代码描述:js实现一个闯关类跳跃射击怪物 小游戏代码,按住键盘上下左右键控制小人,按键盘a与d键进行射击、避免触碰怪物,收集更多的方块。
下面为部分代码预览,完整代码请点击下载或在bfwstudio webide中打开
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" > <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <style> * { margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; overflow: hidden; } body { background: #222; width: 100%; height: 100vh; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } body canvas { box-shadow: 0.2em 0.2em 2em #0008; border: none; outline: none; } </style> </head> <body > <canvas id="canvas"></canvas> <script type="text/javascript" src="//repo.bfw.wiki/bfwrepo/js/processing.min.js"></script> <script > var sketchProc = function(processingInstance) { with (processingInstance) { size(600, 500); frameRate(60); smooth(); { /**/// // Do not remove this line angleMode = "degrees"; textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); textFont(createFont('monospace')); var game, player; } //Globals { //Key|Button stuff var clicked = false, hover = false; var keys = []; keyPressed = function(){ keys[keyCode] = true; }; keyReleased = function(){ keys[keyCode] = false; }; mouseClicked = function(){ clicked = true; }; } //Keys/Mouse { var Button = function(config) { this.x = config.x || 0; this.y = config.y || 0; this.width = config.width || 100; this.height = config.height || 100; this.content = config.content || "Home"; this.page = config.page || "home"; this.level = config.level || 0; this.textSize = config.textSize || this.width/4; //Normal this.borderColor = config.borderColor || color(130, 135, 135, 100); this.backColor = config.backColor || color(10, 10, 10, 200); this.contentColor = config.contentColor || color(222, 222, 222); //Hover this.borderColorHover = config.borderColorHover || color(130, 135, 135, 50); this.backColorHover = config.bakColorHover || color(29, 29, 29, 200); this.contentColorHover = config.contentColorHover || color(222, 222, 222, 200); }; //Draw the button Button.prototype.draw = function() { strokeWeight(2); if(this.isMouseInside()) { hover = true; if(clicked) { game.page = this.page; if(this.page === "level") { game.level = this.level; } game.reset(); } fill(this.backColorHover); stroke(this.borderColor); rect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height, 8); fill(this.contentColorHover); textSize(this.textSize); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); text(this.content, this.x + this.width/2, this.y + this.height/2); } else { fill(this.backColor); stroke(this.borderColor); rect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height, 8); fill(this.contentColor); textSize(this.textSize); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); text(this.content, this.x + this.width/2, this.y + this.height/2); } }; //Checks if the mouse it over the button Button.prototype.isMouseInside = function() { return mouseX > this.x && mouseX < this.x + this.width && mouseY > this.y && mouseY < this.y + this.height; }; //Handles the hover animation Button.prototype.hover = function(){ if(this.isMouseInside()) { fill(this.backColorHover); rect(this.x-5, this.y-5, this.width + 10, this.height + 10, 8); } }; } //Buttons { //Coin object var Coin = function(x, y, w, h, timeToLive) { this.pos = new PVector(x, y); this.w = w || 5; this.h = h || 5; this.timeToLive = timeToLive || 200; }; Coin.prototype.update = function() { this.timeToLive--; }; //Bone Object - Inherits from Coin var Bone = function(x, y) { this.w = 15; this.h = 3; this.timeToLive = 200; Coin.call(this, x, y, this.w, this.h, this.timeToLive); }; Bone.prototype = Object.create(Coin.prototype); Bone.prototype.display = function() { fill(200, 200, 200, 200); rect(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, this.w, this.h, 5); ellipse(this.pos.x, this.pos.y+this.h/2, 5, 6); ellipse(this.pos.x, this.pos.y-this.h/2, 6, 5); ellipse(this.pos.x + this.w, this.pos.y+this.h/2, 6, 5); ellipse(this.pos.x + this.w, this.pos.y-this.h/2, 5, 6); }; Bone.prototype.run = function() { this.update(); this.display(); }; } //Coins { //Ammo Object var Ammo = function(x, y) { this.pos = new PVector(x, y); this.w = 36; this.h = 30; this.timeToLive = 200; }; Ammo.prototype.update = function() { this.pos.y = constrain(this.pos.y + 3, -50, 370); if(this.pos.y === 370) { this.timeToLive--; } }; Ammo.prototype.display = function() { fill(84, 90, 100); fill(20, 19, 19); rect(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, this.w, this.h); fill(90, 95, 104); fill(28, 26, 26); rect(this.pos.x+this.w/2, this.pos.y, this.w/2, this.h); beginShape(); vertex(this.pos.x, this.pos.y); vertex(this.pos.x-3, this.pos.y+8); vertex(this.pos.x+this.w+3, this.pos.y+8); vertex(this.pos.x+this.w, this.pos.y); vertex(this.pos.x, this.pos.y); endShape(); noStroke(); fill(30, 38, 52); fill(240); textSize(9); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); text("AMMO", this.pos.x + this.w/2, this.pos.y + this.h/2); }; Ammo.prototype.run = function() { this.update(); this.display(); }; } //Ammo { var Cross = function(config) { this.pos = config.pos || new PVector(0, 0); this.scale = config.scale || new PVector(1, 1); this.angle = config.angle || 0; this.lightColor = color(92, 94, 92); this.darkColor = color(87, 89, 87); }; Cross.prototype.display = function() { noStroke(); fill(this.lightColor); pushMatrix(); translate(this.pos.x, this.pos.y); scale(this.scale.x, this.scale.y); rotate(radians(this.angle)); rect(-10, 0, 20, 100); rect(-30, 20, 60, 20); fill(this.darkColor); rect(0, 0, 10, 100); rect(0, 20, 30, 20); popMatrix(); }; } //Cross { var GraveStone = function(config) { this.pos = config.pos || new PVector(0, 0); this.scale = config.scale || new PVector(1, 1); this.angle = config.angle || 0; this.lightColor = color(132, 135, 132); this.darkColor = color(123, 128, 123); }; GraveStone.prototype.display = function() { noStroke(); fill(this.lightColor); pushMatrix(); translate(this.pos.x, this.pos.y); scale(this.scale.x, this.scale.y); rotate(radians(this.angle)); arc(0, 0, 150, 120, radians(181), radians(360)); rect(-75, 0, 150, 100); fill(this.darkColor); arc(0, 0, 150, 120, radians(271), radians(360)); rect(0, 0, 75, 100); textFont(createFont('monospace')); textSize(40); fill(59, 57, 57); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); text("R.I.P", 0, 0); popMatrix(); }; } //Gravestone { //Spider Web Object var SpiderWeb = function(config) { this.pos = config.pos || new PVector(0, 0); this.scale = config.scale || new PVector(1, 1); this.webColor = color(255, 255, 255, 50); }; SpiderWeb.prototype.display = function() { noFill(); strokeWeight(2); stroke(this.webColor); pushMatrix(); translate(this.pos.x, this.pos.y); scale(this.scale.x, this.scale.y); beginShape(); vertex(320, 80); bezierVertex(280, 53, 270, 53, 220, 0); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(320, 80); bezierVertex(320, 63, 300, 53, 290, 0); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(320, 80); bezierVertex(330, 63, 320, 55, 350, 0); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(320, 80); bezierVertex(340, 78, 345, 72, 400, 42); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(320, 80); bezierVertex(345, 98, 355, 98, 400, 110); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(320, 80); bezierVertex(335, 118, 345, 128, 400, 190); endShape(); //first row beginShape(); vertex(287, 58); bezierVertex(298, 56, 300, 56, 305, 46); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(305, 46); bezierVertex(312, 56, 320, 56, 329, 50); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(329, 50); bezierVertex(335, 66, 335, 66, 344, 73); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(344, 73); bezierVertex(340, 76, 340, 80, 346, 95); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(346, 95); bezierVertex(338, 104, 338, 97, 339, 116); endShape(); //second row beginShape(); vertex(260, 38); bezierVertex(280, 37, 285, 35, 296, 23); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(296, 23); bezierVertex(310, 35, 320, 33, 338, 26); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(338, 26); bezierVertex(340, 45, 350, 52, 368, 61); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(368, 61); bezierVertex(355, 80, 360, 82, 371, 102); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(371, 102); bezierVertex(355, 120, 360, 122, 357, 139); endShape(); //third row beginShape(); vertex(235, 16); bezierVertex(270, 17, 280, 15, 290, 0); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(290, 0); bezierVertex(315, 17, 330, 15, 347, 5); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(347, 5); bezierVertex(360, 37, 350, 35, 392, 47); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(392, 47); bezierVertex(380, 67, 370, 90, 395, 108); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(395, 108); bezierVertex(380, 117, 370, 140, 378, 165); endShape(); //forth row beginShape(); vertex(372, 0); bezierVertex(380, 27, 385, 25, 400, 26); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(400, 137); bezierVertex(384, 163, 392, 175, 393, 182); endShape(); popMatrix(); }; } //Spiderweb { var Tree = function(info) { this.x = info.x || width/2; this.y = info.y || height; this.length = info.length || 60; this.depth = info.depth || 4; this.weight = info.weight || 6; this.baseColor = info.baseColor || color(20); }; Tree.prototype.branch = function(length, depth, weight) { strokeWeight(weight); stroke(this.baseColor); line(0, 0, 0, -length); translate(0, -length); if (depth > 0) { depth--; for(var i = 0; i < random(2, 4); i++) { var dir = random() < 0.5 ? 1 : -1; pushMatrix(); rotate(radians(random(10, 40) * dir)); this.branch(length * random(0.65, 0.75), depth, weight * 0.65); popMatrix(); } } }; Tree.prototype.display = function() { pushMatrix(); translate(this.x, this.y); this.branch(this.length, this.depth, this.weight); popMatrix(); }; } //Tree { //Enemy Object var Enemy = function(pos) { this.pos = pos || new PVector(0, 360); //default location is on the ground this.w = 40; this.h = 40; this.speed = 3; this.dir = random() < 0.5 ? 1 : -1; if(this.dir === 1) { this.pos.x = floor(random(-250, -50)); } else { this.pos.x = floor(random(650, 850)); } }; //Zombie Object - Inherits from Enemy var Zombie = function(pos) { Enemy.call(this, pos); this.skinColor = random() < 0.5 ? color(60, 99, 36) : color(79, 53, 110); this.shirtColor = random() < 0.5 ? color(10, 10, 9) : color(18, 33, 38); this.hairColor = color(33, 30, 29); }; Zombie.prototype = Object.create(Enemy.prototype); Zombie.prototype.display = function() { pushMatrix(); translate(this.pos.x, this.pos.y); if(this.dir === -1) { scale(-1, 1); translate(-this.w, 0); } //back arm stroke(this.skinColor); strokeWeight(3); line(this.w, this.h/1.5, this.w+this.w/3, this.h/1.8); //fingers strokeWeight(2); line(this.w+this.w/3, this.h/1.8, this.w+this.w/2, this.h/1.4); line(this.w+this.w/3, this.h/1.8, this.w+this.w/2.5, this.h/1.3); line(this.w+this.w/3, this.h/1.8, this.w+this.w/3.5, this.h/1.3); //body noStroke(); fill(this.skinColor); rect(0, 0, this.w, this.h, 3); //shirt fill(this.shirtColor); rect(0, this.h/2, this.w, this.h/2); //front arm stroke(this.skinColor); strokeWeight(3); line(this.w/2, this.h/1.5, this.w, this.h/1.4); //fingers strokeWeight(2); line(this.w, this.h/1.4, this.w+this.w/8, this.h/1.2); line(this.w, this.h/1.4, this.w+this.w/20, this.h/1.1); line(this.w, this.h/1.4, this.w-this.w/10, this.h/1.1); //hair stroke(this.hairColor); strokeWeight(4); line(2, 0, this.w-2, 0); //fill(68, 112, 53); noStroke(); //eyes fill(251, 249, 166); ellipse(this.w/3 + 5, this.h/3.5, 10, 10); ellipse(this.w - this.w/3 + 5, this.h/3.5, 10, 10); fill(43, 40, 40); ellipse(this.w/3 + 7, this.h/3.1, 2, 2); ellipse(this.w - this.w/3 + 7, this.h/3.9, 2, 2); popMatrix(); noStroke(); }; Zombie.prototype.update = function() { this.pos.x += this.speed * this.dir; if(random() < 0.005) { game.coins.push(new Bone(this.pos.x, 395)); } }; Zombie.prototype.run = function() { this.update(); this.display(); }; //ZamikazeZombie - Inhertis from Zombie > Enemy var KamikazeZombie = function(pos) { Zombie.call(this); this.timeToFall = random(200, 500); this.pos = pos; this.dropSpeed = 7; this.isOnGround = false; }; KamikazeZombie.prototype = Object.create(Zombie.prototype); KamikazeZombie.prototype.drop = function() { if(!this.isOnGround) { this.timeToFall--; if(this.timeToFall < 0) { this.pos.y += this.dropSpeed; if(this.pos.y >= 360) { this.isOnGround = true; } } } this.display(); }; //Spider Object - Inherits from Enemy var Spider = function(pos) { Enemy.call(this, pos); this.headColor = color(31, 29, 28); this.bodyColor = random() < 0.5 ? color(115, 60, 11) : color(3, 3, 3); this.eyeColor = color(180, 180, 180); this.legColor = color(8, 8, 8); }; Spider.prototype = Object.create(Enemy.prototype); Spider.prototype.display = function() { pushMatrix(); translate(this.pos.x, this.pos.y); if(this.dir === -1) { scale(-1, 1); translate(-this.w, 0); } //legs - eight of them :) strokeWeight(1); stroke(this.legColor); for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { //left leg line(0, this.h * 0.2 + this.h/7*i, -this.w/8, this.h * 0.2 + this.h/7*i); line(-this.w/8, this.h * 0.2 + this.h/7*i, -this.w/4, this.h * 0.5 + this.h/6*i); //right leg line(this.w, this.h * 0.2 + this.h/7*i, this.w + this.w/8, this.h * 0.2 + this.h/7*i); line(this.w + this.w/8, this.h * 0.2 + this.h/7*i, this.w + this.w/4, this.h * 0.5 + this.h/6*i); } //body noStroke(); fill(this.headColor); rect(0, 0, this.w, this.h/2, 8, 8, 0, 0); fill(this.bodyColor); rect(0, this.h/2, this.w, this.h/2.5, 0, 0, 8, 8); //eyes - eight of them :) fill(this.eyeColor); for(var i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { ellipse(this.w/5 * i + this.speed/2, this.h/6, 3, 3); ellipse(this.w/5 * i + this.speed/2, this.h/2.7, 3, 3); } //fangs triangle(this.w * 0.4, this.h/2, this.w * 0.5, this.h * 0.75, this.w * 0.55, this.h/2); triangle(this.w * 0.65, this.h/2, this.w * 0.7, this.h * 0.75, this.w * 0.8, this.h/2); popMatrix(); noStroke(); }; Spider.prototype.update = function() { this.pos.x += this.speed * this.dir; if(random() < 0.005) { game.coins.push(new Bone(this.pos.x, 395)); } }; Spider.prototype.run = function() { this.update(); this.display(); }; //ZamikazeSpider - Inhertis from Spider > Enemy var KamikazeSpider = function(pos) { Spider.call(this); this.timeToFall = random(200, 700); this.pos = pos; this.dropSpeed = 7; this.yDir = 1; this.isOnGround = false; }; KamikazeSpider.prototype = Object.create(Spider.prototype); KamikazeSpider.prototype.drop = function() { if(!this.isOnGround) { this.timeToFall--; if(this.timeToFall < 0) { this.pos.y += this.dropSpeed; if(this.pos.y >= 360) { this.isOnGround = true; } } } this.display(); }; //Ghost Object - Inhertis from Enemy var Ghost = function(pos) { Enemy.call(this, pos); this.bodyColor = color(240, 237, 235, 200); this.eyeColor = color(38, 38, 38); this.theta = 0.0; this.amplitude = 20.0; this.dy = 0.0; this.ybase = this.pos.y; }; Ghost.prototype = Object.create(Enemy.prototype); Ghost.prototype.display = function() { pushMatrix(); translate(this.pos.x, this.pos.y); if(this.dir === -1) { scale(-1, 1); translate(-this.w, 0); } //body noStroke(); fill(this.bodyColor); rect(0, 0, this.w, this.h*0.75, 8, 8, 0, 0); arc(this.w/6, this.h*0.75, this.w/3, this.h/2, 0, radians(180)); arc(this.w/2, this.h*0.75, this.w/3, this.h/2, 0, radians(180)); arc(this.w - this.w/6, this.h*0.75, this.w/3, this.h/2, 0, radians(180)); //eyes fill(this.eyeColor); ellipse(this.w/3 + this.speed, this.h/3.5, 4, 4); ellipse(this.w - this.w/3 + this.speed, this.h/3.5, 4, 4); popMatrix(); noStroke(); }; Ghost.prototype.update = function() { this.theta += 3; this.dy = sin(radians(this.theta)) * this.amplitude; this.pos.x += this.speed * this.dir; this.pos.y = this.ybase + this.dy; if(random() < 0.005) { game.coins.push(new Bone(this.pos.x, 395)); } }; Ghost.prototype.run = function() { this.update(); this.display(); }; //ZamikazeGhost - Inhertis from Ghost > Enemy var KamikazeGhost = function(pos) { Ghost.call(this); this.timeToFall = random(200, 700); this.pos = pos; this.dropSpeed = 5; this.isOnGround = false; this.amplitude = 30.0; this.ybase = this.pos.y; }; KamikazeGhost.prototype = Object.create(Ghost.prototype); KamikazeGhost.prototype.drop = function() { if(!this.isOnGround) { this.timeToFall--; if(this.timeToFall < 0) { this.pos.y += this.dropSpeed; if(this.pos.y >= 360) { this.isOnGround = true; } } } this.display(); }; //Vampire Object - Inhertis from Enemy var Vampire = function(pos) { Enemy.call(this, pos); this.headColor = color(214, 213, 171); // this.bodyColor = random() < 0.5 ? color(115, 13, 13) : color(12, 12, 12); this.bodyColor = color(12, 12, 12); this.hairColor = color(22, 22, 22); this.eyeColor = color(38, 38, 38); this.fangColor = color(245, 242, 242); this.capeColor = random() < 0.5 ? color(115, 13, 13) : color(12, 12, 12); this.batColor = color(0); this.isBat = false; this.theta = 0.0; this.amplitude = 20.0; this.dy = 0.0; this.ybase = this.pos.y; }; Vampire.prototype = Object.create(Enemy.prototype); Vampire.prototype.display = function() { pushMatrix(); translate(this.pos.x, this.pos.y); if(this.dir === -1) { scale(-1, 1); translate(-this.w, 0); } if(this.isBat) { fill(this.batColor); //wings noStroke(); pushMatrix(); translate(0, 0); rotate(radians(this.dy*1.5)); beginShape(); vertex(0, 3); vertex(-30, 3); bezierVertex(-29, 6, -26, 9, -27, 12); bezierVertex(-24, 8, -19, 8, -13, 10); bezierVertex(-10, 7, 5, 7, 0, 6); vertex(0, 3); endShape(); popMatrix(); pushMatrix(); translate(15, 0); rotate(radians(-this.dy*1.5)); beginShape(); vertex(0, 3); vertex(30, 3); bezierVertex(29, 6, 26, 9, 27, 12); bezierVertex(24, 8, 19, 8, 13, 10); bezierVertex(10, 7, -5, 7, 0, 6); vertex(0, 3); endShape(); popMatrix(); //body noStroke(); fill(this.batColor); rect(0, 0, 15, 15, 3); //ears triangle(2, 0, 5, -6, 8, 0); triangle(this.w-2, 0, this.w-5, -6, this.w-8, 0); //eyes fill(255); ellipse(5, 4, 3, 3); ellipse(this.w-5, 4, 3, 3); } else { //vampire //body noStroke(); fill(this.headColor); rect(0, 0, this.w, this.h, 3); fill(this.bodyColor); rect(0, this.h/2, this.w, this.h/2); //cape fill(this.capeColor); triangle(0, this.h/4, 0, this.h*0.6, -this.w/6, this.h/4); triangle(this.w, this.h/4, this.w, this.h*0.6, this.w + this.w/6, this.h/4); //fangs fill(this.fangColor); triangle(this.w * 0.3, this.h/2, this.w * 0.4, this.h * 0.75, this.w * 0.45, this.h/2); triangle(this.w * 0.75, this.h/2, this.w * 0.8, this.h * 0.75, this.w * 0.9, this.h/2); triangle(this.w * 0.45, this.h/2, this.w * 0.5, this.h * 0.65, this.w * 0.55, this.h/2); triangle(this.w * 0.65, this.h/2, this.w * 0.7, this.h * 0.65, this.w * 0.75, this.h/2); triangle(this.w * 0.55, this.h/2, this.w * 0.6, this.h * 0.65, this.w * 0.65, this.h/2); //eyes fill(this.eyeColor); ellipse(this.w/3 + this.w/6, this.h/3.5, 4, 4); ellipse(this.w - this.w/3 + this.w/6, this.h/3.5, 4, 4); //hair stroke(this.hairColor); strokeWeight(4); line(0, 0, this.w-1, 0); } popMatrix(); noStroke(); }; Vampire.prototype.update = function() { this.pos.x += this.speed * this.dir; if(random() < 0.005) { game.coins.push(new Bone(this.pos.x, 395)); } }; Vampire.prototype.run = function() { this.update(); this.display(); }; //ZamikazeVampire - Inhertis from Vampire > Enemy var KamikazeVampire = function(pos) { Vampire.call(this); this.timeToFall = random(200, 700); this.pos = pos; this.dropSpeed = 5; this.isOnGround = false; this.amplitude = 20.0; this.ybase = this.pos.y; this.isBat = true; this.w = 15; this.h = 15; this.flyUp = 0; }; KamikazeVampire.prototype = Object.create(Vampire.prototype); KamikazeVampire.prototype.drop = function().........完整代码请登录后点击上方下载按钮下载查看