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class="line-progression"></div> </div> <div data-carac="numbers" data-level="0" class="level-line"> <div class="line-label">Numbers</div> <div class="line-progression"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="side"> <div id="input-wrapper"> <input required id="pwd" type="text"> <label>type here...</label> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/js/snap.svg-min.js"></script> <script > console.clear(); var s = Snap("#svg"); const config = { strokeColor: '#734b00', fillShield: '#734b00', strokeDarkColor: '#f7c926', fillColor: '#f7c926', shadow: s.filter(Snap.filter.shadow(0, 0, 2, '#ffffff', 0.3)), strengthSteps: { length: [0, 6, 10, 16], specials: [0, 2, 4, 6], numbers: [0, 2, 4, 6], uppercases: [0, 2, 4, 6] } }; class Draw { constructor(strokeColor, fillColor, strokeDarkColor, fillShield, shadow) { this.fillShield = fillShield; this.strokeColor = strokeColor; this.fillColor = fillColor; this.strokeDarkColor = strokeDarkColor; 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3.526702,0 6.385658,-2.858956 6.385658,-6.385658 0,-3.526703 -2.858956,-6.385658 -6.385658,-6.385658 z', 'm 52.916668,39.651843 c -1.083123,2.760676 -2.646934,5.230696 -6.385658,6.385658 5.100693,0.732549 5.156739,3.834548 6.385658,6.385658 1.228918,-2.55111 1.284964,-5.653109 6.385658,-6.385658 -3.738724,-1.154962 -5.302536,-3.624982 -6.385658,-6.385658 z', 'm 52.916667,39.651843 c -0.463021,1.543063 -3.492788,2.741715 -8.209835,2.913001 5.100693,0.732549 7.214777,7.205398 8.209835,14.620814 0.995059,-7.415416 3.109143,-13.888265 8.209836,-14.620814 -4.717047,-0.171286 -7.746815,-1.369938 -8.209836,-2.913001 z'], attrs: { 'stroke-width': '0px', 'stroke': 'none', 'fill': this.fillShield, 'filter': this.shadow } }, { name: 'borderLeft', d: [ 'm 52.845941,45.373976 c -0.08425,0.0086 -0.167157,0.03229 -0.244375,0.06816 a 0.07596396,0.07596396 0 0 1 0.0043,0.02499 0.07596396,0.07596396 0 0 1 -0.07596,0.07596 0.07596396,0.07596396 0 0 1 -0.05711,-0.026 c -0.04931,0.03523 -0.09443,0.07577 -0.133522,0.120834 a 0.07596396,0.07596396 0 0 1 0.02479,0.05602 0.07596396,0.07596396 0 0 1 -0.07596,0.07596 0.07596396,0.07596396 0 0 1 -0.03456,-0.0084 c -0.03313,0.06161 -0.05585,0.128247 -0.06552,0.198135 a 0.07596396,0.07596396 0 0 1 0.06904,0.07561 0.07596396,0.07596396 0 0 1 -0.06904,0.0756 c 0.01011,0.0731 0.03455,0.1426 0.0702,0.20656 a 0.07596396,0.07596396 0 0 1 0.02987,-0.0061 0.07596396,0.07596396 0 0 1 0.07596,0.07596 0.07596396,0.07596396 0 0 1 -0.01971,0.05094 c 0.03958,0.04467 0.08503,0.08483 0.134675,0.119596 a 0.07596396,0.07596396 0 0 1 0.05087,-0.01968 0.07596396,0.07596396 0 0 1 0.07596,0.07596 0.07596396,0.07596396 0 0 1 -0.0017,0.01555 c 0.076,0.03498 0.157456,0.05817 0.240231,0.06675 a 0.07596396,0.07596396 0 0 1 0.07173,-0.05127 v -0.01434 c -0.298777,0 -0.629695,-0.247532 -0.629695,-0.595525 0,-0.347993 0.350177,-0.595458 0.629695,-0.595458 v -0.01866 a 0.07596396,0.07596396 0 0 1 -0.07021,-0.04714 z', 'm 50.74574,25.596372 c -2.604452,0.264479 -5.167111,0.998151 -7.55406,2.106848 a 2.3481772,2.3481772 0 0 1 0.133842,0.772562 2.3481772,2.3481772 0 0 1 -2.348177,2.348177 2.3481772,2.3481772 0 0 1 -1.765269,-0.803568 c -1.524323,1.088911 -2.918851,2.342274 -4.127394,3.735173 a 2.3481772,2.3481772 0 0 1 0.76636,1.731677 2.3481772,2.3481772 0 0 1 -2.348177,2.348177 2.3481772,2.3481772 0 0 1 -1.068152,-0.259416 c -1.024242,1.904569 -1.726533,3.96435 -2.0252,6.124692 a 2.3481772,2.3481772 0 0 1 2.134238,2.337324 2.3481772,2.3481772 0 0 1 -2.134238,2.336808 c 0.312505,2.259494 1.068009,4.408021 2.169895,6.385141 a 2.3481772,2.3481772 0 0 1 0.923457,-0.189653 2.3481772,2.3481772 0 0 1 2.348177,2.348177 2.3481772,2.3481772 0 0 1 -0.609264,1.57458 c 1.223426,1.380911 2.628371,2.622418 4.163052,3.696933 a 2.3481772,2.3481772 0 0 1 1.572515,-0.608232 2.3481772,2.3481772 0 0 1 2.348177,2.348177 2.3481772,2.3481772 0 0 1 -0.05271,0.480592 c 2.349416,1.081149 4.867191,1.79799 7.425905,2.063438 a 2.3481772,2.3481772 0 0 1 2.217436,-1.584915 v -0.443383 c -9.235705,0 -19.464963,-7.651645 -19.464963,-18.408695 0,-10.757062 10.824573,-18.40663 19.464963,-18.40663 V 27.053647 A 2.3481772,2.3481772 0 0 1 50.74574,25.596372 Z', 'm 51.208762,25.563299 v 0 l -9.239229,4.764567 v 0 l -1.732196,-1.795759 v 0 L 33.1556,36.892839 v 0 l -2.473751,-0.09405 v 0 l 1.332736,9.23923 -2.411739,1.412834 v 0 0 0 0 l 10.397298,12.126391 v 0 0 0 0 c -2.531455,-2.97329 -4.969033,-6.002907 -5.770188,-10.014376 v 0 L 33.881139,38.03334 c 0,0 4.314938,-8.522091 19.035015,-10.006109 v 0 z', 'm 53.082716,25.759672 -2.000911,-1.918229 v 0 0 0 c -7.487809,5.898 -15.710544,9.874927 -22.568151,11.070694 v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0.06178,11.71776 -0.845587,22.170469 9.455858,30.66696 10.301445,8.496493 12.591226,12.245102 15.062911,17.33419 v 0 0 h 0.0321 v 0 C 51.917597,78.176206 45.894094,70.226966 38.959897,64.478758 34.790734,61.022665 32.285046,55.368508 32.292869,49.924321 l 0.0184,-12.80359 C 42.647761,34.573025 51.598903,27.432706 52.387501,26.737388 l 0.529167,-0.529167 z'], attrs: { 'stroke-width': '0px', 'stroke': 'none', 'fill': this.strokeColor } }, { name: 'borderRight', d: [ 'm 52.986366,45.373976 c 0.08426,0.0086 0.167158,0.03229 0.244377,0.06816 a 0.07596396,0.07596396 0 0 0 -0.0043,0.02499 0.07596396,0.07596396 0 0 0 0.07596,0.07596 0.07596396,0.07596396 0 0 0 0.05711,-0.026 c 0.04931,0.03523 0.09443,0.07577 0.133522,0.120834 a 0.07596396,0.07596396 0 0 0 -0.02479,0.05602 0.07596396,0.07596396 0 0 0 0.07596,0.07596 0.07596396,0.07596396 0 0 0 0.03455,-0.0084 c 0.03314,0.06161 0.05585,0.128247 0.06552,0.198135 a 0.07596396,0.07596396 0 0 0 -0.06904,0.07561 0.07596396,0.07596396 0 0 0 0.06904,0.0756 c -0.01011,0.0731 -0.03455,0.1426 -0.0702,0.20656 a 0.07596396,0.07596396 0 0 0 -0.02987,-0.0061 0.07596396,0.07596396 0 0 0 -0.07596,0.07596 0.07596396,0.07596396 0 0 0 0.01971,0.05094 c -0.03958,0.04467 -0.08503,0.08483 -0.134675,0.119596 a 0.07596396,0.07596396 0 0 0 -0.05087,-0.01968 0.07596396,0.07596396 0 0 0 -0.07596,0.07596 0.07596396,0.07596396 0 0 0 0.0017,0.01555 c -0.076,0.03498 -0.157457,0.05817 -0.240232,0.06675 a 0.07596396,0.07596396 0 0 0 -0.07173,-0.05127 v -0.01434 c 0.298777,0 0.629695,-0.247532 0.629695,-0.595525 0,-0.347993 -0.350177,-0.595458 -0.629695,-0.595458 v -0.01866 a 0.07596396,0.07596396 0 0 0 0.07021,-0.04714 z', 'm 55.086566,25.596372 c 2.604452,0.264479 5.167111,0.998151 7.55406,2.106848 a 2.3481772,2.3481772 0 0 0 -0.133842,0.772562 2.3481772,2.3481772 0 0 0 2.348177,2.348177 2.3481772,2.3481772 0 0 0 1.765269,-0.803568 c 1.524323,1.088911 2.918851,2.342274 4.127394,3.735173 a 2.3481772,2.3481772 0 0 0 -0.76636,1.731677 2.3481772,2.3481772 0 0 0 2.348177,2.348177 2.3481772,2.3481772 0 0 0 1.068152,-0.259416 c 1.024242,1.904569 1.726533,3.96435 2.0252,6.124692 a 2.3481772,2.3481772 0 0 0 -2.134238,2.337324 2.3481772,2.3481772 0 0 0 2.134238,2.336808 c -0.312505,2.259494 -1.068009,4.408021 -2.169895,6.385141 a 2.3481772,2.3481772 0 0 0 -0.923457,-0.189653 2.3481772,2.3481772 0 0 0 -2.348177,2.348177 2.3481772,2.3481772 0 0 0 0.609264,1.57458 c -1.223426,1.380911 -2.628371,2.622418 -4.163052,3.696933 a 2.3481772,2.3481772 0 0 0 -1.572515,-0.608232 2.3481772,2.3481772 0 0 0 -2.348177,2.348177 2.3481772,2.3481772 0 0 0 0.05271,0.480592 c -2.349416,1.081149 -4.867191,1.79799 -7.425905,2.063438 a 2.3481772,2.3481772 0 0 0 -2.217436,-1.584915 v -0.443383 c 9.235705,0 19.464963,-7.651645 19.464963,-18.408695 0,-10.757062 -10.824573,-18.40663 -19.464963,-18.40663 v -0.576709 a 2.3481772,2.3481772 0 0 0 2.170413,-1.457275 z', 'm 54.623546,25.563299 v 0 l 9.239229,4.764567 v 0 l 1.732196,-1.79576 v 0 l 7.081737,8.360733 v 0 l 2.473751,-0.09405 v 0 l -1.332736,9.23923 2.411739,1.412834 v 0 0 0 0 L 65.832164,59.577244 v 0 0 0 0 c 2.531455,-2.97329 4.969033,-6.002907 5.770188,-10.014376 v 0 L 71.951169,38.03334 c 0,0 -4.314938,-8.522091 -19.035015,-10.006109 v 0 z', 'm 53.082715,25.759672 2.000911,-1.918229 v 0 0 0 c 7.487809,5.898 15.710544,9.874927 22.568151,11.070694 v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c -0.06178,11.71776 0.845587,22.170469 -9.455858,30.66696 -10.301445,8.496493 -12.591226,12.245102 -15.062911,17.33419 v 0 0 h -0.0321 v 0 c 1.146926,-4.737081 7.170429,-12.686321 14.104626,-18.434529 4.169163,-3.456093 6.674851,-9.11025 6.667028,-14.554437 l -0.0184,-12.80359 C 63.51767,34.573025 54.566528,27.432706 53.77793,26.737388 l -0.529167,-0.529167 z'], attrs: { 'stroke-width'.........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看