



代码标签: 旋转 三维 音乐 卡通 人物 效果

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<meta charset="utf-8">

html { height: 100%; }

body {
  min-height: 100%;
  margin: 0;
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;
  background: #435;
  color: white;
  font-family: sans-serif;
  text-align: center;

canvas {
  display: block;
  margin: 0 auto;
  cursor: move;
<div class="container">

// -------------------------- utils -------------------------- //

var TAU = Math.PI * 2;

function extend( a, b ) {
  for ( var prop in b ) {
    a[ prop ] = b[ prop ];
  return a;

function lerp( a, b, t ) {
  return ( b - a ) * t + a;

function modulo( num, div ) {
  return ( ( num % div ) + div ) % div;

// -------------------------- Vector3 -------------------------- //

function Vector3( position ) {
  this.set( position );

Vector3.prototype.set = function( pos ) {
  pos = Vector3.sanitize( pos );
  this.x = pos.x;
  this.y = pos.y;
  this.z = pos.z;
  return this;

Vector3.prototype.rotate = function( rotation ) {
  if ( !rotation ) {
  this.rotateZ( rotation.z );
  this.rotateY( rotation.y );
  this.rotateX( rotation.x );
  return this;

Vector3.prototype.rotateZ = function( angle ) {
  rotateProperty( this, angle, 'x', 'y' );

Vector3.prototype.rotateX = function( angle ) {
  rotateProperty( this, angle, 'y', 'z' );

Vector3.prototype.rotateY = function( angle ) {
  rotateProperty( this, angle, 'x', 'z' );

function rotateProperty( vec, angle, propA, propB ) {
  if ( angle % TAU === 0 ) {
  var cos = Math.cos( angle );
  var sin = Math.sin( angle );
  var a = vec[ propA ];
  var b = vec[ propB ];
  vec[ propA ] = a*cos - b*sin;
  vec[ propB ] = b*cos + a*sin;

Vector3.prototype.add = function( vec ) {
  if ( !vec ) {
  vec = Vector3.sanitize( vec );
  this.x += vec.x;
  this.y += vec.y;
  this.z += vec.z;
  return this;

Vector3.prototype.multiply = function( vec ) {
  if ( !vec ) {
  vec = Vector3.sanitize( vec );
  this.x *= vec.x;
  this.y *= vec.y;
  this.z *= vec.z;
  return this;

Vector3.prototype.lerp = function( vec, t ) {
  this.x = lerp( this.x, vec.x, t );
  this.y = lerp( this.y, vec.y, t );
  this.z = lerp( this.z, vec.z, t );
  return this;

// ----- utils ----- //

// add missing properties
Vector3.sanitize = function( vec ) {
  vec = vec || {};
  vec.x = vec.x || 0;
  vec.y = vec.y || 0;
  vec.z = vec.z || 0;
  return vec;

// -------------------------- PathAction -------------------------- //

function PathAction( method, points, previousPoint ) {
  this.method = method;
  this.points = points.map( mapVectorPoint );
  this.renderPoints = points.map( mapVectorPoint );
  this.previousPoint = previousPoint;
  this.endRenderPoint = this.renderPoints[ this.renderPoints.length - 1 ];
  // arc actions come with previous point & corner point
  // but require bezier control points
  if ( method == 'arc' ) {
    this.controlPoints = [ new Vector3(), new Vector3() ];

function mapVectorPoint( point ) {
  return new Vector3( point );

PathAction.prototype.reset = function() {
  // reset renderPoints back to orignal points position
  var points = this.points;
  this.renderPoints.forEach( function( renderPoint, i ) {
    var point = points[i];
    renderPoint.set( point );

PathAction.prototype.transform = function( translation, rotation, scale ) {
  this.renderPoints.forEach( function( renderPoint ) {
    renderPoint.multiply( scale );
    renderPoint.rotate( rotation );
    renderPoint.add( translation );

PathAction.prototype.render = function( ctx ) {
  this[ this.method ]( ctx );

PathAction.prototype.move = function( ctx ) {
  var point = this.renderPoints[0];
  ctx.moveTo( point.x, point.y );

PathAction.prototype.line = function( ctx ) {
  var point = this.renderPoints[0];
  ctx.lineTo( point.x, point.y );

PathAction.prototype.bezier = function( ctx ) {
  var cp0 = this.renderPoints[0];
  var cp1 = this.renderPoints[1];
  var end = this.renderPoints[2];
  ctx.bezierCurveTo( cp0.x, cp0.y, cp1.x, cp1.y, end.x, end.y );

PathAction.prototype.arc = function( ctx ) {
  var prev = this.previousPoint;
  var corner = this.renderPoints[0];
  var end = this.renderPoints[1];
  var cp0 = this.controlPoints[0];
  var cp1 = this.controlPoints[1];
  cp0.set( prev ).lerp( corner, 9/16 );
  cp1.set( end ).lerp( corner, 9/16 );
  ctx.bezierCurveTo( cp0.x, cp0.y, cp1.x, cp1.y, end.x, end.y );

// -------------------------- Shape -------------------------- //

function Shape( options ) {
  this.create( options );

Shape.prototype.create = function( options ) {
  // default
  extend( this, Shape.defaults );
  // set options
  setOptions( this, options );


  // transform
  this.translate = new Vector3( options.translate );
  this.rotate = new Vector3( options.rotate );
  var scale = extend( { x: 1, y: 1, z: 1 }, options.scale );
  this.scale = new Vector3( scale );
  // children
  this.children = [];
  if ( this.addTo ) {
    this.addTo.addChild( this );

Shape.defaults = {
  stroke: true,
  fill: false,
  color: 'black',
  lineWidth: 1,
  closed: true,
  rendering: true,
  path: [ {} ],

var optionKeys = Object.keys( Shape.defaults ).concat([

function setOptions( shape, options ) {
  for ( var key in options ) {
    if ( optionKeys.includes( key ) ) {
      shape[ key ] = options[ key ];

var actionNames = [

// parse path into PathActions
Shape.prototype.updatePathActions = function() {
  var previousPoint;
  this.pathActions = this.path.map( function( pathPart, i ) {
    // pathPart can be just vector coordinates -> { x, y, z }
    // or path instruction -> { arc: [ {x0,y0,z0}, {x1,y1,z1} ] }
    var keys = Object.keys( pathPart );
    var method = keys[0];
    var points = pathPart[ method ];
    var isInstruction = keys.length === 1 && actionNames.includes( method ) &&
      Array.isArray( points );

    if ( !isInstruction ) {
      method = 'line';
      points = [ pathPart ];

    // first action is always move
    method = i === 0 ? 'move' : method;
    // arcs require previous last point
    var pathAction = new PathAction( method, points, previousPoint );
    // update previousLastPoint
    previousPoint = pathAction.endRenderPoint;
    return pathAction;

Shape.prototype.addChild = function( shape ) {
  this.children.push( shape );

// ----- update ----- //

Shape.prototype.update = function() {
  // update self
  // update children
  this.children.forEach( function( child ) {
  this.transform( this.translate, this.rotate, this.scale );

Shape.prototype.reset = function() {
  // reset pathAction render points
  this.pathActions.forEach( function( pathAction ) {

Shape.prototype.transform = function( translation, rotation, scale ) {
  // transform points
  this.pathActions.forEach( function( pathAction ) {
    pathAction.transform( translation, rotation, scale );
  // transform children
  this.children.forEach( function( child ) {
    child.transform( translation, rotation, scale );

Shape.prototype.updateSortValue = function() {
  var sortValueTotal = 0;
  this.pathActions.forEach( function( pathAction ) {
    sortValueTotal += pathAction.endRenderPoint.z;
  // average sort value of all points
  // def not geometrically correct, but works for me
  this.sortValue = sortValueTotal / this.pathActions.length;

// ----- render ----- //

Shape.prototype.render = function( ctx ) {
  var length = this.pathActions.length;
  if ( !this.rendering || !length ) {
  var isDot = length == 1;
  if ( isDot ) {
    this.renderDot( ctx );
  } else {
    this.renderPath( ctx );

// Safari does not render lines with no size, have to render circle instead
Shape.prototype.renderDot = function( ctx ) {
  ctx.fillStyle = this.color;
  var point = this.pathActions[0].endRenderPoint;
  var radius = this.lineWidth/2;
  ctx.arc( point.x, point.y, radius, 0, TAU );

Shape.prototype.renderPath = function( ctx ) {
  // set render properties
  ctx.fillStyle = this.color;
  ctx.strokeStyle = this.color;
  ctx.lineWidth = this.lineWidth;

  // render points
  this.pathActions.forEach( function( pathAction ) {
    pathAction.render( ctx );
  var isTwoPoints = this.pathActions.length == 2 &&
    this.pathActions[1].method == 'line';
  if ( !isTwoPoints && this.closed ) {
  if ( this.stroke ) {
  if ( this.fill ) {

// return Array of self & all child shapes
Shape.prototype.getShapes = function() {
  var shapes = [ this ];
  this.children.forEach( function( child ) {
    var childShapes = child.getShapes();
    shapes = shapes.concat( childShapes );
  return shapes;

Shape.prototype.copy = function( options ) {
  // copy options
  var shapeOptions = {};
  optionKeys.forEach( function( key ) {
    shapeOptions[ key ] = this[ key ];
  }, this );
  // add set options
  setOptions( shapeOptions, options );
  var ShapeClass = this.constructor;
  return new ShapeClass( shapeOptions );

// -------------------------- Ellipse -------------------------- //

function Ellipse( options ) {
  options = this.setPath( options );
  // always keep open
  // fixes overlap bug when lineWidth is greater than radius
  options.closed = false;
  this.create( options );

Ellipse.prototype = Object.create( Shape.prototype );
Ellipse.prototype.constructor = Ellipse;

Ellipse.prototype.setPath = function( options ) {
  var w = options.width/2;
  var h = options.height/2;
  options.path = [
    { x: 0, y: -h },
    { arc: [ // top right
