代码标签: processing canvas 万圣节 捉鬼 游戏 代码
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<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <style> * { margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; overflow: hidden; } body { background: #242424; width: 100%; height: 100vh; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } body canvas { box-shadow: 0.2em 0.2em 2em #0008; border: none; outline: none; } </style> </head> <body translate="no"> <canvas id="canvas"></canvas> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script > var sketchProc = function(processingInstance) { with (processingInstance) { size(600, 600); frameRate(60); smooth(); var game; //Keys/Mouse { //Key|Button stuff var clicked = false; var hover = false; var keys = []; keyPressed = function () { keys[keyCode] = true; }; keyReleased = function () { keys[keyCode] = false; }; mouseClicked = function () { clicked = true; }; } /** @created_by MKaelin368 (KWC) (c) 2018 */ var setKALoopTimeout = function (ms) { var method_name = "KAInfiniteLoopSetTimeout"; if (method_name in this) { this[method_name](ms >>> 0); } }; var Button = function (config) { this.x = config.x || 0; this.y = config.y || 0; this.size = config.size || 100; this.content = config.content || "Home"; = || "home"; this.textSize = config.textSize || this.size / 5; this.borderColor = color(12, 31, 3, 20); this.backColor = color(70, 71, 71, 150); this.textColor = config.textColor || color(170, 170, 170); this.backColorHover = color(102, 105, 105, 150); this.textColorHover = color(130, 130, 130); this.growth = 0; this.func = config.func || function() {}; this.draw = function () { pushStyle(); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); textSize(this.textSize + (this.growth * 0.1)); noStroke(); //shadow fill(20, 20, 20, 30); ellipse(this.x, this.y + this.size * 0.52, (this.size + this.growth) * 0.8, (this.size + this.growth) * 0.3); //circles if (dist(mouseX, mouseY, this.x, this.y) <= this.size / 2) { //hover hover = true; this.growth = constrain(this.growth + 0.5, 0, 10); if (clicked) { this.func(); } fill(this.backColorHover); stroke(this.borderColor); noStroke(); ellipse(this.x, this.y, this.size + this.growth, this.size + this.growth); fill(this.textColorHover); switch(this.content) { case "Play": triangle(this.x + this.size*0.25, this.y, this.x - this.size*0.15, this.y - this.size*0.25, this.x - this.size*0.15, this.y + this.size*0.25); break; case "How": pushStyle(); textSize(this.size*0.6); text("?", this.x, this.y); popStyle(); break; case "Sound": pushStyle(); noStroke(); fill(this.textColorHover); triangle(this.x, this.y - this.size * 0.3, this.x, this.y + this.size * 0.3, this.x - this.size * 0.3, this.y); rect(this.x - this.size * 0.3, this.y - this.size * 0.1, this.size * 0.3, this.size * 0.2); if(game.sound) { noFill(); stroke(this.textColorHover); strokeWeight(this.size/20); arc(this.x + this.size * 0.1, this.y, this.size * 0.2, this.size * 0.2, -91, 90); arc(this.x + this.size * 0.1, this.y, this.size * 0.4, this.size * 0.4, -81, 80); } else { noFill(); stroke(this.textColorHover); strokeWeight(this.size/20); line(this.x + this.size * 0.1, this.y - this.size * 0.1, this.x + this.size * 0.25, this.y + this.size * 0.1); line(this.x + this.size * 0.1, this.y + this.size * 0.1, this.x + this.size * 0.25, this.y - this.size * 0.1); } popStyle(); break; case "Story": pushStyle(); noFill(); stroke(this.textColorHover); strokeWeight(4); line(this.x-this.size*0.23, this.y-this.size*0.2, this.x+this.size*0.23, this.y-this.size*0.2); line(this.x-this.size*0.23, this.y, this.x+this.size*0.23, this.y); line(this.x-this.size*0.23, this.y+this.size*0.2, this.x+this.size*0.23, this.y+this.size*0.2); popStyle(); break; case "Scoreboard": pushStyle(); noFill(); stroke(this.textColorHover); strokeWeight(this.size * 0.14); strokeCap(SQUARE); line(this.x, this.y + this.size * 0.25, this.x, this.y - this.size * 0.3); line(this.x - this.size * 0.2, this.y + this.size * 0.25, this.x - this.size * 0.2, this.y - this.size * 0.1); line(this.x + this.size * 0.2, this.y + this.size * 0.25, this.x + this.size * 0.2, this.y - this.size * 0.2); popStyle(); break; case "Back": pushStyle(); beginShape(); vertex(this.x+this.size*0.25, this.y); //1 vertex(this.x+this.size*0.25, this.y+this.size*0.25); //2 vertex(this.x+this.size*0.07, this.y+this.size*0.25); //3 vertex(this.x+this.size*0.07, this.y+this.size*0.12); //4 vertex(this.x-this.size*0.07, this.y+this.size*0.12); //5 vertex(this.x-this.size*0.07, this.y+this.size*0.25); //6 vertex(this.x-this.size*0.25, this.y+this.size*0.25); //7 vertex(this.x-this.size*0.25, this.y); //8 vertex(this.x, this.y-this.size*0.2); //9 vertex(this.x+this.size*0.25, this.y); //10 endShape(); noFill(); stroke(this.textColorHover); strokeWeight(this.size*0.05); line(this.x-this.size*0.27, this.y-this.size*0.05, this.x, this.y-this.size*0.27); line(this.x+this.size*0.27, this.y-this.size*0.05, this.x, this.y-this.size*0.27); line(this.x+this.size*0.15, this.y-this.size*0.19, this.x+this.size*0.15, this.y-this.size*0.25); popStyle(); break; case "Replay": pushStyle(); noFill(); stroke(this.textColorHover); strokeWeight(5); pushMatrix(); translate(this.x, this.y); rotate(radians(game.rate * 5)); arc(0, 0, this.size * 0.6, this.size * 0.6, 1, 275); noStroke(); fill(this.textColorHover); translate(this.size * 0.30, -this.size * 0.18); rotate(radians(-70)); triangle(0, -this.size * 0.1, -this.size * 0.14, -this.size * 0.3, this.size * 0.14, -this.size * 0.3); popMatrix(); popStyle(); break; default: text(this.content, this.x, this.y); } } else { //not hover this.growth = constrain(this.growth - 0.5, 0, 10); fill(this.backColor); strokeWeight(2); stroke(this.borderColor, 100); noStroke(); ellipse(this.x, this.y, this.size + this.growth, this.size + this.growth); fill(this.textColor); switch(this.content) { case "Play": triangle(this.x + this.size*0.25, this.y, this.x - this.size*0.15, this.y - this.size*0.25, this.x - this.size*0.15, this.y + this.size*0.25); break; case "How": pushStyle(); textSize(this.size*0.6); text("?", this.x, this.y); popStyle(); break; case "Sound": pushStyle(); noStroke(); fill(this.textColor); triangle(this.x, this.y - this.size * 0.3, this.x, this.y + this.size * 0.3, this.x - this.size * 0.3, this.y); rect(this.x - this.size * 0.3, this.y - this.size * 0.1, this.size * 0.3, this.size * 0.2); if(game.sound) { noFill(); stroke(this.textColor); strokeWeight(this.size/20); arc(this.x + this.size * 0.1, this.y, this.size * 0.2, this.size * 0.2, -91, 90); arc(this.x + this.size * 0.1, this.y, this.size * 0.4, this.size * 0.4, -81, 80); } else { noFill(); stroke(this.textColor); strokeWeight(this.size/20); line(this.x + this.size * 0.1, this.y - this.size * 0.1, this.x + this.size * 0.25, this.y + this.size * 0.1); line(this.x + this.size * 0.1, this.y + this.size * 0.1, this.x + this.size * 0.25, this.y - this.size * 0.1); } popStyle(); break; case "Story": pushStyle(); noFill(); stroke(this.textColor); strokeWeight(4); line(this.x-this.size*0.23, this.y-this.size*0.2, this.x+this.size*0.23, this.y-this.size*0.2); line(this.x-this.size*0.23, this.y, this.x+this.size*0.23, this.y); line(this.x-this.size*0.23, this.y+this.size*0.2, this.x+this.size*0.23, this.y+this.size*0.2); popStyle(); break; case "Scoreboard": pushStyle(); noFill(); stroke(this.textColor); strokeWeight(this.size * 0.14); strokeCap(SQUARE); line(this.x, this.y + this.size * 0.25, this.x, this.y - this.size * 0.3); line(this.x - this.size * 0.2, this.y + this.size * 0.25, this.x - this.size * 0.2, this.y - this.size * 0.1); line(this.x + this.size * 0.2, this.y + this.size * 0.25, this.x + this.size * 0.2, this.y - this.size * 0.2); popStyle(); break; case "Back": pushStyle(); beginShape(); vertex(this.x+this.size*0.25, this.y); //1 vertex(this.x+this.size*0.25, this.y+this.size*0.25); //2 vertex(this.x+this.size*0.07, this.y+this.size*0.25); //3 vertex(this.x+this.size*0.07, this.y+this.size*0.12); //4 vertex(this.x-this.size*0.07, this.y+this.size*0.12); //5 vertex(this.x-this.size*0.07, this.y+this.size*0.25); //6 vertex(this.x-this.size*0.25, this.y+this.size*0.25); //7 vertex(this.x-this.size*0.25, this.y); //8 vertex(this.x, this.y-this.size*0.2); //9 vertex(this.x+this.size*0.25, this.y); //10 endShape(); noFill(); stroke(this.textColor); strokeWeight(this.size*0.05); line(this.x-this.size*0.27, this.y-this.size*0.05, this.x, this.y-this.size*0.27); line(this.x+this.size*0.27, this.y-this.size*0.05, this.x, this.y-this.size*0.27); line(this.x+this.size*0.15, this.y-this.size*0.19, this.x+this.size*0.15, this.y-this.size*0.25); popStyle(); break; case "Replay": pushStyle(); noFill(); stroke(this.textColor); strokeWeight(5); pushMatrix(); translate(this.x, this.y); rotate(radians(sin(game.rate * 5) * 20)); arc(0, 0, this.size * 0.6, this.size * 0.6, 1, 275); noStroke(); fill(this.textColor); translate(this.size * 0.30, -this.size * 0.18); rotate(radians(-70)); triangle(0, -this.size * 0.1, -this.size * 0.14, -this.size * 0.3, this.size * 0.14, -this.size * 0.3); popMatrix(); popStyle(); break; default: text(this.content, this.x, this.y); } } popStyle(); }; }; var Avatar = function(config) { this.type = config.type || 0; this.draw = function() { switch(this.type) { case 0: //Jade pushMatrix(); pushStyle(); //face noStroke(); fill(255, 255, 255); beginShape(); vertex(50, 5); bezierVertex(65, 4, 86, 15, 91, 34); bezierVertex(94, 58, 82, 72, 63, 79); bezierVertex(36, 82, 16, 72, 11, 52); bezierVertex(8, 32, 20, 12, 50, 5); endShape(CLOSE); //body fill(131, 255, 174, 150); stroke(20, 104, 26, 70); strokeWeight(8); beginShape(); vertex(50, 3); bezierVertex(69, 3, 88, 8, 97, 32); bezierVertex(102, 58, 101, 82, 100, 101); bezierVertex(99, 110, 100, 115, 90, 118); bezierVertex(79, 116, 80, 109, 79, 103); bezierVertex(77, 110, 70, 117, 62, 119); bezierVertex(52, 119, 48, 114, 44, 106); bezierVertex(42, 112, 32, 120, 20, 116); bezierVertex(13, 113, 9, 104, 9, 95); bezierVertex(11, 79, 6, 70, 5, 47); bezierVertex(4, 24, 23, 3, 50, 3); endShape(CLOSE); //eyes noStroke(); fill(0, 97, 0); ellipse(39, 29, 25, 23); ellipse(70, 26, 25, 23); //eyeballs fill(174, 255, 174); ellipse(43, 30, 11, 10); ellipse(66, 27, 11, 10); //mouth noFill(); stroke(0, 97, 0, 100); strokeWeight(3); bezier(39, 48, 44, 53, 54, 55, 59, 52); popStyle(); popMatrix(); break; case 1: //Sage pushMatrix(); pushStyle(); //face noStroke(); fill(255, 255, 255); beginShape(); vertex(50, 5); bezierVertex(65, 4, 86, 15, 91, 34); bezierVertex(98, 60, 87, 76, 74, 77); bezierVertex(32, 88, 12, 74, 11, 52); bezierVertex(8, 32, 20, 12, 50, 5); endShape(CLOSE); //body fill(131, 255, 174, 150); stroke(20, 104, 26, 70); strokeWeight(8); beginShape(); vertex(50, 3); bezierVertex(69, 3, 88, 8, 97, 32); bezierVertex(102, 58, 101, 82, 100, 101); bezierVertex(99, 110, 100, 115, 90, 118); bezierVertex(79, 116, 80, 109, 78, 108); bezierVertex(77, 110, 70, 117, 62, 119); bezierVertex(52, 119, 48, 114, 44, 106); bezierVertex(42, 112, 32, 120, 20, 116); bezierVertex(13, 113, 9, 104, 9, 95); bezierVertex(11, 79, 6, 70, 5, 47); bezierVertex(4, 24, 23, 3, 50, 3); endShape(CLOSE); //glasses noFill(); stroke(206, 114, 30); strokeWeight(4); beginShape(); vertex(21, 15); bezierVertex(48, 12, 69, 9, 83, 6); bezierVertex(85, 18, 82, 23, 74, 26); bezierVertex(65, 27, 62, 22, 58, 15); bezierVertex(58, 22, 56, 33, 43, 34); bezierVertex(31, 34, 25, 25, 21, 16); endShape(CLOSE); strokeWeight(2); line(24, 22, 58, 17); line(28, 28, 56, 23); line(61, 16, 84, 12); line(63, 23, 83, 17); //mouth noFill(); stroke(0, 97, 0, 100); strokeWeight(3); bezier(23, 33, 32, 46, 44, 43, 49, 41); popStyle(); popMatrix(); break; case 2: //Kelly pushMatrix(); pushStyle(); noStroke(); //face fill(255, 255, 255); beginShape(); vertex(50, 5); bezierVertex(65, 4, 86, 15, 91, 34); bezierVertex(94, 58, 82, 68, 63, 73); bezierVertex(36, 77, 16, 72, 11, 52); bezierVertex(8, 32, 20, 12, 50, 5); endShape(CLOSE); //body fill(131, 255, 174, 150); stroke(20, 104, 26, 70); strokeWeight(8); beginShape(); vertex(50, 3); bezierVertex(69, 3, 88, 8, 97, 32); bezierVertex(100, 58, 93, 82, 100, 101); bezierVertex(101, 110, 100, 115, 90, 118); bezierVertex(77, 116, 77, 109, 74, 103); bezierVertex(74, 110, 67, 117, 59, 119); bezierVertex(47, 119, 43, 114, 39, 96); bezierVertex(42, 112, 32, 120, 20, 116); bezierVertex(13, 113, 9, 104, 9, 95); bezierVertex(11, 79, 6, 70, 5, 47); bezierVertex(4, 24, 23, 3, 50, 3); endShape(CLOSE); //eyes noStroke(); fill(0, 97, 0); ellipse(44, 21, 21, 19); ellipse(65, 20, 21, 19); //eyeballs fill(174, 255, 174); ellipse(47, 22, 8, 7); ellipse(62, 21, 8, 7); //mouth noStroke(); fill(0, 97, 0, 100); beginShape(); vertex(35, 33); bezierVertex(42, 33, 45, 44, 55, 43); bezierVertex(61, 43, 64, 49, 62, 54); bezierVertex(55, 60, 43, 57, 33, 52); bezierVertex(27, 43, 29, 36, 35, 33); endShape(CLOSE); popStyle(); popMatrix(); break; case 3: //Olive pushMatrix(); pushStyle(); //ears fill(131, 255, 174, 150); stroke(20, 104, 26, 70); strokeWeight(8); beginShape(); vertex(67, 14); bezierVertex(72, 8, 79, 7, 85, 5); bezierVertex(89, 15, 91, 21, 90, 29); endShape(CLOSE); beginShape(); vertex(37, 17); bezierVertex(30, 10, 22, 8, 15, 7); bezierVertex(11, 19, 17, 31, 20, 38); endShape(CLOSE); //face noStroke(); fill(255, 255, 255); beginShape(); vertex(50, 12); bezierVertex(65, 10, 86, 15, 91, 34); bezierVertex(97, 58, 82, 68, 63, 71); bezierVertex(36, 74, 16, 68, 11, 52); bezierVertex(8, 32, 20, 17, 50, 12); endShape(CLOSE); //body fill(131, 255, 174, 150); stroke(20, 104, 26, 70); strokeWeight(8); beginShape(); vertex(50, 7); bezierVertex(69, 7, 88, 8, 97, 32); bezierVertex(102, 58, 101, 82, 100, 101); bezierVertex(99, 110, 100, 115, 90, 118); bezierVertex(79, 116, 80, 109, 79, 103); bezierVertex(77, 110, 70, 117, 62, 119); bezierVertex(52, 119, 48, 114, 44, 106); bezierVertex(42, 112, 32, 120, 20, 116); bezierVertex(13, 113, 9, 104, 9, 95); bezierVertex(11, 79, 6, 70, 5, 47); bezierVertex(4, 24, 23, 8, 50, 7); endShape(CLOSE); //eyes noStroke(); fill(0, 97, 0); ellipse(32, 28, 10, 9); ellipse(74, 24, 10, 9); //mouth noFill(); stroke(0, 97, 0, 100); strokeWeight(3); bezier(46, 32, 48, 36, 53, 36, 55, 32); bezier(55, 33, 58, 35, 62, 36, 63, 30); //fish //head noStroke(); fill(127, 136, 117); beginShape(); vertex(55, 36); bezierVertex(67, 42, 74, 48, 71, 53); bezierVertex(60, 55, 50, 55, 46, 54); bezierVertex(45, 51, 51, 43, 55, 36); endShape(CLOSE); fill(177, 185, 157); beginShape(); vertex(55, 36); bezierVertex(67, 42, 74, 48, 71, 52); bezierVertex(56, 53, 59, 55, 55, 36); endShape(CLOSE); //eye noStroke(); fill(61, 60, 61); ellipse(52, 49, 5, 5); //tail fill(177, 185, 157); beginShape(); vertex(58, 71); bezierVertex(62, 71, 68, 73, 72, 77); bezierVertex(67, 78, 60, 77, 58, 71); endShape(CLOSE); fill(127, 136, 117); beginShape(); vertex(58, 71); bezierVertex(56, 77, 52, 80, 49, 80); bezierVertex(45, 79, 47, 74, 58, 71); endShape(CLOSE); //spine noFill(); stroke(138, 135, 138); strokeWeight(2); line(58, 56, 58, 71); strokeWeight(2); line(49, 59, 66, 58); line(49, 65, 64, 65); popStyle(); popMatrix(); break; case 4: //Plum pushMatrix(); pushStyle(); //head noStroke(); fill(173, 73, 255); beginShape(); vertex(49, 8); bezierVertex(65, 9, 82, 15, 88, 31); bezierVertex(91, 55, 80, 70, 62, 79); bezierVertex(40, 83, 17, 74, 10, 48); bezierVertex(11, 24, 27, 12, 48, 8); endShape(CLOSE); //body fill(220, 123, 254, 150); stroke(219, 81, 251, 70); strokeWeight(8); beginShape(); vertex(49, 3); bezierVertex(63, 2, 80, 9, 89, 23); bezierVertex(102, 43, 95, 83, 91, 108); vertex(80, 92); vertex(58, 119); vertex(41, 106); vertex(29, 117); vertex(21, 104); vertex(12, 115); bezierVertex(7, 84, 2, 53, 6, 33); bezierVertex(12, 16, 29, 6, 49, 3); endShape(CLOSE); //eyes strokeWeight(2); fill(255, 255, 255, 200); beginShape(); vertex(57, 25); vertex(80, 22); bezierVertex(82, 30, 77, 36, 72, 36); bezierVertex(63, 36, 61, 32, 57, 25); endShape(CLOSE); beginShape(); vertex(21, 29); vertex(53, 26); bezierVertex(54, 35, 49, 42, 40, 43); bezierVertex(28, 42, 24, 36, 21, 29); endShape(CLOSE); //mouth beginShape(); vertex(58, 46); bezierVertex(62, 45, 68, 40, 73, 43); bezierVertex(76, 50, 74, 56, 68, 61); bezierVertex(61, 64, 52, 64, 46, 60); bezierVertex(42, 55, 41, 50, 42, 47); bezierVertex(46, 45, 49, 46, 57, 46); endShape(CLOSE); //teeth line(56, 46, 53, 62); line(63, 45, 70, 60); //eyeballs noStroke(); fill(173, 73, 254, 250); arc(41, 27, 14, 15, -10, 181); arc(68, 24, 12, 11, -14, 181); //freckles strokeWeight(2); stroke(255, 255, 255, 150); point(34, 48); point(37, 55); point(29, 52); point(78, 42); point(81, 49); point(83, 40); popStyle(); popMatrix(); break; case 5: //Periwinkle pushMatrix(); translate(-3, -5); scale(1.05); pushStyle(); //head noStroke(); fill(173, 73, 255, 150); beginShape(); vertex(48, 5); bezierVertex(64, 6, 78, 13, 88, 24); bezierVertex(94, 36, 96, 48, 96, 58); vertex(90, 55); vertex(89, 63); vertex(75, 41); vertex(68, 53); vertex(53, 37); vertex(46, 52); vertex(36, 43); vertex(28, 56); vertex(20, 44); vertex(6, 62); bezierVertex(5, 48, 5, 33, 11, 22); bezierVertex(19, 12, 32, 6, 48, 5); endShape(CLOSE); //body fill(220, 123, 254, 150); stroke(219, 81, 251, 70); strokeWeight(8); beginShape(); vertex(45, 15); bezierVertex(59, 13, 75, 24, 83, 42); bezierVertex(87, 65, 89, 89, 91, 105); vertex(83, 101); vertex(75, 109); vertex(67, 103); vertex(58, 109); vertex(51, 104); vertex(44, 112); vertex(37, 100); vertex(25, 109); vertex(18, 98); vertex(10, 103); bezierVertex(11, 83, 10, 60, 10, 44); bezierVertex(16, 27, 29, 18, 45, 15); endShape(CLOSE); //mouth strokeWeight(2); fill(255, 255, 255, 200); beginShape(); vertex(48, 54); bezierVertex(55, 54, 61, 57, 61, 64); bezierVertex(59, 69, 49, 72, 39, 72); bezierVertex(33, 68, 31, 59, 31, 53); bezierVertex(37, 50, 40, 50, 48, 54); endShape(CLOSE); //tounge noStroke(); fill(173, 73, 255, 100); beginShape(); vertex(32, 60); bezierVertex(35, 54, 39, 57, 44, 59); bezierVertex(46, 60, 50, 66, 52, 70); bezierVertex(48, 71, 42, 72, 38, 71); bezierVertex(33, 66, 33, 65, 33, 62); endShape(CLOSE); //freckles strokeWeight(2); stroke(255, 255, 255, 150); point(21, 53); point(17, 57); point(25, 59); point(70, 56); point(75, 49); point(78, 54); popStyle(); popMatrix(); break; case 6: //Iris pushMatrix(); translate(-2, -3); scale(1.05); pushStyle(); //head noStroke(); fill(173, 73, 255, 150); beginShape(); vertex(50, 9); bezierVertex(63, 9, 81, 17, 88, 32); bezierVertex(92, 55, 81, 74, 65, 81); bezierVertex(44, 85, 26, 80, 17, 68); bezierVertex(10, 52, 9, 36, 15, 24); bezierVertex(25, 14, 36, 12, 50, 9); endShape(CLOSE); //body fill(220, 123, 254, 150); stroke(219, 81, 251, 70); strokeWeight(8); beginShape(); vertex(48, 4); bezierVertex(66, 4, 85, 12, 92, 26); bezierVertex(98, 44, 98, 68, 91, 88); vertex(77, 116); vertex(69, 104); vertex(59, 118); vertex(43, 104); vertex(28, 115); bezierVertex(15, 89, 9, 71, 6, 51); bezierVertex(6, 36, 8, 24, 17, 16); bezierVertex(28, 8, 36, 5, 48, 4); endShape(CLOSE); //eye strokeWeight(2); fill(255, 255, 255, 200); ellipse(57, 39, 40, 40); fill(173, 73, 255, 200); stroke(219, 81, 251, 70); ellipse(58, 39, 20, 20); noStroke(); fill(255, 255, 255, 200); ellipse(54, 36, 6, 6); //mouth noFill(); stroke(255, 255, 255, 200); arc(59, 62, 18, 16, -4, 174); //headband noStroke(); fill(173, 73, 255, 200); beginShape(); vertex(7, 24); bezierVertex(34, 17, 68, 12, 87, 15); vertex(94, 26); bezierVertex(56, 26, 21, 31, 4, 36); endShape(CLOSE); popStyle(); popMatrix(); break; case 7: //Mulberry pushMatrix(); pushStyle(); //head noStroke(); fill(173, 73, 255, 150); beginShape(); vertex(38, 12); bezierVertex(52, 11, 66, 13, 74, 17); bezierVertex(78, 20, 80, 25, 78, 30); bezierVertex(77, 40, 71, 56, 64, 64); bezierVertex(55, 71, 40, 73, 21, 67); bezierVertex(8, 59, 6, 44, 9, 31); bezierVertex(14, 19, 27, 15, 36, 12); endShape(CLOSE); //body fill(220, 123, 254, 150); stroke(219, 81, 251, 70); strokeWeight(8); beginShape(); vertex(96, 14); vertex(79, 39); bezierVertex(91, 57, 100, 90, 98, 112); vertex(74, 89); vertex(61, 116); vertex(36, 96); vertex(13, 115); bezierVertex(4, 92, 2, 73, 1, 48); bezierVertex(3, 31, 6, 13, 26, 7); bezierVertex(45, 1, 71, 4, 96, 14); endShape(CLOSE); //eyes strokeWeight(2); fill(255, 255, 255, 200); ellipse(31, 28, 26, 26); ellipse(56, 21, 21, 21); //eyeballs noStroke(); fill(173, 73, 254, 250); ellipse(33, 27, 14, 14); ellipse(54, 21, 11, 11); //nose ellipse(92, 14, 14, 14); //tounge beginShape(); vertex(32, 48); bezierVertex(36, 52, 41, 53, 48, 55); bezierVertex(46, 64, 44, 69, 36, 70); bezierVertex(28, 68, 26, 60, 30, 48); endShape(CLOSE); //mouth noFill(); strokeWeight(2); stroke(173, 73, 254, 250); bezier(28, 46, 32, 49, 49, 57, 54, 54); popStyle(); popMatrix(); break; } }; }; var Spirit = function(config) { this.headColor = config.headColor; this.bodyColor = config.bodyColor; this.bodyStroke = config.bodyStroke; this.draw = function() { pushStyle(); noStroke(); fill(173, 73, 255, 150); fill(this.headColor); ellipse(40, 79, 70, 55); fill(220, 123, 254, 150); fill(this.bodyColor); stroke(219, 81, 251, 70); stroke(this.bodyStroke); strokeWeight(8); beginShape(); vertex(42, 35); bezierVertex(56, 48, 61, 48, 75, 65); bezierVertex(78, 74, 78, 88, 71, 97); bezierVertex(68, 103, 56, 104, 52, 107); bezierVertex(34, 107, 16, 105, 12, 100); bezierVertex(3, 89, 1, 76, 12, 58); bezierVertex(17, 51, 36, 41, 42, 35); endShape(CLOSE); noStroke(); fill(40, 100); ellipse(28, 71, 10, 10); ellipse(50, 71, 10, 10); strokeWeight(1); popStyle(); }; }; var Web = function(config) { this.x = config.x || 0; this.y = config.y || 0; this.scale = config.scale || { x: 1, y: 1 }; this.color = color(184, 182, 184); this.draw = function() { noFill(); strokeWeight(1); stroke(this.color); pushMatrix(); translate(this.x, this.y); scale(this.scale.x, this.scale.y); beginShape(); vertex(320, 80); bezierVertex(280, 53, 270, 53, 220, 0); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(320, 80); bezierVertex(320, 63, 300, 53, 290, 0); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(320, 80); bezierVertex(330, 63, 320, 55, 350, 0); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(320, 80); bezierVertex(340, 78, 345, 72, 400, 42); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(320, 80); bezierVertex(345, 98, 355, 98, 400, 110); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(320, 80); bezierVertex(335, 118, 345, 128, 400, 190); endShape(); //first row beginShape(); vertex(287, 58); bezierVertex(298, 56, 300, 56, 305, 46); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(305, 46); bezierVertex(312, 56, 320, 56, 329, 50); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(329, 50); bezierVertex(335, 66, 335, 66, 344, 73); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(344, 73); bezierVertex(340, 76, 340, 80, 346, 95); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(346, 95); bezierVertex(338, 104, 338, 97, 339, 116); endShape(); //second row beginShape(); vertex(260, 38); bezierVertex(280, 37, 285, 35, 296, 23); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(296, 23); bezierVertex(310, 35, 320, 33, 338, 26); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(338, 26); bezierVertex(340, 45, 350, 52, 368, 61); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(368, 61); bezierVertex(355, 80, 360, 82, 371, 102); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(371, 102); bezierVertex(355, 120, 360, 122, 357, 139); endShape(); //third row beginShape(); vertex(235, 16); bezierVertex(270, 17, 280, 15, 290, 0); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(290, 0); bezierVertex(315, 17, 330, 15, 347, 5); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(347, 5); bezierVertex(360, 37, 350, 35, 392, 47); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(392, 47); bezierVertex(380, 67, 370, 90, 395, 108); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(395, 108); bezierVertex(380, 117, 370, 140, 378, 165); endShape(); //forth row beginShape(); vertex(372, 0); bezierVertex(380, 27, 385, 25, 400, 26); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(400, 137); bezierVertex(384, 163, 392, 175, 393, 182); endShape(); popMatrix(); }; }; var Spider = function(config) { pushMatrix(); translate(config.x, config.y); noStroke(); fill(20, config.opacity || 255); //body ellipse(350, 220, 20, 25); //head ellipse(350, 237, 10, 10); //stripe noFill(); stroke(config.color, 100); strokeWeight(3); ellipse(350, 216, 3, 8); ellipse(350, 223, 2, 2); noFill(); stroke(20, config.opacity || 255); strokeWeight(2); //eyes line(348, 240, 348, 242); line(352, 240, 352, 242); strokeWeight(1); //back legs beginShape(); vertex(340, 220); bezierVertex(325, 210, 326, 206, 326, 199); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(360, 220); bezierVertex(375, 210, 374, 206, 374, 199); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(341, 212); bezierVertex(327, 202, 334, 196, 333, 190); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(359, 212); bezierVertex(373, 202, 366, 196, 367, 190); endShape(); //front legs beginShape(); vertex(340, 223); bezierVertex(336, 225, 336, 228, 328, 230); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(328, 230); bezierVertex(332, 250, 332, 248, 334, 250); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(360, 223); bezierVertex(364, 225, 364, 228, 372, 230); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(372, 230); bezierVertex(368, 250, 368, 248, 366, 250); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(342, 227); bezierVertex(340, 229, 340, 232, 334, 234); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(334, 234); bezierVertex(338, 254, 343, 252, 342, 255); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(358, 227); bezierVertex(360, 229, 360, 232, 366, 234); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(366, 234); bezierVertex(362, 254, 357, 252, 358, 255); endShape(); popMatrix(); }; var AI = function(config) { this.x = config.x || 300; this.y = config.y || 300; this.vx = 0; this.vy = 0; this.px = this.x; = this.y; this.w = config.w || 40; this.h = config.h || 40; this.angle = config.angle || 0; this.segments = []; this.SPEED_MIN = config.SPEED_MIN || 4; this.SPEED_MAX = config.SPEED_MAX || 6; this.speed = this.SPEED_MIN; this.dir = 0; this.faceDir = 1; this.color = config.color || game.COLORS.purple; this.REACH_MIN = config.REACH_MIN || this.w * 0.5; this.REACH_MAX = config.REACH_MAX || this.w * 2; this.reach = this.REACH_MIN; this.GEM_TIMER = config.GEM_TIMER || 300; this.gemTimer = config.gemTimer || 0; this.SPEED_TIMER = config.SPEED_TIMER || 300; this.speedTimer = config.speedTimer || 0; this.points = 0; = || 0; // 0 = GREEN, 1 = Purple this.index = config.index || 0; //0-3 = index of the ghost = { x: 0, y: 0 }; this.hasTargetGem = false; this.counter = 1; this.img = config.img || undefined; this.spiritImg = config.spiritImg || undefined; this.init(); }; = function(config) { var obj = Object.create(AI.prototype); AI.apply(obj, arguments); return obj; }; AI.prototype.init = function() { this.segments.length = 0; }; AI.prototype.update = function() { this.hasTargetGem = false; = ~~random(; = ~~random(; this.angle = atan2( - this.y, - this.x); this.vx = this.speed * cos(this.angle); this.vy = this.speed * sin(this.angle); if(this.gemTimer > 0) { this.gemTimer = constrain(this.gemTimer - 1, 0, this.GEM_TIMER); if(this.gemTimer === 0) { this.reach = this.REACH_MIN; } } if(this.speedTimer > 0) { this.speedTimer = constrain(this.speedTimer - 1, 0, this.SPEED_TIMER); if(this.speedTimer === 0) { this.speed = this.SPEED_MIN; } } }; AI.prototype.home = function() { //check to see if shoud head back to base var coordsArr = === "GREEN" ? game.levels[game.level] : game.levels[game.level].coords.purple; var goingHome = false; for(var i = 0; i < coordsArr.length; i++) { var item = coordsArr[i]; if(this.segments.length >= item.gems) { if(game.collision(this, { x: item.from.x * game.BLOCK_SIZE, y: item.from.y * game.BLOCK_SIZE, w: item.from.w * game.BLOCK_SIZE, h: item.from.h * game.BLOCK_SIZE })) { = * game.BLOCK_SIZE; = * game.BLOCK_SIZE; goingHome = true; break; } } } if(goingHome) { this.angle = atan2( - this.y, - this.x); this.vx = (this.speed * random(0.5, 1)) * cos(this.angle); this.vy = (this.speed * random(0.5, 1)) * sin(this.angle); if(this.gemTimer > 0) { this.gemTimer = constrain(this.gemTimer - 1, 0, this.GEM_TIMER); if(this.gemTimer === 0) { this.reach = this.REACH_MIN; } } if(this.speedTimer > 0) { this.speedTimer = constrain(this.speedTimer - 1, 0, this.SPEED_TIMER); if(this.speedTimer === 0) { this.speed = this.SPEED_MIN; } } } }; AI.prototype.move = function() { this.px = this.x; = this.y; if(this.counter++ % 300 === 0) { this.update(); } if(!this.hasTargetGem && this.counter % 10 === 0) { this.home(); } this.x += this.vx; this.y += this.vy; this.dir = this.vx === 0 ? 0 : this.vx < 0 ? -1 : 1; if(this.vx < 0) { this.faceDir = -1; } else if(this.vx > 0){ this.faceDir = 1; } }; AI.prototype.draw = function() { noStroke(); fill(this.color, 150); for(var i = 0; i < this.segments.length; i++) { var segment = this.segments[i]; if(i === 0) { segment.x = this.x + this.w / 2; segment.y = this.y + this.h / 2; } else { segment.x = lerp(segment.x, this.segments[i-1].x, 0.15); segment.y = lerp(segment.y, this.segments[i-1].y, 0.15); } image(this.spiritImg, segment.x - segment.w * 0.25, segment.y - segment.h * 0.25, segment.w, segment.h); } pushMatrix(); translate(this.x + this.w / 2, this.y + this.h / 2); //rotate(this.angle); if(this.faceDir === -1) { translate(this.w * 0.25, 0); scale(-1, 1); } translate(-this.x-this.w / 2, -this.y-this.h / 2); image(this.img, this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h); popMatrix(); }; = function() { this.draw(); this.move(); }; var Player = function(config) { this.x = config.x || 300; this.y = config.y || 300; this.px = this.x; = this.y; this.w = config.w || 40; this.h = config.h || 40; this.angle = config.angle || 0; this.segments = []; this.SPEED_MIN = config.SPEED_MIN || 4; this.SPEED_MAX = config.SPEED_MAX || 6; this.speed = this.SPEED_MIN; this.dir = 0; this.moved = false; this.faceDir = 1; this.color = config.color; this.REACH_MIN = config.REACH_MIN || this.w * 0.5; this.REACH_MAX = config.REACH_MAX || this.w * 2; this.reach = this.REACH_MIN; this.GEM_TIMER = config.GEM_TIMER || 300; this.gemTimer = config.gemTimer || 0; this.SPEED_TIMER = config.SPEED_TIMER || 300; this.speedTimer = config.speedTimer || 0; this.LIGHT_TIMER = config.LIGHT_TIMER || 300; this.lightTimer = config.lightTimer || 0; this.LIGHT_MIN = 15; this.LIGHT_MAX = 40; this.lightRadius = this.LIGHT_MIN; this.points = 0; = || ""; this.index = config.index || 0; //0-7 = index of the ghost this.img = config.img || undefined; this.spiritImg = config.spiritImg || undefined; this.init = function() { this.segments.length = 0; this.reach = this.REACH_MIN; this.gemTimer = 0; this.speedTimer = 0; this.lightTimer = 0; this.reach = this.REACH_MIN; this.lightRadius = this.LIGHT_MIN; }; this.init(); this.update = function() { if(this.gemTimer > 0) { this.gemTimer = constrain(this.gemTimer - 1, 0, this.GEM_TIMER); if(this.gemTimer === 0) { this.reach = this.REACH_MIN; } } if(this.speedTimer > 0) { this.speedTimer = constrain(this.speedTimer - 1, 0, this.SPEED_TIMER); if(this.speedTimer === 0) { this.speed = this.SPEED_MIN; } } if(this.lightTimer > 0) { this.lightTimer = constrain(this.lightTimer - 1, 0, this.LIGHT_TIMER); if(this.lightTimer === 0) { this.lightRadius = this.LIGHT_MIN; } } }; this.move = function() { this.px = this.x; = this.y; this.dir = 0; // if( && mouseIsPressed) { if( { if(mouseX < + this.x) { this.x-= this.speed; this.dir = -1; this.faceDir = -1; this.moved = true; } else if(mouseX > + this.x) { this.x+= this.speed; this.dir = 1; this.faceDir = 1; this.moved = true; } if(mouseY < + this.y) { this.y-= this.speed; this.moved = true; } else if(mouseY > + this.y) { this.y+= this.speed; this.moved = true; } } if(keys[LEFT] || keys[65]) { //Left arrow or A this.x-= this.speed; this.dir = -1; this.faceDir = -1; this.moved = true; } if(keys[RIGHT] || keys[68]) { //Right arrow or D this.x+= this.speed; this.dir = 1; this.faceDir = 1; this.moved = true; } if((keys[UP] || keys[87])) { //Up arrow or W this.y-= this.speed; this.moved = true; } if(keys[DOWN] || keys[83]) { //Down arrow or S this.y+= this.speed; this.moved = true; } this.angle = lerp(this.angle, 10 * this.dir, 0.2); }; this.draw = function() { noStroke(); fill(this.color, 150); for(var i = 0; i < this.segments.length; i++) { var segment = this.segments[i]; if(i === 0) { segment.x = this.x + this.w / 2; segment.y = this.y + this.h / 2; } else { segment.x = lerp(segment.x, this.segments[i-1].x, 0.15); segment.y = lerp(segment.y, this.segments[i-1].y, 0.15); } image(this.spiritImg, segment.x - segment.w * 0.25, segment.y - segment.h * 0.25, segment.w, segment.h); } pushMatrix(); translate(this.x + this.w / 2, this.y + this.h / 2); rotate(radians(this.angle)); if(this.faceDir === -1) { translate(this.w * 0.25, 0); scale(-1, 1); } translate(-this.x-this.w / 2, -this.y-this.h / 2); image(this.img, this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h); popMatrix(); }; = function() { this.draw(); this.move(); this.update(); }; }; var Transition = function(config) { this.h = config.h || 0; this.vy = 15; = || false; = || "home"; //reset the x position back to the left of the screen this.reset = function() { this.h = 0; this.vy = 15; }; //draw the transition - if it's currently active this.draw = function() { if( { pushStyle(); stroke(255, 50); strokeWeight(2); fill(43, 43, 43); rect(0, 0, width, this.h); rect(0, height-this.h, width, this.h); popStyle(); } }; //update the transition - if it's currently active this.update = function() { if( { this.h+= this.vy; //if halfway across the screen then change the scene if(this.h >= 300) { =; //if( === "play") { // game.init(); //} this.vy*= -1; } //else if it's completely off the screen reset it and set to inactive else if(this.h < 0) { this.reset(); = false; } } }; = function() { this.draw(); this.update(); }; }; var Particle = function(config) { this.x = config.x; this.y = config.y; this.vx = config.vx || 0; this.vy = config.vy || 0; this.w = config.w || 5; this.h = config.h || this.w; this.color = config.color; this.opacity = config.opacity || 150; this.opacitySpeed = config.opacitySpeed || 3; }; = function(confog) { var obj = Object.create(Particle.prototype); Particle.apply(obj, arguments); return obj; }; Particle.prototype.update = function() { this.x+= this.vx; this.y+= this.vy; this.opacity-= this.opacitySpeed; }; Particle.prototype.draw = function() { noStroke(); pushMatrix(); translate(this.x, this.y); fill(this.color, this.opacity); ellipse(0, 0, this.w, this.h); popMatrix(); }; = function() { this.draw(); this.update(); }; var Block = function(config) { this.x = config.x || 0; this.y = config.y || 0; this.w = config.w || 40; this.h = config.h || 40; }; = function(config) { var obj = Object.create(Block.prototype); Block.apply(obj, arguments); return obj; }; Block.prototype.draw = function() { if(game.level === 1) { image(game.images.block, this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h); } else if(game.level === 2) { image(game.images.block2, this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h); } else { image(game.images.block3, this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h); } }; = function() { this.draw(); }; var Base = function(config) { this.x = config.x || 0; this.y = config.y || 0; this.w = config.w || 40; this.h = config.h || 40; = || "friend"; this.color = config.color || color(120, 214, 136); }; = function(config) { var obj = Object.create(Base.prototype); Base.apply(obj, arguments); return obj; }; Base.prototype.draw = function() { if( === "GREEN") { image(game.images.friendBase, this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h); } else { image(game.images.foeBase, this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h); } }; = function() { this.draw(); }; var Gem = function(config) { this.x = config.x || 0; this.y = config.y || 0; this.w = config.w || 40; this.h = config.h || 40; this.used = config.used || false; /* types are: - 0 = normal - 1 = extra speed - 2 = wider reach - 3 = visibility */ this.type = config.type || ~~random(4); }; = function(config) { var obj = Object.create(Gem.prototype); Gem.apply(obj, arguments); return obj; }; Gem.prototype.draw = function() { if(this.used) { switch(this.type) { case 0: //normal gem image(game.images.normalSpirit, this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h); break; case 1: //extra speed image(game.images.speedSpirit, this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h); break; case 2: //wider reach image(game.images.reachSpirit, this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h); break; case 3: //wider visibility image(game.images.lightSpirit, this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h); break; } } }; = function() { this.draw(); }; //Game engine var Game = function(config) { = "load"; this.level = 1; this.BLOCK_SIZE = 25; this.COLORS = { green: color(105, 179, 111), purple: color(179, 89, 172) }; this.GEM_COLORS = [ color(55, 214, 209, 150), //normal color(199, 195, 72, 150), //speed color(235, 142, 70, 150), //reach color(222, 93, 136, 150) //light ]; this.player = new Player({ w: this.BLOCK_SIZE, h: this.BLOCK_SIZE, color: }); this.foes = []; this.friends = []; this.foeBases = []; this.friendBases = []; this.levels = [ { grid: [ "------------------------------------------------------------", "------------------------------------------------------------", "------------------------------------------------------------", "------------------------------------------------------------", "------------------------------------------------------------", "------------------------------------------------------------", "------------------------------------------------------------", "------------------------------------------------------------", "------------------------------------------------------------", "------------------------------------------------------------", "------------------------------------------------------------", "------------------------------------------------------------", "------------------------------------------------------------", "------------------------------------------------------------", "------------------------------------------------------------", "------------------------------------------------------------", "------------------------------------------------------------", "------------------------------------------------------------", "------------------------------------------------------------", "------------------------------------------------------------", "------------------------------------------------------------", "------------------------------------------------------------", "------------------------------------------------------------", "------------------------------------------------------------", "------------------------------------------------------------", "------------------------------------------------------------", "------------------------------------------------------------", "------------------------------------------------------------", "------------------------------------------------------------", "------------------------------------------------------------", "------------------------------------------------------------", "------------------------------------------------------------", "------------------------------------------------------------", "------------------------------------------------------------", "------------------------------------------------------------", ] }, // menu { base: { green: { x: 7 * this.BLOCK_SIZE, y: 14 * this.BLOCK_SIZE }, purple: { x: 30 * this.BLOCK_SIZE, y: 14 * this.BLOCK_SIZE } }, coords: { green: [ //green { gems: 2, from: { x: 2, y: 4, w: 3, h: 4 }, to: { x: 6, y: 10 } }, { gems: 2, from: { x: 8, y: 2, w: 2, h: 3 }, to: { x: 8, y: 10 } }, { gems: 2, from: { x: 11, y: 2, w: 5, h: 3 }, to: { x: 8, y: 4 } }, { gems: 2, from: { x: 11, y: 9, w: 4, h: 2 }, to: { x: 8, y: 10 } }, { gems: 2, from: { x: 5, y: 9, w: 5, h: 2 }, to: { x: 7, y: 14 } }, { gems: 3, from: { x: 22, y: 3, w: 5, h: 2 }, to: { x: 14, y: 4 } }, { gems: 3, from: { x: 30, y: 1, w: 4, h: 2 }, to: { x: 22, y: 4 } }, { gems: 3, from: { x: 33, y: 4, w: 3, h: 4 }, to: { x: 32, y: 9 } }, { gems: 3, from: { x: 28, y: 9, w: 5, h: 2 }, to: { x: 24, y: 10 } }, { gems: 3, from: { x: 23, y: 9, w: 4, h: 2 }, to: { x: 23, y: 14 } }, { gems: 2, from: { x: 12, y: 13, w: 14, h: 3 }, to: { x: 12, y: 18 } }, { gems: 2, from: { x: 12, y: 17, w: 9, h: 2 }, to: { x: 9, y: 18 } }, { gems: 3, from: { x: 23, y: 18, w: 12, h: 1 }, to: { x: 12, y: 18 } }, { gems: 2, from: { x: 5, y: 18, w: 5, h: 1 }, to: { x: 7, y: 14 } }, { gems: 2, from: { x: 2, y: 21, w: 5, h: 2 }, to: { x: 6, y: 18 } }, { gems: 2, from: { x: 10, y: 21, w: 3, h: 2 }, to: { x: 5, y: 21 } }, { gems: 3, from: { x: 17, y: 22, w: 4, h: 5 }, to: { x: 16, y: 18 } }, { gems: 3, from: { x: 2, y: 32, w: 5, h: 3 }, to: { x: 11, y: 32 } }, { gems: 3, from: { x: 10, y: 32, w: 3, h: 3 }, to: { x: 11, y: 22 } }, { gems: 4, from: { x: 17, y: 32, w: 17, h: 3 }, to: { x: 11, y: 32 } }, { gems: 3, from: { x: 25, y: 22, w: 3, h: 8 }, to: { x: 25, y: 33 } }, { gems: 3, from: { x: 31, y: 21, w: 4, h: 2 }, to: { x: 31, y: 18 } } ], purple: [ //purple { gems: 2, from: { x: 33, y: 4, w: 3, h: 4 }, to: { x: 31, y: 10 } }, { gems: 2, from: { x: 28, y: 2, w: 2, h: 3 }, to: { x: 28, y: 10 } }, { gems: 2, from: { x: 22, y: 2, w: 5, h: 3 }, to: { x: 29, y: 4 } }, { gems: 2, from: { x: 23, y: 9, w: 4, h: 2 }, to: { x: 30, y: 10 } }, { gems: 2, from: { x: 28, y: 9, w: 5, h: 2 }, to: { x: 30, y: 14 } }, { gems: 3, from: { x: 11, y: 3, w: 5, h: 2 }, to: { x: 23, y: 4 } }, { gems: 3, from: { x: 4, y: 1, w: 4, h: 2 }, to: { x: 15, y: 4 } }, { gems: 3, .........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看