



代码标签: css 三维 扫雷机 爬行 机器人

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<html lang="en">


    <meta charset="UTF-8">

        * {
            box-sizing: border-box;
        html {
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;
        body {
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;
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            position: relative;
            overflow: hidden;
        /* The stage. Set the perspective and origin here. */
        .canvas {
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;
            position: absolute;
            perspective: 500px;
            --offsetPerspectiveX: 0px;
            --offsetPerspectiveY: 0px;
            perspective-origin: calc(50% + var(--offsetPerspectiveX)) calc(50% + var(--offsetPerspectiveY));
            transition: perspective-origin 0.25s ease;
        /* 3D Canvas transform-style */
        .canvas * {
            transform-style: preserve-3d;
        /* Auto center the camera */
        .canvas > * {
            position: absolute;
            top: 50%;
            left: 50%;
        /* Apply camera rotation here. */
        .globalCamera {
        /* Framework internals and test */
        @keyframes _rotateTest {
            0% {
                transform: rotateX(0deg);
            100% {
                transform: rotateX(360deg) rotateY(360deg) rotateZ(360deg);
        @keyframes _rotateYTest {
            0% {
                transform: rotateY(0deg);
            100% {
                transform: rotateY(360deg);
        @keyframes _rotateZTest {
            0% {
                transform: rotateZ(0deg);
            100% {
                transform: rotateZ(360deg);
        @keyframes _rotateXTest {
            0% {
                transform: rotateX(0deg);
            100% {
                transform: rotateX(360deg);
        .reusableBox {
            --width: 10px;
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        ._reusableBox__boxFace {
            position: absolute;
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            top: calc(var(--width) / -2);
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            transform: rotateY(0deg) translateZ(calc(var(--width) / 2));
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            transform: rotateY(180deg) translateZ(calc(var(--width) / 2));
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            transform: rotateX(90deg) translateZ(calc(var(--height) / 2));
        ._reusableBox__boxBottom {
            transform: rotateX(-90deg) translateZ(calc(var(--height) / 2));
        ._test ._reusableBox__boxFront {
            background: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5);
        ._test ._reusableBox__boxBack {
            background: rgba(0, 128, 255, 0.5);
        ._test ._reusableBox__boxLeft {
            background: rgba(0, 255, 34, 0.5);
        ._test ._reusableBox__boxRight {
            background: rgba(221, 0, 255, 0.5);
        ._test ._reusableBox__boxBottom {
            background: rgba(230, 255, 0, 0.5);
        ._test ._reusableBox__boxTop {
            background: rgba(230, 255, 0, 0.5);
        html {
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        body {
        .canvas {
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            perspective: 1500px;
        .globalCamera {
            transform: rotateX(-10deg) rotateY(20deg);
            /*transition: transform 0.1s ease;*/
            /*animation: _rotateYTest 10s linear infinite;*/
        .creeper {
            /*transform: rotateY(30deg);*/
            --unitSize: 2.5vh;
        .creeperHead {
            --width: calc(var(--unitSize) * 8);
            --height: calc(var(--unitSize) * 8);
            --length: calc(var(--unitSize) * 8);
            transform: translateY(calc(var(--unitSize) * -10));
        .creeperLegs {
            transform: translateY(calc(var(--unitSize) * 9));
        .creeperLeg {
            --width: calc(var(--unitSize) * 4);
            --height: calc(var(--unitSize) * 6);
            --length: calc(var(--unitSize) * 4);
            transform-origin: 0 calc(var(--height) / -2) calc(var(--length) / -2);
            animation: walk 2s ease-in-out infinite;
        .leg3 .creeperLeg, .leg2 .creeperLeg {
            transform-origin: 0 calc(var(--height) / -2) calc(var(--length) / 2);
        .leg2 .creeperLeg, .leg4 .creeperLeg {
            animation-delay: -1s;
        @keyframes walk {
            0% {
                transform: rotateX(7deg);
            50% {
                transform: rotateX(-7deg);
            100% {
                transform: rotateX(7deg);
        .leg1 {
            transform: translate3d(calc(var(--unitSize) * -2), 0, calc(var(--unitSize) * 4));
        .leg2 {
            transform: translate3d(calc(var(--unitSize) * -2), 0, calc(var(--unitSize) * -4));
        .leg3 {
            transform: translate3d(calc(var(--unitSize) * 2), 0, calc(var(--unitSize) * -4));
        .leg4 {
            transform: translate3d(calc(var(--unitSize) * 2), 0, calc(var(--unitSize) * 4));
        .creeper ._reusableBox__boxFace {
            display: grid;
            /*filter: drop-shadow(1px 0 #00000088) drop-shadow(-1px 0 #00000088) drop-shadow(0 1px #00000088) drop-shadow(0 -1px #00000088);*/
            filter: saturate(1.2) drop-shadow(0 0 1px #000a);
        .creeperHead ._reusableBox__boxFace {
            grid-template-rows: repeat(8, 1fr);
            grid-template-columns: repeat(8, 1fr);
        .creeperBody {
            --length: calc(var(--unitSize) * 8);
            --width: calc(var(--unitSize) * 4);
            --height: calc(var(--unitSize) * 12);
        .explode ._reusableBox__boxFace {
            animation: flash 0.5s ease-out forwards;
        .explode .creeperLeg {
            animation: none;
        .explode {
            animation: expand 2s cubic-bezier(1, 0, 1, 0.5) forwards;
        @keyframes flash {
            0% {
                filter: brightness(3) saturate(1.2) drop-shadow(0 0 1px #000a);
            100% {
                filter: brightness(1.2) saturate(1.2) drop-shadow(0 0 1px #000a);
        @keyframes expand {
            0% {
                transform: scale(1);
            100% {
                transform: scale3d(1.3, 1.3, 1.3);


        <div class="canvas">
            <div class="globalCamera">
                <div class="creeper">
                    <div class="reusableBox creeperBody">
                        <div class="_reusableBox__boxFace _reusableBox__boxBack" style="grid-template-columns: repeat(8, 1fr); grid-template-rows: repeat(12, 1fr);">
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                            <div style="background: rgb(116, 200, 99);"></div>
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                            <div style="background: rgb(104, 195, 89);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(84, 179, 68);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(80, 188, 76);"></div>
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                            <div style="background: rgb(90, 145, 88);"></div>
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                            <div style="background: rgb(101, 192, 85);"></div>
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                            <div style="background: rgb(161, 203, 161);"></div>
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                            <div style="background: rgb(121, 206, 105);"></div>
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                            <div style="background: rgb(95, 179, 82);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(119, 197, 105);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(188, 223, 180);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(114, 202, 96);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(155, 215, 149);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(119, 203, 102);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(130, 222, 112);"></div>
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                            <div style="background: rgb(208, 215, 205);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(30, 78, 24);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(71, 178, 57);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(112, 220, 93);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(87, 208, 71);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(191, 210, 187);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(163, 208, 158);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(172, 208, 163);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(85, 184, 83);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(154, 215, 142);"></div>
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                            <div style="background: rgb(96, 195, 81);"></div>
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                            <div style="background: rgb(31, 84, 23);"></div>
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                            <div style="background: rgb(30, 78, 24);"></div>
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                            <div style="background: rgb(95, 197, 89);"></div>
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                            <div style="background: rgb(77, 186, 76);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(76, 157, 73);"></div>
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                            <div style="background: rgb(80, 147, 78);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(101, 192, 86);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(75, 200, 62);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(110, 203, 106);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(87, 144, 86);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(172, 220, 161);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(191, 220, 185);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(72, 147, 70);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(93, 210, 75);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(196, 223, 192);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(11, 161, 11);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(104, 195, 89);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(188, 210, 185);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(31, 84, 23);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(130, 222, 112);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(101, 188, 85);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(147, 210, 132);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(93, 210, 75);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(151, 210, 141);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(207, 223, 203);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(114, 191, 99);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(150, 212, 140);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(118, 196, 104);"></div>
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                            <div style="background: rgb(120, 198, 106);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(176, 210, 170);"></div>
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                            <div style="background: rgb(83, 148, 80);"></div>
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                            <div style="background: rgb(105, 177, 92);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(100, 158, 99);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(89, 210, 74);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(96, 184, 81);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(75, 141, 73);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(139, 210, 130);"></div>
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                            <div style="background: rgb(130, 208, 119);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(164, 210, 154);"></div>
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                            <div style="background: rgb(94, 208, 76);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(63, 135, 56);"></div>
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                            <div style="background: rgb(87, 144, 86);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(178, 215, 170);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(147, 215, 140);"></div>
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                            <div style="background: rgb(91, 131, 90);"></div>
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                            <div style="background: rgb(184, 210, 179);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(93, 210, 75);"></div>
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                            <div style="background: rgb(154, 215, 144);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(87, 152, 86);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(93, 154, 92);"></div>
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                            <div style="background: rgb(71, 191, 53);"></div>
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                            <div style="background: rgb(192, 223, 185);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(80, 177, 67);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(91, 212, 75);"></div>
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                            <div style="background: rgb(154, 215, 142);"></div>
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                            <div style="background: rgb(87, 144, 86);"></div>
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                            <div style="background: rgb(213, 213, 213);"></div>
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                            <div style="background: rgb(114, 193, 99);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(165, 205, 159);"></div>
                            <div style="background: rgb(83, 153, 80);"></div>
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                            <div style="background: rgb(220, 220, 220);"></div>
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