStone1, 1.05));
  boxes.push(new GameObject(450, 490, 50, 50, monsterImg, 1.1, true, true));

  boxes.push(new GameObject(800, 650, 70, 70, imgBoxSkull, 1.05));
  boxes.push(new GameObject(800, 550, 30, 100, imgBone1, 1.05));
  boxes.push(new GameObject(900, 650, 70, 70, imgBoxSkull, 1.05));
  boxes.push(new GameObject(900, 550, 30, 100, imgBone1, 1.05));

  boxes.push(new GameObject(850, 650, 30, 100, imgBone1, 1.05));
  boxes.push(new GameObject(850, 600, 50, 50, monsterImg, 1.1, true, true));

  boxes.push(new GameObject(850, 480, 150, 25, imgPlank1, 1.05));
  boxes.push(new GameObject(850, 450, 70, 70, imgBoxSkull, 1.05));
  boxes.push(new OvalObject(850, 410, 48, 56, imgSkull, 1.2));
  boxes.push(new OvalObject(850, 410, 48, 56, imgSkull, 1.2));

  boxes.push(new GameObject(850, 360, 70, 70, imgBoxSkull, 1.05));

  boxes.push(new GameObject(850, 220, 150, 25, imgPlank1, 1.05));
  boxes.push(new GameObject(850, 190, 70, 70, imgBoxSkull, 1.05));
  boxes.push(new GameObject(850, 120, 50, 50, monsterImg, 1.1, true, true));

class ExplosionManager {
  constructor() {
    this.explosions = [];

  createExplosion(x, y) {
    let explosion = new Explosion(x, y);

  updateAndDisplay() {
    for (let i = this.explosions.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      if (this.explosions[i].isDead()) {
        this.explosions.splice(i, 1);

class Explosion {
  constructor(x, y) {
    this.pos = createVector(x, y);
    this.particles = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
      this.particles.push(new ExplosionParticle(this.pos.x, this.pos.y));

  update() {
    for (let particle of this.particles) {

  display() {
    for (let particle of this.particles) {
