代码标签: webgl canvas 三个 不同 形状 三维 立体 棒棒糖 旋转 动画
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" >
<meta charset="UTF-8">
body { margin: 0; overflow: hidden; }
<body translate="no">
<canvas id="myCanvas"></canvas>
<script >
const canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas');
const gl = canvas.getContext('webgl2');
const vertexShaderSource = `#version 300 es
in vec2 a_position;
void main() {
gl_Position = vec4(a_position, 0.0, 1.0);
const fragmentShaderSource = `#version 300 es
precision highp float;
uniform vec2 iResolution; // Declare as vec2 (canvas width and height)
uniform vec2 iMouse;
uniform float iTime;
out vec4 fragColor;
// Shadertoy code here
#define PI 3.14159265359
#define RES iResolution
#define smax smoothmax
#define rot(a) mat2(cos(a-vec4(0,11,33,0))) // shorthand for rotating objects
#define orbit p.x+=cos(pos +iTime/5.)*pivot/2., p.z+=sin(pos +iTime/5.)*pivot // rotating the objects by setting their x and z coordinates using sine and cosine; using this because I want the x to be scaled by 2
float smoothmax(float d1, float d2, float k) {
float h = max(k - abs(d1 - d2), 0.) / k;
return max(d1, d2) + h * h * k * (1. / 4.);
// initializing some variables globally so they can inherit values from other functions
int partID; // for assigning colors to objects
float pivot = 4.; // radius of the circle in which the objects are spinning
// Signed distance function for a 3D line segment
float map(vec3 p) {
p.z+=pivot; // moving the pivot point from point 0 by the radius of the circular orbit
// Tall helical swirly lollipop:
float pos = PI*4./3.; // its position on the circle
vec3 p0 = p; // the base to cycle back to after defining each object
orbit; // shorthand for the orbiting motion
p.xz*=rot(iTime), p.xy*=rot(PI/6.); // rotate around its y axis and incline by 30deg
float r = .2, // radius of the lollipop
stick1 = smax(length(p.xz) - r/3., max(p.y, abs(-p.y) - 1.4), .1);
p.xz*=rot(p.y*5.); // setting up the helical twist
float wall1 = p.x, wall2 = -wall1, wall3 = p.z, wall4 = -wall3, // creating four vertical walls
result = max(max(wall1,wall2), max(wall3,wall4)); // forming an endless vertical cuboid
//assigning colors to each wall
if (result == wall1) { partID = 1; } // green
else if (result == wall2) { partID = 2; } // red
else if (result == wall3) { partID = 3; } // yellow
else if (result == wall4) { partID = 4; } // blue
else { partID = 5; }
float cyl = length(p.xz) - r; // a cylinder that wraps around the cuboid;
result = smax(mix(result,cyl,1.5)/sqrt(2.),abs(p.y) - 1., .1); // forming the helical swirly by mixing the cuboid and cylinder, and instead of getting the medium between the two, pushing the cylindrical roundness even further'
result = min(result, stick1); // adding the stick to the lolly
if (result == stick1) { partID = 5; } // applying color only after new object has been added to result
// round ball lollipop
p = p0; // resetting the base
pos = PI*2./3.; // setting the object to a new position, a third of the circle away from the first
orbit; // pushing it along the orbit
p.y-=.66 - .25*cos(iTime*3.);
float stick2 = length(p.xz) - .0333; // starting with a cylinder
stick2 = max(stick2, max(p.y,-p.y - 1.5)); // one end starts at the center of the lollipop, the other sticks out from the bottom
result = min(result, stick2); // adding stick to scene
float ball = length(p) - .25;
result = min(result, ball); // sticking the ball onto the stick
p = p0; // reset to base
if (result == ball) { // coloring for the ball, consisting of four colored horizontal stripes that don't follow the ball, but are instead tied to the scene's coordinates, so as it bobs up and down, the pattern changes
for (int b=1;b<5;b++) { // four colors will be set
float floatB = float(b); // converting the variable into a float
for (float d=0.;d<2.;d++) { // two se.........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看