代码标签: zim three 支持 webvr 三维 房间 拼图 代码
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<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> </head> <body translate="no"> <script type="module"> import zim from "https://zimjs.org/cdn/016/zim_three"; // REFERENCES for ZIM at https://zimjs.com // see https://zimjs.com/intro.html for an intro example // see https://zimjs.com/learn.html for video and code tutorials // see https://zimjs.com/docs.html for documentation // see https://codepen.io/topic/zim/ for ZIM on CodePen new Frame(FIT, 1024, 768, black, black, ready, ["image/65c5688cec812.png", "sound/5e16a04d75540.mp3"], "//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/"); function ready() { // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ZIM // FRONT PANEL // TextureActive() - https://zimjs.com/docs.html?item=TextureActive // Parameters: // width, height, interactive, animated, color, color2, angle, borderColor, borderWidth, corner, pattern, scalePattern const puzzle = new TextureActive({ width: H - 120, height: H, color: black.toAlpha(.8), corner: 20 // backingOrbit:false // if not wanting to orbitControl on backing }). addTo(); TextureActive.makeLogo().scaleTo(puzzle, 60).pos(0, 20, CENTER, TOP, puzzle); const scrambler = new Scrambler(chop(new Pic("image/65c5688cec812.png"), 2, 10)). scaleTo(puzzle, 90, 90). center(puzzle). mov(0, 60); scrambler.on("complete", () => { // animate the model using the ZIM animate function animate({ target: canvasWindow, wait: .5, props: { "rotation.y": 360 * 3 * RAD }, ease: "backInOut", time: 1.5, call: () => { canvasWindow.rotation.y = 0; scrambler.scramble(1, 2, 3); // time, wait, num } // reset rotation }); }); scrambler.on("mousedown", () => { new Aud("sound/5e16a04d75540.mp3").play({ loop: true, volume: .2 }); }, null, true); // run once new Rectangle(scrambler.width - 1, scrambler.height - 1, orange). loc(scrambler, null, puzzle). ord(-1); // put under the scrambler // BACK PANEL const backing = new zim.TextureActive({ width: puzzle.width, height: puzzle.height, color: black, corner: 20, animated: false, interactive: false }). addTo(); TextureActive.makeBacking(backing.width, backing.height).addTo(backing); // CANVAS WINDOW // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THREE.JS // Three() - https://zimjs.com/docs.html?item=Three // Parameters: // width, height, color, cameraPosition, cameraLook, interactive, resize, frame, ortho, textureActive, colorSpace, colorManagement, legacyLights, throttle, lay, full, xr, VRButton, xrBufferScale const three = new Three({ width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight, cameraPosition: new THREE.Vector3(0, 3, 6), textureActive: true, xr: true }); const renderer = three.renderer; const scene = three.scene; const camera = three.camera; const skyTexture = new THREE.TextureLoader().load("//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/image/6689c1749b65a.png&qu.........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看