



代码标签: 引擎 实现 图表 愤怒 小鸟 效果

下面为部分代码预览,完整代码请点击下载或在bfwstudio webide中打开

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">

@import url(;
body {
  font-family: Lato, Tahoma;
  color: #888;
  font-size: 0.8em;

a {
  color: #8dab22;
  text-decoration: none

a:hover {
  color: #668300;
  text-decoration: none

<body translate="no">

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<div id="container" style="width: 900px; height: 500px; position:relative;">
<div id="chartdiv" style="width: 900px; height: 500px; position:absolute;" ontouchstart="addBird();" onmousedown="addBird();" onmouseup="releaseBird();" ontouchend="releaseBird();"></div>
<img src="" style="width:70px; height:110px; position:absolute; bottom:17px; left:100px; pointer-events: none;" />
<img src="" id="bird" style="width:45px; height:45px; position:absolute; top:-100px; left:50px; pointer-events: none;" />
<div style="width:300px; top:84px; left:95px; position:absolute;">This small demo is a followup to the article about physics in data visualization. Demo is made with amCharts JavaScript Charts library and box2D physics engine. P.S. you know where to get the original game ;)</div>

// amcharts part

function randomData() {
  return [{
    "year": "" },
    "year": "" },
    "year": "" },
    "year": "" },
    "year": "" },
    "year": "" },

    "year": 2003,
    "europe": randomVal(),
    "namerica": randomVal() - 1,
    "asia": randomVal(),
    "pattern": {
      "url": "",
      "width": 4,
      "height": 4 },

    "color": "#000000" },
    "year": 2004,
    "europe": randomVal(),
    "namerica": randomVal() - 1,
    "asia": randomVal(),
    "pattern": {
      "url": "",
      "width": 4,
      "height": 4 },

    "color": "#000000" },
    "year": 2005,
    "europe": randomVal(),
    "namerica": randomVal(),
    "asia": randomVal() },

    "year": "" },

    "year": "" },

    "year": "" }];


var chart = AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv", {
  "type": "serial",
  "marginLeft": 10,
  "marginBottom": 20,
  "balloon": {
    "fontSize": 16 },

  "panEventsEnabled": true,
  "autoMargins": false,
  "startDuration": 1,
  "columnWidth": 0.4,
  "dataProvider": randomData(),
  "valueAxes": [{
    "stackType": "regular",
    "axisAlpha": 0.3,
    "gridAlpha": 0.1,
    "inside": true,
    "position": "left" }],

  "graphs": [{
    "fillAlphas": 0.8,
    "lineAlpha": 0.3,
    "title": "Europe",
    "type": "column",
    "color": "#000000",
